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VIP Member
How can he sit on the sofa and discuss certain issues anymore though ?
Grooming is a topic which sadly comes up regularly these days …. Are they just going to cover a grooming story on a Friday or school holidays from now on ?
It’s bloody ridiculous!
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"Mr Shellard said the defendant then 'left for home' and 'it was not spoken of again'. The alleged victim had started counselling and told a therapist about the claims of abuse in November 2021. They alerted the police and Schofield was arrested days later."

So had it not been for the therapist, the police may never have been involved. Philth, it seems, certainly wouldn't have alerted them.
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Chatty Member
You only need to look at the comments on fb on each news article to see how the public feel about philth, so why does itv keep inflicting him on the public..
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He’s just a coward. Hiding away in his house all week.
Just FUCK OFF now you revolting creature. TM so much better with him not presenting
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I’ve said all along that he would have some kind of ‘mental health crisis’ if made to face up to what he’s done.
Ah yes, and then there will be another #bekind extravaganza. I am in no way undermining mental health; I have suffered myself. However mental health in my opinion seems to becoming a cop out for everything. How on earth mental health will be used as an excuse I will never know, but ITV will manage to wiggle their way around it
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PS gets rid of anyone he feels is a threat to his job or will speak up against him and for some reason he has that power at itv Rylan, Jeff Brazier, Eamon, Amanda, Ruth, Fern. To name a few
He keeps all the luvvies that blow smoke up his ass !(literally) and they are generally rubbish or desperate presenters so they just put up and turn a blind eye to his ego
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Adam has quite a big following on twitter and interesting he has just posted this.
He’s also on GB news quite a lot so obviously knows Dan Wootton well
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London Hung Guy

Chatty Member
I foresee a TM clear out over the summer break. Phil gone due to child abuse, Alison gone due to the unknown rumours she was been blackmailed about (must be so so bad!!) and Holly throwing in the card as she is stinking rich and just wants to drink cocktails and lunch now she is in her 40s.

But to be replaced by whom? Maybe brand new presenters, how wonderful eh?

But what the fuck should I care, I work 😂😂 Just had seeing Phil on any TV given he harboured a child sex offended make me 🤮🤮😵
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to be fair it's only people like Eamonn, Ruth and Amanda who have ever dared speak ill of him. I believe they are hardworking, genuine people. I'm so glad Phil's time appears to be up , he is disgusting.
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I've always wondered why Dr Ranj left This Morning and moved to BBC Morning Live. I remember when queuegate happened he tweeted and deleted something about karma. I read an interview with him recently and they asked him who he missed from the show and kept in contact with... he mentioned Gok Wan, Dr Zoe and Alison Hammond... I thought it was very interesting that he didn't say Phil or Holly :unsure:🤨
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Chatty Member
I hope this is the end.

Something poetic if indeed Joel or someone else takes over given the way he nabbed the job (and acted like the big cheese) when John Leslie got the boot.
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That was disgusting to watch. Gutter journalism. And Ruth had to apologise the next day on his behalf!

Don't care if he is on next week or next month, this is the beginning of the end. Once Holly calls it quits, he has no choice but to join her. She was not happy at how ITV handled queue gate.

No one will bother to snap his services up or make him the face of a new show. It's too risky. 'Dancing on Ice' is all he has and that show is hanging on to dear life. The only time it resembled something fresh and new was when Stephen Mulhern stepped in but Pip didn't like it.
I remember reading here about how he basically ambushed Cameron. Really, how dare he when he knows that his own name most likely belongs on a paedophile list!

Holly did the apology as a voiceover - in her little breathy, hoarse voice about queue gate. Ugh.
I think neither of them thought they had actually done anything wrong, and the high and mighty Phil was certainly not going to apologise to the great unwashed. 😡

ITV handled all of that so so badly.
They are a sickening pair. I'm not sure there is anything likeable about either of them.

100% agree re Stephen Mulhern presenting with her on DOI.
It was suddenly light, enjoyable entertainment which is what it's meant to be.

I hope this is the beginning of the end for him. And I hope that those boys/ young men abused by him and his brother are able to find the help and support that they deserve.
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I hope itv actually look at the comments praising the show without old Pip, and take in to consideration that it might be time to get him and has been holly off our screens
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The whole transcript of what went down is so bizarre and unnatural. Phil’s brother rings him in a state of extreme agitation and Phil asks him to drive two hours to him (probably didn’t want him divulging anything untoward on the phone, with hacking and all that 🧐) and when he gets there, Phil starts waffling on about what he’s watching on tv? Would you not be like what’s going on? What’s the matter? Tim told Phil on the phone he felt suicidal and then when he gets there Phil is on about tv shows? What a strange pair. Then when Tim divulges to Phil what he’s been up to with a young boy all Phil has to say is don’t let it happen again?! I think I’ve had stronger words spoken to me from my partner when I’ve ordered one too many parcels from asos.

The whole thing stinks!! There must be a reason that Phil is being brought into this because it doesn’t make any sense? Maybe texts between the two were found discussing it and so he had to concoct this bs story to support it
Or maybe Timothy told the police that he had told Philth about it 3 months beforehand, so the police questioned Philth. I don't get how someone can know about this abuse and not be seen as complicit. The whole thing stinks, if they weren't close, why on earth would T divulge any of this to P, he wouldn't have been able to second guess what P would do. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they were both as bad as each other and had both done exactly the same, so P would be seen as a safe ear. Sooner that super injunction is lifted the better, the truth will come out.
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