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I think I was in year 9 or 10 at high school when the whole Philip and snapchat saga started. I remember back then people were thinking it was so ‘cool’ to have been sent a snapchat by a celebrity. Looking back now (as an adult), it was creepy as fuck. I can’t believe he ever did it. So strange
Remember how he was OBSESSED with Twitter, then suddenly didn’t use it at all. Then he was OBSESSED with snapchat, until again he wasn’t. Most recently he’s been obsessed with Tik Tok. There’s so, so much more to unearth…
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Chatty Member
A cynic might say that anyone who wants the blame or aspersions cast onto Dan Wootton and Eamonn Holmes (who both now work at the non-ITV property GB News, which to be clear, I think is full of rubbish and I would close my eyes and cover my ears to avoid), or even Holly (who I’m sure will be offered up as another sacrificial lamb if required), rather than training the microscope on anyone who happened to more powerful than Phil was at ITV, could be suspected of being fairly interested in how ITV’s share price and board of directors and senior execs will look on Tuesday morning… just a cynic though, not saying me.
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I’m starting to wonder about the Schofields father now. Are they products of something sinister? What are the chances if having two sons with the same predilections in one family?
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Wonder if MM has decided to rip the plaster off, atop the speculation, sold his story to the Mail to get it over and done with, so he can get on with his life.
I wouldn’t be surprised. Imagine your name being all over twitter and TikTok. I might be tempted to “put my side of the story out” rather than seeing my name/face being speculated about.
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Too Much

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Just caught up 😁

Went to my local for a drink earlier in aid of the news. I would normally have a cocktail but this pub doesn't do them so I asked for a glass of prosecco and I don't think it's often ordered because the lady was away downstairs so long locating it that she didn't charge me! :ROFLMAO:✌

Haven't even looked at the Talia Oatway/Aaron Chalmers thread yet and I was expecting that one to pop off today because they were due in court.

The Tattle life can be a strain on the mind and eyeballs.
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There is no way Holly didn't know this. Even if she could claim to be oblivious from PS himself, her husband runs a TV company where there is no doubt the rumours were floating around. She's so full of crap.
I agree. If all the people here on Tattle knew about these rumours for LITERALLY years and we've never seen, met or even spoken to the man, (let alone gone on holiday with him) there is no way on God's green earth she had zero knowledge of (at the very least) the rumours flying around that studio.
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It is illegal to have sex with those under 18 or watch sexual images of those under 18, none of which is in dispute. However there is also no evidence Schofield engaged in either activity. Unfortunately some on here with IQs of 2 figures or less can't understand that and the difference between what may be ill judged behaviour and illegal behaviour
Ill judged behaviour? Oh behave 😂
Hard drive check needed maybe
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Even if 18 is legal, it's still young. You are still susceptible to abuse and manipulation. Brain still developing so maybe not making rational decisions or able to perceive a threat. Being in a relationship with a 50-something man when you're barely regarded as an adult is a MASSIVE red flag. Can't believe people are defending this.
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House of Tea

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Wouldn’t it be great if Fern B and Ruth L were the presenting duo if they keep the two permanent presenter model.
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House of Tea

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On Have I Got News For You last night, filmed on Thursday of course, Hislop said to Carol Vorderman - you appear on TM don’t you. She said, yes on Fridays with Alison and Dermot. There were rumours she wouldn’t appear any longer with H & P and the careful way she said that was significant I think.
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The thing is, I have not been a regular contributor to this thread but I am still interested in what is happening. I feel like I am being mocked.
You're not! I've only joined in this thread tonight. It was just a saying that was around for a while. Honestly, I doubt it was meant in a horrible way. Definitely stay 💜.
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Chatty Member
I’ve thought about this more my own own life experiences and going to come in stronger here.

If Phillip had quietly quit when the MM stuff was first rumoured and played out three months of notice, then there wouldn’t the furore there is now.

Was MM forced out of his job? Was Ruth Langford forced out of hers? Did Phillip behave this way with anyone else? Was he difficult to work with or even perhaps capable of bullying and throwing his weight around? What did Holly know? What did ITV Daytime know? We all now all want to know all this because PS was seemingly determined to keep his job instead of leaving with some kind of dignity.

For PS himself, if people start with: what about his mental health? P*ss off, it’s the young man with no power in all this who seems to have had his entertainment career thrown in the bin who I’m worried about. If you’ve ever worked with / for someone about PS you’ll have seen this happen to you or others. About time he got his comeuppance.
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The whole thing is just so really awful . I keep thinking About myself at 18/19 and the creepy old men at work I’d ever encounter and how uncomfortable it made me. Not to mention the fact these men were slightly younger than PS and obviously less rich/powerful. Then I think of my own kids and then how young and petite MM was and still is. Is he only 19 now?
The fact everyone knew is the second worst part
I just don’t get how people like HW with her cutesy, giggly and wholesome persona not only knew but would pose alongside them both in pictures
The fact the show is family oriented and a lot of their Footage is somewhat about aligning with justice and morally virtuous things
Do we think HW will be cancelled?
RH must feel like an idiot too for doing the whole ode to PS on instagram. Did she just not think he’d be exposed?
Then the awful tribute and how uncomfortable dermot looked. Fml he must have known. He literally spoke like he had a gun to his back. He knew it was bad and wrong . Yet that wasn’t enough to refuse the script….
more over I think of how intertwined the British celebrity world is. The z list celebrities, athletes, reality show people. How their all friendly and interconnected. They all share freely their kids on instagram who cannot consent. Knowing that this is the world that is in their reach.
MM is 27 now I think .
I don’t think HW will get cancelled. All that can be proved is that she knew MM and Philth were in a relationship while Philth was still in the closet and married .HW would only have been there for 5/6 years at that point and Philth was Mr ITV. If she spoke up about him within ITV she would have been replaced at Philths say so ( like Fern) . If she’d tried to go to the media , then she would have been vilified for outing him. The only way I can see her going is if she decides to jump ship or they get rid of this morning completely. Otherwise I’m sure her PR people would spin it as institutional misogyny at ITV , holding her to account for her male co-presenters behaviour.

i still think their whole friendship was mainly for show , I mean, what better way to make sure your audience doesn’t forget you during your 8 week summer holiday than by ensuring some click bait articles in the daily mail etc about how close they are,hinting that they must be having an affair ,a few bikini shots of HW etc . Take the family aka your talent manager with you, and I’m sure you can probably write off some of that holiday as a work expense too. The only reason ITV chose to keep HW over Philth is because they know since his brothers sentence, that they couldn’t drown out all the talk about MM anymore . Had his brother not been caught, then no doubt ITV would have thrown HW under the bus instead .
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It wasn't an affair he's a sick twat, purposely groomed a young boy then got him a job on TM in exchange for sexual favours. His first sexual relationship would have been with a man old enough to be his grandfather. He's a sick fuck. He then tossed him aside when he grew into a man he's a pedalo. I wonder how many he's done it too?
A little googling shows several he's snapchatted etc , for years in some instances.....
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Might have been discussed already but didn't he meet that Simon Scofield guy when Simon was a young lad through theatre? I think he's been doing this for a long time.
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Of all the times I go offline for 5 hours, this is it? Was out all evening for a family gathering and come back to the news that he's out of ITV completely and has admitted to being with a younger guy? Jesus.
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Chatty Member
Someone asked earlier why the press “wait” until Sunday — what is usually happening is that the Sunday team at a named newspaper like the Mail isn’t the same as the daily one. They have different tasks and more time for investigative journalism as they have the week to get the big scoop. Now of course if the story won’t wait, it goes to the daily team but a celeb exposé often can wait, even with internet rumours, unless for example someone tries to overtake events by putting a statement out on a Friday night or a Saturday afternoon…
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