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VIP Member
All quiet on the stories isn’t it, mama earth must be breathing her baby out at a guess! I’m thinking it’ll be a Boy!
Called it 😆 Glad the little one is here safe, although I’m confused why she’s allowed a home birth with her bmi? I thought you wasn’t? Or has she most likely done it her way anyway?
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Virgin Media Fan

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I actually quite like the name vesper now, it's definitely a grower, however Herbie fucking Holliday is awful! Just my opinion though...
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Have an opinion on how people act / their bullshit / political / religious / whatever may be is just that, an opinion. It’s what makes the world go round.

saying ‘they’re fat/ ugly/ horrid teeth etc is being unkind. I never get involved with people’s looks, I couldn’t careless on someone’s weight etc. Although I do comment when they’ve lost weight as no matter how annoying someone is, losing weight is tough. There’s a huge difference and I wish these influencers could see that. You’re telling me they’ve never walked past someone screaming at their kid/ dog / wearing ugly shoes and made a comment?
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I'm pretty sure vespa is nearly 3 so will get free hours soon. Why not just budget to keep her in until they kick in?! She's such an irritating knobhead
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I dont think you can knock her for doing stuff this week with V. I had really bad SPD with my second but the week or so before he was born I was doing things every day with my toddler as I knew that I was days away from not being able to do it and sharing my time with a newborn.
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Did she just say that she was anxious about Jim going to work tomorrow because she has to look after her kids on her own??
Not about Jim going out??
Spare a though for the anxiety of people that have to go out to work tomorrow love !
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Hate the name vessie and vesper. But that’s for another day.

Also love how she’s sharing the ‘positive’ things being said about not having her 2-2.5 HV check but none of the ones showing concern. Not a chance of her 93k followers would all agree.

I want to unfollow her as she fucking makes me heave, but also I can’t because I’m so fucking nosey.
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I knew she’d be smug after she shat the kid out but never in my wildest nightmare did I think it’d be this bad.

Oohhh here we are taking our birth pool back! WHO THE SWEET FUCK CARES?!?!?

I’m not sure how I feel about the name. I do like unusual ones. It’s not awful but as has been said I can’t imagine a grown man being a herbie, it’s definitely just a baby name.
He will be called Herb as an adult.. a slang term for cannabis. Something that kid will need to smoke a lot to put up with her as a mother 😅😅
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My husband and I have a five bedroom house with a big garden 🤷🏻‍♀️ We had the money to afford it and didn’t see the point of buying a smaller house just to move again in a few years when we have kids. That said, I don’t talk about how skint and in debt I am on the Internet, so I suppose it’s slightly different.
But are you crying into your full English about how you had to give up your Lexus and how big your mortgage is though? 😜😂😂
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‘Just before anyone says’ just before anyone dares to disagree with you you mean, you thundering arsehole.

She’s pissing me off more by the second.

She’s positive she had such a great birth experience because she did research and asked questions - I did lots of research and asked lots of questions too. Then my daughters heart stopped beating during labour and I stopped asking questions and started listening to medical professionals who were trained to save her life. If I’d have known my ‘rights’ and declined a c-section, she wouldn’t have survived.

I honestly can’t stand this woman she gets worse by the day.
this!!!! Yes!!!! 🙌🏻
Sometimes it doesn’t matter what research is done, or how many times you listened or practised breathing, affirmations etc. Sometimes luck, because that’s really what it is, is not on your side!
She doesn’t speak from a knowledge of expertise, she speaks from her own opinion of the fact she luckily had a previous good pregnancy, birth and a newborn baby with no health issues that caused her concerns, worry and restless days as well as nights.
What she’s ignoring is the professionals who have seen ALL experiences so have a broader opinion on things.
If it hadn’t been for our health visitor id have continued on with undiagnosed pnd and anxiety. I was a mess and hiding it (well thought i was) because I thought I was a failure and I’d be judged. She was there not just for my child, me but also supported my husband. Like everyone else has said these people are trained to support and spot things that may be of use or concerning. It’s never as simple as a ‘pass or a fail’. Since when do health visitors ‘fail’ two year olds 🤯 If anything a check in with public health nursing would be useful seeing as she’s pregnant and Vesper will likely need a bit of extra support.
She’s a self entitled idiot.
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Pffft and the “this may be controversial, going out when baby is so new” post. Fuck right off - I had two sections and every time I moved I felt like my innards were outwards, yes I had cabin fever and yes I had a toddler too. So fucking smug, look at how wonderful I am.
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It’s the smug face of the first “boobin” pic thats just not a relatable thing, when they’re latching for the first couple of days it’s like holy hell fire when the uterus is contracting, and sweet lord those after pains when they clamp on, or does her uterus just float back down to its normal size without barely a tickle, because it’s Mother Earth perfect birth extraordinaire over there 🙄

Don't forget the after pains too, I was convinced another one was gonna pop out 12 hours after giving birth to my second born, they were horrendous for a good 5 days. Although I wasn't am earth mother that trusted my body and baby so they were probably my own fault 🙄
Great minds 😆
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I've never heard a midwife or doctor say all that matters is a healthy baby.
Every midwife I have been to/ spoke to has always said Mother and Baby. Not just baby 🤔
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My friend commented on one of her photos last week saying how she should keep these times to herself as cherish them instead of posting every time on Instagram.
She got hounded by messages from Feebs' followers saying how normal breastfeeding is and my friend is the reason there's such a big taboo about it. It's normal.

My friend has no problem what so ever with breastfeeding in public, any of that, that wasn't the point.
I am the same and I completely agree with her!
Iv said this so many times. Just because it’s normal doesn’t mean you need to take a million pics for the gram for thousands of people to see. That isn’t normal! These so many things in life that are all ‘normal’ but also private that you wouldn’t dream of posting to thousands. These Instagram ‘sheep’ are so vicious. So much for the #bekind they always spout on about. Only if you aren’t licking someone’s arse then they won’t be kind to you. Totally double standards
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She will be getting her ginger tits out soon enough 🙄
Its almost as if she is the first person to do anything like this, hypnobirthing and breastfeeding.

Hypnobirthing has been around for years more so since 1980’s and breastfeeding well since day dot.

I did hypnobirthing with my daughter and it didn’t make an ounce of difference to my labour, I still ended up with an episiotomy and forceps and no amount of hypnobirthing was going to change the position of my child when her head was crowning unfortunately the little tinker!!

She needs to wind her neck in and stop preaching if women want to do it they will do, sure she’s on some sort of commission for it, that and dates 💩💩
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I had so many problems breastfeeding my child and ended up switching to formula after a few weeks. My sister is currently breastfeeding her newborn and has a had quite a few problems (bad tongue tie etc) but is now doing fine with it.... Would anybody in the world know (or care!) anything about either of our stories?! No 😂 Feebs just loves to over share and make out like she is mum of the year because she is persevering with it. It’s not a competition! And probably something a lot of other woman are going through on a daily basis, she just wants a medal for it 🏅
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