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I know it’s not Top Trumps but when I had #2 my husband worked an hour and a half away, I had a just 3 year old, a hyperactive dog and had just had a section. That was hard work let me tell you!
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Oh my Christ she’s asking for birth photo recommendations, may god have mercy upon our souls, high definition feebs foof all over the gram 😩🤢
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This woman is obsessed with tits! 🙄
Remove the soggy breast pad and put it in the bin instead of taking a photo for Instagram. Poor little Vesper is eating her dinner and it’s stuck there on the table! 😠 You have time to take swimming costume photos so you have time to tidy up. Get your priorities right!
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You know what? She’s actually putting me off breastfeeding more and more. I don’t have children yet but always wanted to BF, but now she’s making such a show of it and how ‘easy it is’ to whip your nip out when actually that petrifies me. People who aren’t as confident will look at her in absolute fear that we should all be as confident in doing it in public when most people aren’t. Not because of the feeding of their baby, but because of some many judgey people / just general confidence
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Her half naked in the pool and I bet the poor baby is thinking ‘I’m not boobin’ from Mick Hucknall, put me back! put me back NOW’
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I think it's weird, not breastfeeding because that is amazing but I think it's weird having to take a photo every single time she does it, what does she want? A medal? Loads upon loads of people breastfeed without taking hundreds of photos, one is fine but multiple nope
I’m all for sharing positive pictures of breastfeeding, I have shared the odd one of myself, but she does it constantly! It’s like once she’s breastfeeding, that is her entire image and she’s nothing else. You are allowed to be other things as well as a mum.
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Get on your freedom of choice and woman’s rights high horse all you want tbh I couldn’t care less. But clinical guidelines are there for a reason, for many reasons to do with the mothers health, and the baby’s health, but also to protect a midwife and her health continually pulling 17 stone plus women out of water pools, should anything go wrong. Bit hypocritical of you to want rights for the mother, but not for the female health worker? Or do they not matter too, that’s the thing about feminism in this case the morality isn't just about the mother. Feebs was determined to get the birth she wanted at any cost, this time it has worked out for her and the baby, thankfully.
See unless you do correct research on certain trusts you just end up assuming things. If anything were to go wrong in the pool a midwife is not allowed to lift ANYONE out of the pool, they have special flotation devices and hoists to assist.
To say a woman shouldn’t have a water birth just because it may be more difficult to get them out the pool is so discriminatory. Would you say the same about someone who was disabled?
Because everyone’s got time to be messing about with hoists in an emergency during labour 👍🏻
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I have to admit the joy I felt when vesper entered the terrible twos was at feebs level smugness 🤣

She would always go on about how she didn’t have tantrums, and then as they all inevitably do, she hit that wonderful age where no amount of sensory play baskets are going to make any difference - it’s lay on the floor in Tesco because you won’t buy them a kinder egg time!

I think she said the reason she didn’t tell vesper about her pregnancy is because she’d keep asking when the baby was coming 🤔 my little girl was older than vesper when I was pregnant, she turned 4 just after I had my second - and yes she would ask me when the baby was coming out but not daily and I’m not the most patient of parents and it didn’t annoy me 🤷‍♀️

I don’t think it can do any good doing it this way. Like what the HELL is that girl going to think when mummy and daddy have a couple of days away (sorry I mean of course feebs won’t have to spend any time AT ALL in hospital after she’s powerfully and peacefully farted this kid out with no intervention WHATSOEVER) and then come home with a very noisy little person who takes up all their time?

It’s a recipe for disaster. Yes I do agree at 2 and a half you could tell her over and over again that she was going to be a big sister and she still wouldn’t totally understand what that meant but give the girl some warning at least!
Same! I would never normally revel in someone else’s misery, but I was almost as smug as SWfeebs is when the portrayal of perfect life started to crack like a window having a brick thrown through it. She is intolerable. The post a few days ago with the rant of ‘don’t listen to people who tell you the newborn stage is hard, they’re wrong, all they do is sleep blah blah blah’. I saw a comment put on by someone who is obviously really struggling with their newborn, think they mentioned colic and that they were obviously missing out on that best newborn stage and she must be doing something wrong or something. I felt so sorry for her because not all newborns are ‘easy’ and she is likely doing a great job.
I just looked and the other woman’s comment has been deleted on that post so either the person has felt the need to delete it or it’s been moderated and removed by phoebe. Anyway totally alienating people is just horrible. Sure, share your life but to put out there the obnoxious comment of ‘don’t listen to these people they’re wrong’ must make people that aren’t having an easy time with a baby, that doesn’t sleep and coo all the time feel like utter shit; to be portrayed as you don’t deserve a voice because I (phoebe) found that bit easy, so sit down, shut up as you don’t even deserve to be listened to. Anything that is at all different to her experience she completely disregards as untrue.
ughhh. The woman is disgusting in that respect. Smug thinks she knows it all.
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Swipe Up!

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I know I might be in the minority here but I’m going to say it...if I hear ‘in a world where you can be anything, be kind’ one more time il scream!!
It’s so bloody unrealistic to be kind to everyone all the time! Do these people live in bubbles where no one disagrees with anyone and everything is so lovely with rainbows and unicorns everywhere. What bullshit. People will always have different opinions and if people are dicks and not kind then people are allowed to disagree with them for god sake.
Having a different opinion doesn’t mean you have to be unkind.
You can be fiercely against something, disagree etc but still be kind?

What annoys me more is that half the people that are saying it, and some of the bitchiest, unkind, judgemental people I've come across!
This I agree with.
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This woman popped up just now on my IG explore page and honest to god, I clicked on it thinking it was one of those funny Snapchat filter things that makes your head big, but your face tiny and squashed. Apparently not.

Fuck off is her forehead really that size. I refuse to believe it’s real...
It's struggling to contain all her superior knowledge and ego...

Snorting coffee through my nose at the Mick Hucknall comments 😭😭😭 So middle classed privileged grown woman (with aga and country home) gains a tooth gem (a fucking tooth gem 😭😭😭) and a nose piercing in an attempt to look edgy and relatable. She'll be going around Europe, touring in a VW camper next... just fuck off Feebs. Fuck off.
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Fuck my actual life.

Herbie, oh fuck off phoebe what an awful name.

18 years old introducing yourself to people as Herbie Holliday 🤮

I know I’m mean but why not just call him James instead.
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There is such a difference between voicing your opinion and then being unkind
They are 2 different things but so many people class them as the same as soon as your opinion doesnt match theirs!
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