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I have no qualms with breast feeding and I hope to try it myself when my first arrives this summer.. however I wouldn’t post a picture of my baby drinking from a bottle so can’t see why I need a picture of a baby drinking from a boob.. you don’t need to let me know every waking second that your son is having his meal, let him have his breaky in peace lol
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It’ll be a Tory-led private school for darling vesper and herbie. He won’t get taken the piss out of because they’ll all have similarly weird names
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Credit it her for staying healthy and not packing on the weight this pregnancy...but how she’s got the audacity to talk about SW principles when she’s openly admitted she’s not following the plan, I’ve got no idea?!
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I wouldn’t slate anybody for how they feed their child...what I do slate her for is the holier than thou attitude to parenting. When she had Vesper, all she did was preach about what she was doing & how it was so easy & her way was the best way. So for someone like me who struggled to breastfeed, I switched to formula (my own choice, even went against midwife/health visitor!), it can maybe make you feel like you are failing your child in a way? If that makes sense? As I said...fed is best, weather that’s formula fed or breast fed 😊
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I think the big issue isn't what Feebs is talking about, because yes, like you said, there's a lot of people who don't know they can say no. However, I feel Feebs has gone into complete preachy mode and all her posts feel like she's attacking the job that midwives ect do. She posts one side of it and that's it and with a large following, there are people following her who are going to see it, be told them or their baby is in danger and not listen because they've read all about how Midwives and professionals only care about the baby and how you do what you want.
Like her post the other day saying that they all say things don't matter unless you have a healthy baby at the end.
That isn't just talking about how women have a right to say no. That's misinformation if anything. Like I said before, I've never met a midwife or professional that has only been about the baby.
The issue is definitley the way she comes across and words things rather than what the message she is trying to send
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Why. Can’t. You. Do. A. Story. Now. Without. Him. Attached. To. Your. Boob

amazing how it’s questioned on here about where she is and hey presto she’s back! 🙄
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Chatty Member
I knew she’d be smug after she shat the kid out but never in my wildest nightmare did I think it’d be this bad.

Oohhh here we are taking our birth pool back! WHO THE SWEET FUCK CARES?!?!?

I’m not sure how I feel about the name. I do like unusual ones. It’s not awful but as has been said I can’t imagine a grown man being a herbie, it’s definitely just a baby name.
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I've noticed she always says she's lost her lunch to Vesper, and Vespers sitting there with 2 plates of food... is it just me that tells my kids they've got their own? 🤔
If I've got something different and they want to try it, I will let them, but I don't let them take my whole plate and eat off both so I sit there with nothing.

Kind of realising why maybe Vesper will listen to Jim and not her.
She appears to let Vesper get away with everything.
She thinks it's great to have a 'sassy' daughter... translates to - she won't listen to me and I encourage unruly behaviour so I can moan about it.
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What’s really annoying recently is the giving your child an unusual, but interesting name and then calling her vessie instead. Why?! Oh we called her Vesper after the character in James Bond (really cool) but now we call her vessie instead because we’re too lazy to use her name 🥴
Does ‘vessie’ just make anyone else think of aunt bessie’s or am I on my own with that one?
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Phoebe at 18, think she looks her age here?! I think a combination of things make you look older, weight, style, hair, genetics. PS: Her Facebook is open.
oh my 😳
Its so strange, when she lost weight she wore some lovely clothes and looked good, not because of her size but because her clothes were not ageing and moth bitten looking. It seems that when she’s overweight she can’t just size up on the same kind of clothes, but instead starts dressing like a movie typical frumpy old bag lady.
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Reported her account. She really could put someone in danger with her “ignore the doctors” comment. I doubt very much that insta will do anything though.
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This woman popped up just now on my IG explore page and honest to god, I clicked on it thinking it was one of those funny Snapchat filter things that makes your head big, but your face tiny and squashed. Apparently not.

Fuck off is her forehead really that size. I refuse to believe it’s real...
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VIP Member
I wouldn’t slate anybody for how they feed their child...what I do slate her for is the holier than thou attitude to parenting. When she had Vesper, all she did was preach about what she was doing & how it was so easy & her way was the best way. So for someone like me who struggled to breastfeed, I switched to formula (my own choice, even went against midwife/health visitor!), it can maybe make you feel like you are failing your child in a way? If that makes sense? As I said...fed is best, weather that’s formula fed or breast fed 😊
This is 100% how I feel too! Feed your child whichever way you want but don’t act like a martyr because of it!
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Total Mick Smugnel.
I bet she’s not announced the name just so she can be annoying with it “oh we’re just loving our bubble and haven’t had time to think of a name between trips to the coffee shop and boobin’ all over the shop.”
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She really is a smuggy twat isnt she?! Does she NEED to tell people she went out for a walk so soon after he was born? No but shes a narcissistic nob so does anyway. I get posting a birth announcement, great....but why the pics of her tits, her bump, her legs...even her fellas fucking tits.

She shared a congrats message for that KatyBoz the other day when she'd had her baby, they must be insta friends then I'm assuming...Katy had a difficult few weeks before her baby was born with you know, her heart stopping and all that jazz, yet Hucknall just HAS to post these birth was better than yours...that's how it comes across! I would have a lot more consideration if it were me! Probs sensitive of me but I gave birth not long ago and it was effing traumatic for me and my husband, mum etc. And "Dick Smugnall" just makes everyone feel shit with her smuggy, twatty posts.
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Chatty Member
Just caught up on her stories and FML, what a Mick Smugnel.

“Oh it’s so hard with a newborn. Yea, I’ve got a sling” (gifted!)

getting outside with Herbie in his Gifted pram (notes that it didn’t say gifted on the story as per the ASA guidelines)

then posting garden shots of literally an adventure fucking playground.

Who knows, she might be trying to show solidarity with other mums with toddlers/be supportive to her “online community” but she had taken Vesper out of nursery anyway, so it all seems really false. Probably just annoyed that she can’t get her baps out in Morrisons at the moment.

Oh, and the “giveaway” - wasn’t it supposed to be loads of “cool stuff” as was stated by her in earlier stories “doing my first giveaway and collating items...” (I might be imagining this)

sorry - she’s just really wound me up today. 🙈😂
‘Get her baps out in Morrisons’ honestly I have tears rolling down my cheeks, thank you so much 😂😂😂😂
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Going to a forest with a little un...when you’re 39 weeks pregnant, is she out of her mind 🙄 She was huffing and puffing going to a post office, yet she’s hiking around a forest today, ridiculous, id be worried about my waters going in the middle of nowhere!!
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