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Boy these threads are going quickly. I am still two threads back and that is from this morning. It’s Saturday night on a bank holiday weekend and I am sitting with a glass of wine, Sky News on and waiting excitedly for the paper review. My partner thinks I have lost my mind 😂
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Still to hear kerry katonas take on it all, revenge is sweet..
Remember that interview setting a mentally unwell drug addict up on live TV is still uncomfortable viewing years later. Most people have empathy and would have said no not having her on the show she's clearly high on drugs but nope set her up like a kipper to be mocked and humiliated. It was the fake shocked reaction from him and holly that got under my skin..
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Ni Idea

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He will have known Maura from also working at Dancing on Ice so don't think him holding her hand here means anything other than him looking after the talent here.
I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed about them holding hands, when people are drunk and stumbling about in the street, it's normal to see friends hugging each other or holding hands to prop each other up, or just because they're really drunk! Haha. It doesn't mean anything at all in that context, in my opinion. And it's clearly not an intimate thing. It looks to me like MM saw Maura was cold and maybe a bit unsteady on her feet, and kindlt offered her his jacket and pulled her along by the hand. MM is obviously a kind and decent person in general, which is precisely why he is a good victim, because he will find it hard to say no to people, and always want to see the best in people.
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It’s widely rumoured that the victim was also living in Bristol. He wouldn’t have needed to travel.
Wanna buy a SS tee shirt hahahahaha :ROFLMAO: His most notable TV commercial was the KFC singing ad campaign, which was rated in the top 100 British TV ads of all time.

This was the post that knocked me sick .. SS was the managing director of that theatre school and he publicly shows a pupil with his hand who knows where .. ... then Philip takes over ... maybe he waited till the lad turned 16 before he slept with him but there was years of grooming before ☹

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The thing that REALLY gets me is if he met this kid when he was 15 and started having contact with him that would have been right when the Saville fiasco was kicking off and the exact time a tv presenter would know damn well you don’t behave like that. I believe there would have been protocols in place and extra training and awareness in that industry. For this to have been allowed to happen is criminal
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The Mail are being very careful here. They are saying it without saying it if you get what I mean? We all know MM was much younger than that but if they said he was only ten they’d be outright calling him a pedophile.
Exactly. The fact that it's in great big letters on their cover, and BELOW the age of consent is very very damning!
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If it was all above board and just a case of him having a fling with an 18year old runner, as he said , ‘unwise but not illegal‘ he would not be in this position. ITV, his agency, lawyers etc could not sack him solely based on that. Lit’s of people have affairs, lots of affairs are same sex couples, lots have big age gaps. The industry he works in is rife with it, plus drugs etc. people need to wise up, something has happened that goes beyond that.
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Jeez he is just so, so awful isn’t he? And do you know what, I bet he still doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. It’s everyone else’s fault and he’ll be sat there downing gin raging at anyone who’ll listen (if there’s anyone left who still wants to be associated with him obvs). He’s so used to getting his own way and being able to manipulate a situation, always having to get in there first with one of his statements to get his side in first. So controlling and now it’s backfired spectacularly. I cannot believe he’s had the fucking nerve to try and claim he has MM’s bets interests at heart when he’s tried to manipulate him and got his lawyers on the case. Revolting cunt.
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PS obviously tried to set the tone with his “not illegal” line. Must’ve known the paps had proof of his underage meet ups beyond all reasonable doubt.

Nasty bastard.
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I imagine MM was in a process of healing and moving on, then the whole horrid episode has exploded. Am not sure I would want it raked up again. He may have mixed feelings about PS, one time he may have loved him, PS is seemingly quite powerful and not least he can afford expensive lawyers.

It’s MM’s choice at the end of the day fi he decides to speak out or not, he has to do what’s best for him. PS is unlikely to be in a position to groom young impressionable men again.

I hope MM is okay and that he has a good supportive network of friends and family around him. It was great to hear he had a new job and career path and I hope that he can pick up pieces again and move on in life in the direction he wants.

Maybe he even has a new fantastic (young) boyfriend! The best revenge is success 😊
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I've never seen a more unmanly man who requires devotion from everyone around him. Think it was last night someone posted pics of him the wife and Holly, both were resting their heads on his bony chest or gazing up at him. He's a wee twerp and always has been. I'm definitely not seeing what they're seeing.
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