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This article has PR puff piece written all over it, and he had them hard at work after the jumping the Queeny queue fiasco.

I had no idea this is what celebs do till Miss Markle and her aggressive PR agenda came to these shores. It’s basically how the Kardashian’s became famous. It’s mad that fame and public image can be bought (or attempted to be bought).

Henceforth why mainstream media is totally untrustworthy.

These are probably the same gullible people who were taken in by Matt Hancock on I’m a Celeb and kept him in till 4th place. The man is a weasel. It’s very clear to see unless you have spam for brains.
Too many spam heads around it seems
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Pleased to see GBNews have been covering the story. Whilst I think the angle they went in on Schofield with was quite gross, by making out it was immoral for Schofield to disown his brother for his paedophilic antics I kind of see what they were doing. Dan was trying to underhandedly highlight Philth’s hypocrisy without creating an legal issues - Disowning his brother whilst he’s committing acts of a similar vein.

Calvin more or less confirmed there’s some form of NDA or super-injunction in place. I wonder if any journalists have been reading here and listening to our complaints regarding the coverage of this particular news story and GB News had legal consultations to ensure they could discuss the story and remain critical of Phil without landing themselves in lawsuit territory?

Also, I had a look on the This Morning thread on DS, purely out of curiosity to see if they were any people who had the same opinion as us regarding Philth, and as I predicted, the place is awash with Schofield sympathisers. So if anyone has an account on there, please ask JurassicMark why he’s so hellbent on defending someone whose widely disliked across the industry, and if Schofe is such a good person, why did he file past the queen’s coffin and why did he provide a character reference for a young sex worker who lives with him who was in court under suspicion for revenge porn?
BIB - Life is too short to get involved in arguing with that poster, IMO.
They remind me of a poster on another forum I read, who argues for the sake of arguing.
I seldom read over there anymore tbh.

Tedious in the extreme.
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Chatty Member
Now wondering who was caught with? Often saw George on the Heath but he wasn't a soap star. Guess in those days social media online news etc didn't exist hence he kept his lie going on for so long? Poor wife must be gutted, hope she's taken him to the cleaners and is building her own life now
I'm going to guess at Jason Donovan ( neighbours & contract with saw )
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There’s a photo on Instagram of Matthew, his dad and Philth 😐 I wonder if his dad knew they were in a relationship or he was just Matthew’s “mentor” 🙄
is the pic you mention taken around the time when Matthew was in the stage school or from his time from This Morning`?
I remember him talking about his flat years and years ago. He said it was for the lads to come round and watch the football without disturbing his wife.
without disturbing his Beard :ROFLMAO: as if his house wasn't big enough just like the he was washing the dishes when his Sibling came to tell what he had been up to!
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I watched that. On tomorrows papers there was 1 line about the pweirdo brother, then they quickly moved on to the story about the queen's corgis! Very strange!
Now they are talking about how much PRES Biden hates the English! And Harry and meghan. Very strange!
Yeah, the laugh that came out of Dan just as they skipped to the corgi story really made me think it was related to the PS story rather than the queen's dogs!
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Chatty Member
#wishing filths true revelation, cancel that twat and have a carnation!!
I obviously spelt that wrong 😆 just a suggestion x
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I remember Dr Ranj getting ripped about this on twitter as he was pushing Martin Frizzell out the way so he could be in shot!
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Isn’t this what the crisis management team are paid to do? Set up lots of bot accounts for sites like the DM and post positive, fawning comments underneath, I despise GB News and Dan Wootton but they seem to be the only outlet telling the truth about
Schofield. I don’t believe for one second he will disown his brother. It’s all about preserving his reputation and looking good as they say.
exactly and he may even have a deal with his brother. I hope someone from PHA who is reportedly being paid all that money to 'clean up' PS's rep blows the whistle on their antics and the things they are covering up
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I wonder does Phil ever sit down and think is all this really worth it? What is the point of making all this money just to have to pay it all out to crisis management, injunctions and god knows whoever else? When everyone knows the truth anyway?
No. In a word.
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Had to Google WoS presenters, haven't even heard of that programme. I only recognise two of the names, both beginning with D. One of those two?
If it was the 80s then I am guessing it was Double D as he was the main presenter back in the day. My nana used to be mad about wrestling and we had to watch it every Saturday afternoon whenever we went to see her. I read something about him on a forum a while back that may be nothing but could back it up at the same time. It's the first post if anyone is interested.

Another thing that has me wondering is everyone saying he has NDAs/Injunctions to stop people speaking but isn't there a rule that if assault/harassment has taken place then it is unlawful for them to be used to cover up offenses?
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Mellow Yellow

VIP Member
Now wondering who was caught with? Often saw George on the Heath but he wasn't a soap star. Guess in those days social media online news etc didn't exist hence he kept his lie going on for so long? Poor wife must be gutted, hope she's taken him to the cleaners and is building her own life now
Jason D???
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
Now wondering who was caught with? Often saw George on the Heath but he wasn't a soap star. Guess in those days social media online news etc didn't exist hence he kept his lie going on for so long? Poor wife must be gutted, hope she's taken him to the cleaners and is building her own life now
Jason Donovan?
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