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I can't pin point what makes her look older than she is, im 42 and i genuinely thought she was older than me! Made me,question if i dress too young, etc etc!! Her clothing choices age her very much and i think its her hairline and non extistant brows!! God i sound a bitch, sorry!
The strain of being so smug is very aging it would seem 😆
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Just had my child’s 2.5 year review, passed being a toddler *smug face*

Doing well with social, emotional and physical development and asked if there was any support I needed.
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Is it bad that I’m hoping she has a c-section?
I’m worried we’re going to get a pic of the baby’s head crowning 🤮
She is really oversharing this pregnancy!
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I think she’s the spitting image of her Dad.

wow Indidn’t even know you could opt out of HV appointments and the like - I can’t think of *any* reason why you would.

Also - can’t take anyone’s ‘debt’ issues and ‘saving money/not spending money malarkey serious when they buy micro scooters joules outfits for a toddler, £100 dresses, expensive wellies, trips to centre parks etc doesn’t matter how many toy bargains you get at Christmas feebs when you are spending out of reality between New Year and Christmas !
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Chatty Member
I've noticed she always says she's lost her lunch to Vesper, and Vespers sitting there with 2 plates of food... is it just me that tells my kids they've got their own? 🤔
If I've got something different and they want to try it, I will let them, but I don't let them take my whole plate and eat off both so I sit there with nothing.

Kind of realising why maybe Vesper will listen to Jim and not her.
She appears to let Vesper get away with everything.
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Pre eclampsia and other life threatening complications to mother and baby just do not exist in feebs world

Consultant: you have pre eclampsia and we recommend urgent induction
Feebs: oh no it's ok I'll eat more date puree, listen to my hypnobirthing CDs, it'll all be fine and have the baby at home
Preeclampsia can end in death of mother and baby if the woman is not induced, Feebs is one dangerous woman suggesting that being induced is not good
Not at any point has she said that if baby or mother is in danger to refuse an induction. she has said a mother has the right to refuse an induction when it is being suggested with no medical reason behind it.
people might disagree with me here but hospitals do induce when not necessary. Just have a google of the statistics 🙄 I know from first hand experience they do
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Cue all the “OMG whys she behaving this way” posts when vesper flips out when the baby comes
Exactly. She needs to stop with this letting vesper put her hand down her top, she will only do it more when the baby’s here and feebs is ‘boobin 🤢🤮’ what’s she going to do then, tell her no, get annoyed? But it’s ok for her to do it now, why on earth isn’t she teaching her it’s not right and she can’t be doing that
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I’ve wondered this too. Breastfeeding my first was as easy as falling off a log, had a cat 1 c-section and was still able to feed her straight away and successfully for 8 months. She got fat really quick and my boobs didn’t hurt and that was that.

It was more difficult with my second, no pain at all but she barely gained any weight for a while and that was scary.

I don’t know how/why feebs carries on when it’s this difficult for her, there’s this awful rhetoric amongst bfing mothers that ‘it might not be easy, but it will be worth it’ which is just such absolute horse shit.

Being in agony 24/7 is NOT worth it, your child failing to thrive is NOT worth it.

Informed is best but there surely comes a time when you have to assess your options and consider formula?

Personally I could not have carried on up against all the issues she’s had. Far too much to deal with especially with a toddler to look after too.
thats what i mean, with me having a perfectly happy & healthy 6m old who has only ever had formula how can this pain and upset with the weight gain be ‘worth it’ .. how will it make Herbie any different to my son? Totally think fed is best and if you want to BF go ahead, but when it comes at such a cost to mother and baby I just don’t understand
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That is such a good point. She probably is someone they look at to bring in the money because of her following.
Thing is too that consultants are human, they were fat for a reason, joined sw for a reason and then wanted to help others and of course could go through things that would make their weight fluctuate or whatever. Fine. What would be more relatable though is if the working consultants that have gained weight showed effort to work alongside the plan if they have put weight on and show others you can gain but the plan still works and can get it back off. Or don’t do the job. I could not imagine standing in front of a group of people who want to lose weight, teaching them about a plan that I’m not willing to follow.
It clearly doesn’t fit into a lifestyle as easy as she says if it doesn’t work for her.
Anna Cunnell should be a consultant. She is someone that is so relatable, goes through stages where she’ll put weight on but will be open and honest about it and show how she’s working towards being at a happy weight again with that plan.
I’m not sure it’s a good thing for SW to keep fat consultants just because they have a large following. Followers don’t bring in revenue, members do.
A few years ago I joined a class and the consultant was a very large lady. Let’s just say I didn’t take too kindly to her lecturing me who only joined to lose 10lb! I soon left!
As a dieter, you definitely need someone who’s on plan and can maintain it as that’s ultimately what you are aiming for. Someone who is inspirational.
Not only does SWfeebs not follow the plan, she actually documents the meals on IG she has which clearly are not SW!
What other job would allow you to continue if you failed at it?
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To be blunt. She's not done the review as I expect vespa is overweight. Just as she's overweight. But as she won't listen to any experts it's ok.
I thought this, she doesn’t want a lecture or someone telling her she isn’t perfect 🙄
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My friend commented on one of her photos last week saying how she should keep these times to herself as cherish them instead of posting every time on Instagram.
She got hounded by messages from Feebs' followers saying how normal breastfeeding is and my friend is the reason there's such a big taboo about it. It's normal.

My friend has no problem what so ever with breastfeeding in public, any of that, that wasn't the point.
I am the same and I completely agree with her!
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So those ‘ad’ stories telling us all not to judge instagrammers who do ads were a sneaky precursor to the hello fresh adverts that will be taking over her stories for the next week
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I’m only following for the ridiculous name reveal, then the unfollow button will be happily clicked 🥴
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I watched her stories today and she said about vespers sleeping and how she didn’t sleep through until nearly 2 and the co-sleeping, but she says how ‘they will do it when they’re ready’. Hang on, when it came to potty training it was all ‘it’s something we teach them’. Woman is full of contradictions.
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