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It’s both great and sad that you finally have a diagnosis and I hope you’re feeling okay. How old are you?
It’s very frustrating when doctors tell you to lose weight because PCOS is so often the reason for weight gain, but I believe losing weight can help with a lot of the symptoms caused by PCOS. It’s very mentally draining hearing what doctors say but there’s so much science and help online that they never refer to.
I'm just feeling a bit emotional, but my bf was with me and he was really supportive. I wear a UK size 8, so to be told I need to lose a few kgs was a bit shocking - although tbh, I do have this belly pouch that just can't seem be shifted! any advice anyone has in terms of anything I would really appreciate. I'm so glad there's a thread about it so I have people I can talk to who'll understand 💘
thanks to those who've replied x
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The doctor I was speaking to last week told me that it's not medically necessary to have a period if you're on contraception. But he did say what isn't good and what can happen is that you have a period but it (sorry, gross) doesn't come out. He also mentioned that it can happen that you ovulate but don't have a period as the hormone levels aren't high enough to trigger one. That one is probably important if you're trying to conceive.
Oh yeah of course if you’re on contraception it’s not relevant! Just for those who aren’t I meant xx
This is really useful to know. I haven't had a period since December, prior to that they were very unregular but I just kept getting told it was due to coming off the pill and "wait it out". I have recently undergone some tests for suspected PCOS and/or thyroid issues and am awaiting results. After reading this thread I do think I have a few of the symptoms. My main worry is I really struggle to lose weight and I do have quite a stomach on me which I can't seem to get rid of.
When I asked my GP about medication to induce a period she said she couldn't give me anything! What do I need to ask for specifically?

I know I need to also wait for my test results, but not having a period is making me so anxious. We are TTC so obviously I'm panicking about being infertile ☹ If I could be given something to try and induce a period to then hopefully kickstart my cycle it would relieve so much anxiety and pressure!
My doctor gives Norethisterone and I take it for 10 days. It’s part of the nice guidelines that they have to give you something if it’s been longer than 3 months (I think).. it might be worth trying to see a different doctor as the first couple I went to weren’t very helpful xx
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@boomska i have similar symptoms to you and got a pcos diagnosis, you can be diagnosed without a scan if you meet the other two criteria! my regular bloods include gonadotrophin, testosterone, androgens, SHBG and hba1c (blood sugar) for reference. i've been to see both gynae and endocrinology so could be one or both of those - good luck!! i'd also suggest asking them to check your thyroid as they can be linked!
Ahhh thank you so much!! 🥰 I’ll definitely get looked into it Monday. Thanks everyone for their support!

this is my results were last time I did my own blood test at home.


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Chatty Member
Where did you get the blood test from? Really interested in doing something like this
I got mine radox health website. I typed into Google ‘female health test’ and it came up. It’s £29 though but worth it IMO xx
Where did you get the blood test from? Really interested in doing something like this
I got mine radox health website. I typed into Google ‘female health test’ and it came up. It’s £29 though but worth it IMO xx
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I didn’t find it too bad. Obviously it’s not a nice experience but I didn’t find it extremely uncomfortable or traumatic. I have a very difficult time getting a smear done and I experience a lot of pain when having a speculum inserted, but having the scan didn’t cause me any large amount of pain. I didn’t need any kind of sedative, I have no idea if they even offer them here. I think I was a little bit crampy for the rest of the day. However everyone has different experiences with these things. I hope it goes okay for you.
Thank you that helps as I've had some bad experiences with smears which was making me anxious.

Appreciate you kindness, many thanks.

Have a good weekend.
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Glad to have found this thread. I was diagnosed with PCOS nearly 20 years ago (damn I'm old!) and now in my early 40s. When I was first diagnosed the doctors were rubbish and knew nothing about the condition - they originally prescribed me the pill which played havoc with me and I eventually came off them a year or so later.

During lockdown I finally started to watch what I was eating more and made an effort to do more exercise (daily walks/buying a crosstrainer for the home) and went from 270lbs down to around 235 - resulting in my periods finally becoming regular and having no sign of polys on my ovaries! B

But since returning to work I've plataued and find myslef stuck in a rut - I've also been drinking a lot more as my work has become super stressful.

Has knowledge of PCOS improved on the NHS? I'd love to find a proper doctor who specialises in the area so I can have some proper advice and consultation.

I have no will power and constantly crave sugar and carbs, but I'm mindful that I'm not a spring chicken anymore and need to think about the future.
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I know it's not what everyone might be interested in but Chromium is the one PCOS supplement I can't be without. My current supply is from Holland and Barrett but Amazon is usually cheaper.
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I think I might have PCOS but no idea where to start really. I've always suspected that i've had it but never dealt with it. Is it easier to go through your doctor or does anyone recommend going straight to a gynae specialist?
I went through my doctor, if you think you’ve got the symptoms then I’d just go from there and request bloods and an ultrasound 😊
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I genuinely think I’ve got PCOS. I’ve been tracking my period since coming off the place in May of last year. And they’re showing as irregular (but only by a couple of days for my age range BUT I still have a period every month though), I’ve got hair every (chin, etc!), I’ve got stabbing pain where my ovaries are, I did a blood test that I bought off a website that tests female test and the testosterone was through the roof!!

And I’m struggling to lose weight too, unless I starve myself which I obviously don’t do. And majority of my weight sit on my stomach.

luckily I’ve got private healthcare with work & I spoke to a GP through work who assigned me to a- can’t remember what they’re job title is now (currently hungover) but someone with reproductive experience hahaha but I never followed it up. As I want to lose all my extra weight, I’m tempted to go back and follow it up. What do you all think? I’m scared that they’ll come back and be like nah it’s all in your head!
I've always had regular periods, apart from when I was first diagnosed. It's an endocrinologist you need to see to be diagnosed.
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Hi ladies am I being thick here or something? 🤪 after coming off the pill Cerazette I've had 2 years of non existent periods. After having a blood test my doctor suspects it's PCOS. He prescribed Metformin twice a day since October last year.

I assumed the Metformin would help my cycle become regular again but has made no difference. Is this weird?
It’s only been three months. It’s different for everyone but took me three months to have a period after taking metformin then was regular every single month
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I was told that they weren’t able to refer me unless I was actively trying to conceive. Pure rage inducing that I’m not considered to be worth treatment unless I’m thinking about doing something I have been told would not be a possibility by doctors at diagnosis.
This was my experience after being diagnosed just over 6 years ago, so I guess not much has changed. It’s very disheartening to know that I’m not worthy of any help or treatment because I’ve chosen not to conceive. I’m trying to make my peace with it and find holistic ways to ease my symptoms. I do realise that some of my symptoms are not as severe as others with PCOS and for some, medication is very necessary.

I was on the combined pill (Eloine) for a while and the anti androgenic effects were brilliant, however it affected me too much in other ways so I’ve stopped taking it. The same thing has happened with multiple different combined pills.
i usually drink peppermint tea after lunch and dinner, i've been doing this on/off for years really (long before i knew i had pcos) as i have always found it helps with my digestion and bloating.
I’ve had peppermint tea daily for years, I love it and it definitely aids with digestion and bloating as you say. However spearmint tea has been said to have anti androgenic effects and anecdotally some people have experienced a reduction in hirsutism after drinking two cups of spearmint tea a day or taking spearmint capsules. HERE is the abstract of a trial from 2010. I haven’t done further research though.
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I'm just feeling a bit emotional, but my bf was with me and he was really supportive. I wear a UK size 8, so to be told I need to lose a few kgs was a bit shocking - although tbh, I do have this belly pouch that just can't seem be shifted! any advice anyone has in terms of anything I would really appreciate. I'm so glad there's a thread about it so I have people I can talk to who'll understand 💘
thanks to those who've replied x
I feel you here, I am also a size 8 but quite short so my weight is close to being overweight. Being told to try and lose weight is so distressing for me because I already eat low calories and exercise a decent amount, feels like I'd have to starve myself to lose anymore. ♥
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I had both an internal and external scan - and guessing that’s what I’ll have next time. Fingers crossed it’s clearer!

I had quite a few blood tests including thyroid! I didn’t actually know that those symptoms can be caused by thyroid too though.

I will keep pushing for sure - how do you get to see an endocrine? Just ask? Thanks for your reply x
Yeah! This is the thing, so many symptoms for PCOS over cross with other things!

I asked to see an endocrine about 2 years ago as I wanted to understand more about PCOS and my body and never felt like my GP did - now I go every six months. I don’t know whether they said yes because I already had the diagnosis or not though. But it certainly is great to speak to someone who understands all about hormones and the insulin resistance part of my PCOS so if you think it would benefit you to get that information and see them for anything that could be causing your symptoms then I would ask x
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Anyone really struggle with weight loss? Has your doctor been able to provide any advice/support?
feel like I’m doing all the right things but not seeing results
keto is the only thing that actually works for me. My symptoms are also less severe when on this diet
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I'm also experiencing the same with metformin, I've been on it for two months now and it isn't doing anything that I can notice but has given me upset stomach. My main concern is I'm having to take the progestogen pills to induce a bleed but all my bleeds I'm having are really light, like spotting. Apparently one of the things that this could mean is that I'm not ovulating and this further worries my chances about fertility 😩
Yes the metformin played havoc with me I said i wouldn’t go back on it but it works for some people. Try not to worry I know it’s easier said than done but some people have naturally light periods and doesn’t mean anything. I was waiting to start clomid which is a fertility treatment to induce ovulation as I was told by the gynaecologist I wasn’t ovulating or if it I was it was very rarely. I could go 3-4 months without a period. The cycles before I feel pregnant were all 50+ days, I have no idea why I actually ovulated if it was the myo-inositol or I just randomly did. Like I say I know it’s easier said then done but there is lots of help you can get if your worried when it comes to fertility ❤
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I just had a blood test results come back and my doctor thinks I might have PCOS but have been referred for a scan to confirm the diagnosis.

I have always struggled with mild acne, and have some excess weight on my belly but have lost 8lb over the past month due to calorie counting. I also have very low libido which I'm hoping I can reverse if I manage the symptoms.

My doctor has been great and referred me straight away for a test when I called him about missed periods. I'm not too bothered about that as I don't want children but just wanted to check nothing serious was wrong (general health wise).

He said the condition should be manageable if I lose weight, less sugar and more exercise. But I see a lot of people don't seem to have this experience and need medication. Has anyone here changed their lifestyle and it helped with symptoms? I want to know what to expect as I have no idea!
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Just found this thread, just wondering if anyone has found anything that helps with thinning head hair, I'm getting really insecure about it. So annoying how my hair grows so thick everywhere else! :rolleyes:
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So I’m a little confused!!
Backstory- I did a blood test at home to test my hormones as think I suffer with PCOS. So I went private through work to see if I could get diagnosed but I also went through my local GP to get my thyroid tested. It came back normal
Got a scan of my ovaries done through the private GP and they’re totally fine too. I had my meeting with the private doctor and he said everything’s pointing to PCOS even though my ovaries are fine so I need to contact my local GP to go onto the pill.

Soooo I don’t know whether to go to my local GP (who has voiced they don’t want external input) and get a full blood work done or go straight to talk about the pill (currently not on anything!)
To be diagnosed you need two of the three “criteria”. I’ll attach an image at the bottom. Normal scans don’t mean no Pcos but it would mean that your blood tests have shown something that correlates to your symptoms.
Did they repeat your at home blood tests? At home blood tests are done off small samples and can be very unreliable. If the private gp hasn’t redone them, I’d request for a full set of hormone and regular blood work up to be done.
If your bloods and ovaries are fine, I’d be getting your own gp to try dig a bit further into other causes. You don’t want to start on a pill that could prolong your suffering in the long run. It sort of sounds like the private gps done the scan and wants to fob you off back to the nhs, if your work is paying for it I’d use it to your full advantage to get a definitive diagnosis
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