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VIP Member
I'm getting so frustrated I just need to vent haha. I was diagnosed 4 years ago and my GP did the typical come back for help when you want to get pregnant. I've recently changed to a different surgery as I moved, so I spoke to them about struggling with my symptoms and that I would like to discuss the possibility of Metformin. He said it sounds like a good idea but that I would need up to date blood tests, so I did them last week. I had a message yesterday saying they wanted to speak to me as soon as possible to discuss the results, so I called up and they've booked me a call back for the 29th of June!:mad: Now I am just wondering what they've found and I'm desperate to know if I can start the tablets or not. I know it's only a month and doesn't make much difference when I've waited this long but I just want to feel better now
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Thank you that helps as I've had some bad experiences with smears which was making me anxious.

Appreciate you kindness, many thanks.

Have a good weekend.
Hey all

Thanks for all your kind workss.

I got the scan all went okay. It showed no cysts,.

I feel kinda stupid but I know there's an issue. Any advice what I should do next?
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I've noticed for a while, that my period is practically nothing each month, although in the past it could be quite heavy
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Chatty Member
Can anyone recommend some leggings / bottoms for extreme bloat?

I’m having such a difficult time at the moment with constant intense bloating, abdominal pain and lower back pain and I’m so, so uncomfortable in everything I wear. (Wondering if I should be querying endo with my GP?) I cannot stand the feeling of any waistband. I have some joggers and in a pinch I cut the waistband open to unpick the elastic and remove it. They only just stay up now 😅
Can anyone recommend some leggings / bottoms for extreme bloat?

I’m having such a difficult time at the moment with constant intense bloating, abdominal pain and lower back pain and I’m so, so uncomfortable in everything I wear. (Wondering if I should be querying endo with my GP?) I cannot stand the feeling of any waistband. I have some joggers and in a pinch I cut the waistband open to unpick the elastic and remove it. They only just stay up now 😅
leggings with a thick waist I find are a lot better or i wear a jumpsuit xx
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I use tweezers. You can have laser treatment too but it can be expensive.

I paid privately for Saxenda through my surgery’s pharmacy. I did use Metformin many years ago but found it didn’t help me at all. No matter what I did I couldn’t loose weight. I was quite sceptical of Saxenda before trying especially paying £250 for 5 pens but was so pleased with the results. I used it for 6 months as couldn’t afford it after that. I did put some weight back on but no where near what I was and I am maintaining. I’ll be interested to see what Boots charge for Wegovy when they launch it.
That’s good to know. Metformin and ultra low carb worked for me so I’m hoping ozempic works.
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I have no official diagnosis as a pelvic scan showed nothing but I've had most PCOS symptoms for 7-8 years now :( It really gets me down. I get a lot of excess sweating too, especially during changes in temperature - does anyone else have the same? It's all over the body, not localized, which apparently means it's a symptom of another condition, not just sweating on its own.
It was first suspected I had PCOS in my teens and following a pelvic scan they decided I didn't have it as there were no cysts. Fast forward to my late 20's another doctor repeated the same tests and I had characteristic string of pearls cysts - so clear scans don't necessarily mean anything! I have hyperhydrosis and it makes my life absolutely miserable, although mine is localised I do strongly believe the PCOS etc are all linked.
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I have recently found out about taking myo-inositol for PCOS. However, I can't tell if the cons outweigh the pros eg regulate periods but growing facial hair, just wondering if anyone else has taken it and it helped regulate your period without any unwanted side effects?
I haven't noticed any increase in facial hair whilst I've been on it
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Have you had bloody tests? As I had no cysts when I had my scan but they diagnosed me based on my bloods and my oily/spotty skin
I had some very expensive private blood tests a few years ago which were inconclusive apart from elevated DHEA levels which can be a sign of PCOS, but the Dr was reluctant to do anything apart from suggest some vitamins. It confused me because how can I have nearly every symptom yet they won't diagnose me?! I've had acne for half my life over my entire body, excess hair for nearly 10 years, irregular periods, belly weight, depression for 10+ years...the symptoms just never end. It's destroyed my confidence in myself
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I think I might have PCOS but no idea where to start really. I've always suspected that i've had it but never dealt with it. Is it easier to go through your doctor or does anyone recommend going straight to a gynae specialist?
I went straight to a gynaecologist and it was through the ecography he saw the cysts - as I also have endometriosis, he wasn't necessarily looking for it but seeing if my endo had spread (I suspected I had pcos myself) but, yeah that's how it happened for me.
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Chatty Member
Hey jumping on this thread just wanted some advice re periods. I was diagnosed with PCOS and had the symptoms irregular periods etc. But my periods have been more regular recently but incredibly light mainly spotting. Has anyone else experienced this?
Just this month this is happening to me! But it’s the only time it’s happened. Very strange as they’re usually so heavy.
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Well-known member
Thank you I’m a bit nervous with medical things so this is super helpful to know what to expect thank you x
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hi everyone, I'm hoping some of you may be able to help me? I have endometriosis, I was diagnosed a few years ago but I suspect I also have PCOS, how were all of you diagnosed? Was it with a blood test, or ecography etc? thank you 😇
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So I’ve came off my pill - not TTC or anything, just haven’t renewed my prescription. I’m in two minds whether I want to go back on it or not because I’ve been on it for so long but it was mostly to manage my PCOS. Anyway - it’s only been a few days and I am STRUGGLING. I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. My whole body aches, I’m getting pains under my ribs, up my back, down my legs, my reproductive organs feel like they’re clamped in a vice. I slept for over 12 hours last night and had to force myself out of bed this morning otherwise I would have continued to sleep.

I haven’t had a period since I started on the mini pill around 4/5 years ago but I don’t ever remember feeling like this when I did get periods. I don’t know if this is considered ‘normal’ when coming off the pill or if this is what unmanaged PCOS feels like. I should say that my period hasn’t even started yet so lord help me if/when it does come and the usual cramping etc begins on top of all of this.

Sorry just had to vent somewhere😓
Sympathy for you! I also felt like this when I came off the pill. It got so bad that after about 5 months I got the implant put back in which has made a big improvement. Hope you feel better soon!
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@Elsie1988 where do you buy your spearmint tea? I’ve had teas with mixed mint but struggling to find purely spearmint 😊 xx
I ordered mine online usually as you are right, supermarkets tend to only have blends of mints. Although surprisingly Aldi did a spearmint one once but haven’t seen it since x
Hello, just wondering if anyone has experienced what I'm going through right now.

Diagnosed at 20 with PCOS, confirmed with ultrascan and amenorrhoea since 14. Prescribed the pill at 20 and have taken that for 10+ years. I decided now it was time to stop taking my pill with the doctors support.

Anyway, has anyone been in a similar situation where they had absent periods for years and found a way to get their period without taking the pill??

I am enjoying a high protein diet recently and hoping this might help me ovulate but if anyone has any advise on what worked for them. Please let me know as I just want my period even if its irregular.
The only thing that has worked for me is Metformin and a dairy free diet
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Well-known member
I’ve decided to come off my contraceptive so I can get my fertility levels checked and I’m excited and anxious- I’ve been on it 16 years, on the mini pill and without a period for the past 7 or so and when I went on as a teen it was because of having horrific periods. Hopefully easier now, but you hear it can take absolutely months to start back up.
I’m not trying to conceive but after spending all this time thinking it just wasn’t possible for me, I just need to see for sure.
Anyone got any tips coming off and getting them to start again sooner or is it more of a wait and see thing?
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Active member
GPs know very little about PCOS
They are only GP and not specialist so not expected to know about single con, however, some GPs do know more than others. You can request to see a different GP if you feel you need another opinion or help
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I've been diagnosed with PCOS. I've found my periods are really really light whenever I have them as well as very irregular. I know irregular periods are part of the symptoms but does anyone else get really light periods? Sorry for the TMI but I used to have heavy periods and enough to fill a pad with bright red blood, now the blood is mainly beigy brown and rarely is bright red coloured and the amount of blood would be enough to fill a tena lady. I'm worried as I really want children and if my periods aren't even working properly or how they used to I think it's game over for me being able to have a baby 😩
I was told by my GP that if I was having periods I could get pregnant because it means you are ovulating. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1998 and my flow has varied a lot in that time, yours will too, it's normal to have changes throughout your life
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Thanks so much for your reassurance, I haven't been able to switch off or stop worrying 😭 I'm glad you managed to have children, I hope I can get to one day also. That's been my main concern. Seeing posts like yours gives me a tiny glimmer of faith 🤞🏻
I have everything crossed for you and I’m sure you will. Sometimes things take a little longer with pcos but definitely not impossible. It doesn’t help that a lot of doctors have little understanding of it
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Chatty Member
So I’m a little confused!!
Backstory- I did a blood test at home to test my hormones as think I suffer with PCOS. So I went private through work to see if I could get diagnosed but I also went through my local GP to get my thyroid tested. It came back normal
Got a scan of my ovaries done through the private GP and they’re totally fine too. I had my meeting with the private doctor and he said everything’s pointing to PCOS even though my ovaries are fine so I need to contact my local GP to go onto the pill.

Soooo I don’t know whether to go to my local GP (who has voiced they don’t want external input) and get a full blood work done or go straight to talk about the pill (currently not on anything!)
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