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Dunno what it is about her she just really has like a bitchy type of energy. Think someone else has pointed it out on here but she’s always doing stories where you can see up her nostrils. If you go back and have a look at her old photos she’s clearly had a nose job! Not sure if she’s been open about it?
I’m not sure on the nose job. The June 2014 picture her nose does look slightly bigger but then August 2014 shows she’s always liked an up nose shot 😂 if she has had one I would say it’s fairly subtle and she probably didn’t need it imo.


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This is what makes me think she MUST be vaccinated.. surely she and her mother wouldn’t just blatantly ignore the law for the sake of a few photos.. sorry I mean for a ‘shoot’ 🥱
Yes she cant be breaking the law SURELY so she must be vaccinated. Tbf i thought companies like ITS might not like the influencers to say they arent vaccinated publicly as its going against boris advice.
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VIP Member
Hold the phone - £11k on an 11 day holiday to DUBAI? what the actual fuck That is an absolutely INSANE amount of money to spend on a holiday! Also I really really don’t see how they’ve saved £2k + on food and drink on holiday by going all inclusive ( which obviously would’ve cost more than not going all inclusive ) what were they eating!? Christ if she’s trying to be relatable she is failing massively. What an absolutely crazily obscene amount of money spent on 11 days in the sun.
£11k and they were all inclusive ?
what ???
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VIP Member
couldn’t agree more with this. As mentioned before she is the definition of “new money” and it’s so clear she is obsessed by it. Utterly transparent. It’s like that saying ‘ignorance is bliss’ she truly believes she is the best and gods gift, however her engagemrnt on posts hasn’t actually boosted at all from when she was on 500k so it’s quite telling. People are definitely getting the gist of her.
She’s definitely bought tens of thousands of followers. Nobody gains the sort of following daily she has just by trying on clothes on Instagram & ITS collections. In the current climate why would anybody start following someone who constantly brags about everything they’ve got and rubbing it constantly in peoples faces. Every single day she blows smoke up her own arse and shows off about what she’s got.
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Her latest question and answer on her Instagram stories, she’s getting annoyed at people asking her how much she returns 🤣 Also did anyone clock the question about her own clothing range and she replied something like, I’ve got my own ITS range which I feel is going to go really far 🙈 Shes getting very full of herself. I used to really like her as well
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Active member
Aww that’s a lovely shade of brown lip liner you got there babs 😅😆
She’s taken tips from Faye from love island YIKESS

I unfollowed her ages ago but I live in the same town as her so I’m intrigued to know what this salon drama is? What happened please? And what salon she she shame?
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I missed the stories where she said / announced she was surprising her sisters to a holiday.. did anyone get any screenshots by any chance?

Small small world… her sister who just got engaged is with someone I was seeing around 10 years ago! Took me a while to realise who it was that got down on one knee for her 😂
She did a tiktok for the surprise x
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It’s lovely but I find it mad that he’s proposed given they had no clue where the holiday was going to be? It just so happens he’s been able to propose with the Dubai skyline but I dunno, part of me thinks did he know before where they were going so he could plan it?
I think they all must of guessed it was going to be Dubai, as she spends every other holiday there. When she was asking them what their guesses were they obviously would’ve said less glamorous places so that it didn’t look like they were being too greedy/hoping for too much. Either way I think the boyfriend knew it’d be atleast Dubai if not somewhere better ( considering she said ‘’once in a lifetime’’ 🤨 )
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Well-known member
I just don’t really get it. It’s not like she has acres of land and this pond doesn’t take up much space. She’s literally wasted half of her garden having this put in and isn’t really thinking practically. What happens if they have children? A huge safety hazard and it wastes space that could have been used for toys etc?

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Chatty Member
Lol the screenshot she shared of the troll message she got. It’s funny how she always manages to find and open those kind of messages or ones enquiring about her stupid face brush, but never seems to bother with messages asking questions about the clothes she is advertising
She never replies when I message her lol. I asked her if she’d been jabbed. No reply. I asked if she was isolating. No response. I’m sure there were loads of people asking same questions!!!!!
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New member
Does anyone else think she speaks funny or is it just me? Anything with an ‘L’ in it sounds like a ‘Y’???
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