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If Holly actually has shingles (🙄) it has got to be the most well-timed illness for anyone ever in the history of illnesses.
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Dan still going for it - copied below so the DM don’t get clicks

Despite being one of the longest serving and highest paid stars at the network, secured with a prized golden handcuffs deal, in my experience Phillip Schofield is also the most reviled.

When I speak to many household name ITV presenters they don’t have a good word to say about the bloke who viewers know affectionately as Schofe.

I know, by the way, because I was one of Phil’s colleagues at ITV Daytime for more than a decade.

He tried to get me taken off air multiple times.

It started after I wrote a column for the Daily Mail in April 2013 revealing that he was going to pay at least £62,500 from his £1million-plus salary in damages to Lord McAlpine, whose name was visible to viewers on the so-called ‘pweirdo list’ he handed to then PM David Cameron in a major gaffe.

The abusive Twitter direct messages I received from Schofield were water off a duck’s back for me, but proof to me of how he must treat less powerful colleagues with whom he disagreed.

I eventually quit ITV for good in November 2019. I was no longer prepared to stay silent about his disgraceful behaviour under pressure from the bosses at the broadcaster who, for some reason, have long been supporters of Schofield.

I never understood why, given I was just one of many presenters – including A-listers – who warned them multiple times about Phil.

For some reason, in my experience, ITV bosses always found excuses for the way Schofield treats people, even as they were prepared to throw the likes of fellow ITV Daytime stars Piers Morgan and Jeremy Kyle under the bus.

Schofield’s on air coming out as gay on ITV, during a show ironically hosted by Ruth Langsford, who had previously complained about the way Phillip treated her, seemed to deflect the growing criticism.

It did for a time, until the Queuegate scandal, where Phillip appeared to think there was nothing wrong with skipping past members of the public in a 24-hour long line to see the late Queen’s coffin, exposing his arrogance to furious Brits.

Over the past few years, ITV has become a morally bankrupt organisation that embraces the woke ideology while pursuing a strict form of censorship that doesn’t encourage freedom of speech amongst its staff.

But a few brave souls have been prepared to speak out.

It started with Fern Britton, a good woman who was critical to the post-Richard and Judy success of This Morning, but was deemed surplus to requirements.

Then Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda Holden bravely put her ITV career on the line to confront Phillip about the way he had treated her, including her belief that he got channel bosses to axe her role as a fill-in for Holly.

Other previous This Morning regulars, including Kim Woodburn, Gemma Collins and Francine Lewis, have all gone on the record about their treatment in the This Morning studio.

And this week ex-Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries rocked ITV with her first column for the Daily Mail revealing her own scary experience with Phillip.

She wrote: ‘On one occasion, I witnessed what appeared to be somewhat intimidating behaviour. Holly was away, and as her stand-in looked down at her script — obviously wanting to see who or what was coming up next — Phillip glared at her and began to jab at her script with his finger. I don't know about her, but he scared me.’

No wonder that when Phillip returned to screens for the first time since the conviction of his paedophile brother Timothy Schofield on Monday and spoke about being overwhelmed by ‘kind messages and support’ from viewers, many ITV stars must have rolled their eyes and swapped more frustrated messages on private WhatsApp groups.

Perhaps tellingly, as far as I know not one ITV presenter or staff member has chosen to publicly support Phillip.

Even though she was off sick with shingles, it felt telling that Holly Willoughby was not by the side of her long-time co-presenter and close friend for such a significant day.

Especially given that delightful Holly – a decent woman who is probably the most sought-after female presenter on British TV – had spent the time when Phillip was off publicly disowning his brother forging a fierce partnership with Alison Hammond.

Now Alison is the complete opposite of Schofield.

She is, without any doubt, the most beloved presenter on ITV, adored by executives, producers and fellow presenters alike.

Indeed, she originally turned down her role to host This Morning on Fridays alongside Dermot O’Leary because she was so devastated about the brutal and unnecessary axing of the highly popular husband and wife duo (and Phillip critics) Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford.

Alison has no airs and graces, she doesn’t believe that she is above the crew members who she works with, and she’s prepared to put in the hard yards on lengthy shoots.

Unlike Phil, what you see on screen is exactly what you get with Alison.

She’s spent years slowly working up the ranks at ITV, whose bosses took far too long to realise they had a national treasure on their hands.

They are now faced with a very real predicament: Give Alison the top job or risk losing her to the BBC and Channel 4, who recently signed the host to front the Baftas and Great British Bake Off respectively in two massive deals.

The obvious solution is to politely part ways with Phillip.

Alison could then be paired with Holly Willoughby in a mega partnership bringing the two most popular female presenters on British television together.

Given ITV insists it’s such a woke company, with diversity drives regularly led by its CEO, the right on ex-Guardian boss Carolyn McCall, surely they’ll have no problem with its flagship show being presented by two women? After all, the all-conquering Strictly Come Dancing duo of Claudia Winkleman and Tess Daly have proven it can be a great success.

I understand Holly may be reluctant to take up such a deal, given the pair have always publicly declared when one of them leaves This Morning they will both quit.

But I would urge her to think again; she has worked too hard for too long.

Trust me on this Holly, if the situation were reversed I am pretty sure he would ditch you faster than he could say: 'Whatever happened to my ex-BFF Fern Britton?'
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Grooming isn’t just about people trying to reel kids in because of their perverted desire for a sexual relationship with them. It’s also societal grooming where articles like the Independent, just posted, and posters who clearly are that way inclined themselves try to normalise the behaviour little by little.

I am not a fan of drag. I find it boring, and cruel towards women. However if it just stopped at just being in clubs etc, I would not be bothered. However, little by little, by making it seem benign (which in most cases it is), it’s infiltrating places it shouldn’t. The BBC seem very keen to promote it. But it’s adult entertainment and I really don’t understand why libraries, schools, councils and even mothers themselves, are allowing drag story time. I don’t get it. Why do drag artists want to read stories to children. Do pole dancers yearn to teach PE lessons? Something odd is happening and we are all just sitting back and just seemingly let it happen.

It’s pushing the boundaries all the time…

Just editing to say, whilst I preferred Paul O’Grady as himself, Lily Savage was a good comedy character. Biting wit but it felt benign compared to the ones that are around today.
I completely agree about drag! It doesn't make any sense to me the way all this gender stuff is going. I thought women were finally going to be celebrated for who they are and let women be women and children be children etc. It's gone completely the other way, why are these drag queens being celebrated when if a woman went about acting like that it'd be the opposite! Women nearly made it to be equal and suddenly got scrubbed out.... Periods, birth, breastfeeding are all women's things and it's being taken away. And women are helping it be taken away too. ... I kind of went off topic but it all goes together imo
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OH EM GEE! Woodburn had just admitted there's dirty secrets! Wootton on a roll now he's not gonna let Philth off the hook
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If, in his mind, P hadn't done anything wrong, why pay all that money to cleanse the Internet of any discussion or posts about it?
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People on FB saying they ‘can’t wait to see This Morning tomorrow’. They really need to get a life. Or a job. How shit must your life be if you get excited to see bloody This Morning?
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Does anyone else feel sorry for Holly, being so closely asosciated with Philth?
Nope - that photo of Matthew approaching Holly at the NTAs and her looking dismissively at him in his moment of need is heartbreaking. As a mother herself, she is a disgrace and should be ashamed of herself playing along with this charade.
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Amanda Platell

Daily Mail columnist 👀. This means they know exactly what they’re doing with their news stories regarding Philth. She’s followed by Camilla Tominey whose one of the main ones on the sofa when they discuss the news headlines and is followed by Dan Wooton!
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From what i see it’s mainly the older generation who defend him and say he’s done nothing wrong. Makes you wonder what was the norm for them growing up
That's a very sweeping statement to make! I'm mid sixties, and I find his behaviour abhorrent, as do many other people my age and older!
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Dan Wootton talking about PS again on gb news, with Kim Woodburn who says he should be sacked! And Amanda Platell on the panel

Fair play to DW for keeping the momentum going.
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This is hilarious. The amount of replies that are PS gifs is remarkable!! He’s no secret for his shit anymore.
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Chatty Member
The momentum is growing, no sign of holly showing, paedophilth must be going!! New thread suggestion 😁
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It’s really very, very weird to visit this thread and say “women” are the ones with the problem for querying Schofield’s judgment and actions because “it’s common to be attracted to people who are underage.” Someone might need to do some self-examination.

There are plenty of male gay celebrities who do not have threads (or Twitter posts, or YouTube videos) with this sort of speculation, I won’t name them so as to unfairly associate them with Schofield, but I’m sure most Tattlers could rattle off a dozen names.
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I see Alison has apologised for an incident on TM last week. Why couldn't have P and H issued a speedy apology after queuegate.

He thinks he's never in the wrong.
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Also it’s Paul O’Grady’s funeral today and it will be featuring a guard of honour of dogs from Battersea 😢
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Kim is what I aspire to be at that age. She really does not give a sh*t about what anyone thinks of her.
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I have never liked him but when he came out on TM I thought the whole thing was a pantomime, and my socials blew up with everyone fawning over him and running to kiss his arse and talk about how brave he was. I just kept quiet because I'm a Christian quite open about my faith and I just figured people would label me homophobic (which I absolutely am not, I am all for celebrating love, people being true to who they are, I support equal marriage etc etc) and I didn't want the backlash. I'm so happy to see this thread and see that I'm not alone!
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