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I'm not 'seeking out ' triggering threads. I'm doing what I can to raise awareness and put across the view of victims.
If people are questioning that the abused become abusers, I'm not going to slope off quietly. Some inevitably do, but most don't and the lack of distinction in offensive and abhorrent to those who have suffered enough.
You’ve said it yourself. Some inevitably do, and with his brother also inclined to abuse its a reasonable question imo.
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surely they can’t be used to cover criminal activity?
They can't. I really doubt there were ever that many actual superinjunctions. The Ryan Giggs one is famous, and there have been a couple of others where businesses have used them to cover up stuff which is dodgy but not illegal in the UK. Aside from that I'm skeptical, tbh.
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This has been discussed numerous times but I was talking with friends about how it was considered the ‘norm’ and funny for people of school age to receive Snapchats from Philth .. it’s wild looking back at that now when you’re older and more mature and seeing it for what it really is!
Just more proof of him communicating on Snapchat with people - this is my own Snapchat. Sickens me how he could of been using Snapchat 🤢


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DW being mentioned as another ITV star with a looming scandal... Well, the Guardian has published an interview with Alan Carr in which he says:

He’s less philosophical about comedian Louis CK – who was revealed by the New York Times to have masturbated in front of several women – and he gets me to turn off my tape recorder to say how appalled he is at another big-name comedian who faces accusations not yet public. A few comedians turn out to have problems with women, I suggest.

“It’s the power thing,” Carr says. “Some people get famous because they want their own plane, some want their own chatshow, some people do it so they can talk to women like shit.”

Could he be referring to DW?

Is DW Dan Wooten or David Walliams?
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I always find it utterly offensive to all the other victims, who cannot say anything as people will start side eyeing you thinking your one too
Absolutely not, it doesn't make one a sexual abuser because they have been abused. In fact there's usually a scapegoat or goats within the family so they get the worst of the abuse as they are so uncomfortable with it. I never meant that victims of SA go on to abuse that's not true at all.
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A few thoughts…when Schofield took over during the John Leslie scandal, I recall he took another job off someone but I can’t remember who or what. Does anyone remember?

It was around this point the floodgates opened and he got every plum job on itv, it was so apparent that it became a running joke in my house at the time….who was in charge of ITV at that point?
Just quoting myself so it won’t get lost…

Stuart Prebble was ITV CEO in 2002 and resigned that same year….the year PS began to rise in importance and John Leslie was kicked out.
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Exactly, honestly people have no idea how manipulative people like Philip are. They can convince you night is day and vice versa. It's how they get away with doing what they do to begin with.

They are not normal people. A lie is nothing to them and they are extremely convincing. You might like to think you wouldn't be fooled but you might be surprised at how many people you know in your day to day life that have you fooled already.

I also do think Holly was duped, she looks shell shocked and gaunt to me. She had this pervert around her own children after all.
for how long do you think she was duped for and when exactly do you think she found out ? Everyone at ITV has known all along .My bet is she knew what he was doing and continued to have him around her children
I don't feel sorry for the mum at all. She must be a cretin too for both her sons to be closet gays for years, she must be very unapproachable or homophobic. Both end up having to suppress their sexuality for years and both have a panchut for very young boys, men. All very strange.
I dont feel any sympathy for her either .Maybe Im heartless .
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As well as all the grooming stories this will run and run. We will have all the bullying stories coming out as well.

Lots for the media to unravel.

Simon Schofield and his theatre school, with all those kids
Phil has apparently been living with a male escort for the last three years, assume that Ben guy. That Ben guy is a suspect character - had police run ins etc.
PS being gay was open series (Joan Collins inadvertently confirmed that) - expect others to emerge
His wife - what was her role? What did she know?
Ant n Dec, Holly…real close friendships

Eggs on faces for Clodagh, Richard E Grant, Charlene White (isn’t she meant to be a top class journalist but didn’t know anything about PS?), Vanessa, Piers
How so, egg on face for Richard E Grant? Has he publicly supported Schofield??
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Other posters have said there have been rumours about Rylan and Phil as far back as the first thread . We are allowed to discuss rumours on this thread and have our own opinions. Please do not tell me what I am allowed to question. It’s almost as patronising as making blanket statements about abuse survivors and their parents
I have been on this since 2019 and can tell you there is no evidence of Rylan. I wonder why you’re so interested in perpetrating this myth 🤔

Ooh we are seeking me out arent we. 👀
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That's a really good point. It (yet again) is his word only, especially as MM's side has not been heard. And we've all seen that his word is about as solid as a chocolate teapot on a Caribbean beach.
Thanks for replying, this thread moves fast! Age of consent is 16, I really don’t think PS would have waited another 2 years.
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I think it depends on what her contractual obligations were. Imagine making a complaint and having it mothballed, but contractually you’re obliged to carry out X amount of work.

If it was clear to her she wasn’t being backed, and yet still held a contract with iTV, imagine the legal ramifications for pursuing the line.
True. Strange that she agreed to go back and present a week of TM with Rylan though after leaving knowing that all the other people working on the show had chosen to stay silent . Fair enough if she couldn’t break her loose women contract but surely you’d fake a case of the shingles or whatever to avoid going back , even if it was when PS was on holiday .
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Dotty Merton

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I think he claimed to have been friends with him for "20 years" when Simon was 38 and Phil was around 60 which is interesting when you consider the ages that makes them when they supposedly met.

Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he actually met him when he was a few years younger than he said tbh...
It was 16, he made that statement when he was 36.
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Interestingly…This Morning love a good story , they talk about /debate / interview as does Loose Women so will they address this or ignore like they have done for years .
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