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When else has anyone offered up their own scandal in a grovelling apology to a newspaper?

There has to be loads more far more damning stuff.

If it was just a case of "oh maybe he might have been underage possibly" he wouldn't have been completely dropped by his agent etc.
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Wonder if MM has decided to rip the plaster off, atop the speculation, sold his story to the Mail to get it over and done with, so he can get on with his life.
On Katie Hopkins live she said he has an agent and there will currently be a bidding war for his story
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ITV & BBC are, in my opinion, running a massive pedalo ring & an inquest needs to be opened up immediately
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If he ‘tops himself’ that’s on him. He acted on his perversions. He knew what he was doing was wrong yet indulged himself . What about his victims? Don’t they deserve to see him get his comeuppance? I’m tired of hearing people saying oh poor Philth. He’s bought this on himself and it’s been a long time coming. The only people I care about are those who he’s abused
Agree 100%. Phil is not being trolled, he is rightfully being called out on disgusting behaviour. Potentially criminal behaviour too so he deserves all this heat. I wouldn’t want him to take his own life and I hope for the sake of everyone involved he doesn’t because imho that is too high a price to pay. But he absolutely deserves to be answerable for everything he’s done from the grooming of MM and protecting his brother to his collusion with ITV to dismiss and discredit those who attempted to speak out.
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Wee Nora

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Knowing someone as a literal child and then finding them attractive overnight, on their 18th birthday, is beyond the realms of belief. PS must’ve been into him as a boy. Even when “legal” he looked very young.
Exactly. What aren’t people understanding? MM may have been 18 when it became sexual (we only have Philth’s word for that) but Schofe’s interest and attraction to MM obviously began when he was still a child. That makes him a predator. He got him a job on This Morning to facilitate his sick grooming ffs! What’s wrong with people?!
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Is ITVs defence simply 'everyone denied it'? FFS, of course they denied it.
Ask the Police, people up to no good normally deny it. That's what an investigation is for.
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There has been some chat about what's legal/illegal.

I think its important to note that some laws are created from morally wrong situations. For example, the data protection act states that we have the right to be forgotten. This is relatively new, to protect our privacy, as years ago computers didn't collect and store our data. It was only after this started and people started to discuss the ethics of this, did a law develop. So I think it is so important to be discussing the inappropriate nature of these relationships and the effect on victims because laws can and will change. It doesn't matter if right this minute one particular act is "unwise, but not illegal". What matters is if its harmful.

Hoping I make sense!
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Also with the grooming, he was pretty open about the fact he was messaging teens via snapchat etc
Also to me if it was him just being 'nice' and helping to mentor kids getting in tv etc why only boys?
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Holly will have to go. If she comes back from her holidays This Morning will be even more of a farce. There’s no way she didn’t know about it.
Everyone knew at itv, after what happened with his brother they all realised shit was going to hit the fan and they was all a target to be dragged down with him, Holly would be a fool to return to This Morning now he's admitted the truth.
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Chatty Member
No it doesn't but nor does it make them a paedophile, as some comments were starting to suggest
Just because Philth may have not done the deed till MM was 18, doesn’t make it any less of a paedophile in my opinion. He knew this kid since he was 10 YEARS OLD ffs. No doubt plenty of ‘grooming’ went on in those years leading to 18. Just because he (maybe) controlled himself until MM was not illegal, thatchanged nothing apart from on paper. Legally he may not be a paedophile, but really? The intentions are there he would have just been trying to cover himself. The guys a paedophile.
Allegedly 🙄
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I’ve caught up on over 60 pages over two threads.

Well done to all the Tattlers who never gave up on this story!
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
Did he have sex with anyone under 18? No evidence of that at all. Yes he lied and cheated but no evidence he had sex with someone underage and it is potentially libel to say so so I suggest you stop it
Imagine if MM was your child. Then have a rethink of your comment.

Plus - hello Schofield. Filthy bastard
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We will get the full story over the next couple of weeks. Early days yet. Loads more to come....
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