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Chatty Member
I might have already posted this on here but not sure, if you have less than 4 periods a year then your gp needs to give you medication to induce a period as it’s really unhealthy to have less than that! Mine gives me medication if it goes over 3 months between them as that’s when it’s considered ‘too long’ if you like, I only know from experience xx
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Lizzie Mintdrop

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Have you had the vaccine? I have and it's sent my periods haywire. I was diagnosed in 1998 and my periods were always regular, which I know is unusual but since I had the vaccine last year my periods have been really irregular and the first day is heavy, the next two days are light/spotting.

I know a few women whose periods are affected and I've read about it too so I'm putting it down to that
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Chatty Member
Hello, I'm hoping for some advice. I suspect I have PCOS as I match a lot of symptoms and after a long wait I've an appointment but it's just for an ultrasound. Can you request a labroscopy or do you have to wait?
Thanks in advance
Laparoscopy is surgery, it’s not needed to diagnose PCOS. I had 3/3 typical symptoms (no/few periods, excess facial hair and cysts on ovaries). A blood test confirmed hormonal issues and a transvaginal ultrasound confirmed cysts on ovaries.
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Does anyone have any advice on ways to prevent hair loss? My hair is feeling thinner and I'm worried it will eventually end up with a bald spot!
Take a blood test to understand if there are any other underlying issues. Alternatively use Biotin, this has stopped my hair falling out. This can ve available from Holland and Barrett or Amazon.
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Chatty Member
Just found this thread, just wondering if anyone has found anything that helps with thinning head hair, I'm getting really insecure about it. So annoying how my hair grows so thick everywhere else! :rolleyes:
Would love to know this too! So unfair that that’s the one place we lose it!
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I could of wrote this. I had awful periods not every month but some months I’d be exactly as you described. I was palmed off for years because I was also a healthy weight and had some what regular periods. It was only within the last 3 years I got diagnosed after pushing my GP to test my hormones and scan me. I suffer with facial hair and my weight is now up and the tests confirmed pcos. I’ve known for years I had it and it helped me mentally know I wasn’t going silly! The only treatment I was offered was a referral to the fertility clinic though as I was ttc. I would still push for tests to confirm the diagnosis. I looked into mum-insitol which is a vitamin many say had helped them with their symptoms. Hopefully you can get some answers
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It sounds selfish to say but it’s good to know of other people who have similar experiences! It can be so isolating especially when you have doctors that don’t take you seriously.
I ended up booking a gp appointment last week with another doctor at my practice and thank goodness I did. She was absolutely amazing, was confused why I hadn’t been tested for pcos before! I told her the stuff was other doctors had said and she was very quick to shut them down. I cried in front of her haha. She took my bloods and has put me on the list for a TV ultrasound. I’ve checked the NHS app just before too and it looks as though my blood tests results came back showing (very 😬) high prolactin levels (>800mIU/L- normal range is 102-496!) and testosterone is above normal range too. Hopefully the doctor will call to discuss as googling is just causing me to spiral lol
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When I was drinking spearmint tea daily I noticed a big difference in the amount of facial hair I had
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Chatty Member
Just found this thread after posting quite a bit in the Saxenda weight loss thread about PCOS.

I was diagnosed when I was around 17 (I'm now 51) and I believe it was caused by the drug Epilim which I was prescribed as I had 2 grand mal seizures within 18 months and my GP at the time said it would be good to take Epilim as it would help control the seizures. If only we knew then what we know about that drug! My periods were pretty non existent when I reached 16 and at one point it was thought I was pregnant as I stopped having them (had 2 pregnancy tests carried out at the local hospital as that's what was done back in the day!) - I had a steady boyfriend so you can imagine how I had to build up the confidence to tell my mum I thought I was!

Since then, I had periods approximate twice or three times a year - never really heavy. Once I met my husband and was on the pill, the periods completely stopped. But of course I am hairy (especially under the chin) and weight is an issue hence using Saxenda (I lost 1.5 stones).

I have no idea if I will ever go through the menopause - I don't have any of the symptoms that my girlfriends have/had and my periods stopped so many years ago!

It was by chance I found out about the link with Epilim and PCOS as an article was written in You magazine (Daily Mail) following a reader's letter. Extensive research was carried out by a university in Birmingham (can't remember the exact one) so it was very interesting to know how I came to have PCOS. I actually weaned myself off Epilim after reading about the link much to my doctor's disgust! Besides I'd not had a seizure in 10 years and have been seizure free since.
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I genuinely think I’ve got PCOS. I’ve been tracking my period since coming off the place in May of last year. And they’re showing as irregular (but only by a couple of days for my age range BUT I still have a period every month though), I’ve got hair every (chin, etc!), I’ve got stabbing pain where my ovaries are, I did a blood test that I bought off a website that tests female test and the testosterone was through the roof!!

And I’m struggling to lose weight too, unless I starve myself which I obviously don’t do. And majority of my weight sit on my stomach.

luckily I’ve got private healthcare with work & I spoke to a GP through work who assigned me to a- can’t remember what they’re job title is now (currently hungover) but someone with reproductive experience hahaha but I never followed it up. As I want to lose all my extra weight, I’m tempted to go back and follow it up. What do you all think? I’m scared that they’ll come back and be like nah it’s all in your head!
Ask them for an internal ultrasound to check
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
Who would be best to go see for more treatment?

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 (I'm 42 now). At the time, all the doctor did was put me on the pill (as my periods were irregular and heavy) which I eventually came off a couple of years later because they were playing havoc with my body.

Since then I've not really done anything for it. My weight is high (230lbs), still get facial hair and heavy bloating. During lockdown I managed to lose 30lbs and in the process really helped with some of those symptoms but then with work and commitments it's blown back up. But I think it's time to try and sort this out. But with my doctors being useless I've decided to go private, but who do I go to. Should I try a gyno or endro?
Definitely endocrinology
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I took myo-insositol i didn’t notice it helped my pcos drastically maybe helped weight loss but I was only on it just over a month and fell pregnant so stopped taking it when I found out. They do say it takes a few month to notice. I don’t know if it helped me convince or was just a coincidence but we had been trying for over a year so I definitely think it helped us catch on. Years ago I was on metformin I didn’t think that didn’t much for me apart from upset my stomach but everyone is different
I'm also experiencing the same with metformin, I've been on it for two months now and it isn't doing anything that I can notice but has given me upset stomach. My main concern is I'm having to take the progestogen pills to induce a bleed but all my bleeds I'm having are really light, like spotting. Apparently one of the things that this could mean is that I'm not ovulating and this further worries my chances about fertility 😩
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Is sleep something to do with PCOS? I always need a good night sleep or I really struggle but didn't realise they were related.

I found out as I had 4 months without a period which is unusual for me. I was actually kind of relieved to find out, obviously I would rather not have it but it explained my acne which I have always struggled with and also I've had really low libido so was good to have an explanation so that I can try and work on improving symptoms.

I have a lot to learn really about how to adjust my lifestyle and what PCOS can cause.

I found out 10 years ago when I was 18/19. I can’t remember what triggered my doctor to send me for tests but it was probably my cystic acne. I’ve received no help over those 10 years, it’s really crap. I was told by a doctor last year when I phoned up about something else that I need to have my blood tests done and I was like “sorry blood tests for what?” and she told me with PCOS you’re supposed to have your bloods done every year. First I’d heard of it 🤷‍♀️ And I still don’t get called to get them done.
I didn't know I had to get bloods done every year either my doctor didn't say. He just said when I get pregnant I need to tell the nurse and be tested for pregnancy diabetes and if I don't get my periods back he can give me medicine for that. I don't want kids anyway so wasn't relevant for me but that's all he seemed interested in really - how it would affect fertility. Obviously I know that's important but he didn't seem interested in discussing any other issues.
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Does anyone have any advice for hair loss? My hair is starting to feel a little thin around the scalp. I'm researching vitamins and hair wraps to sleep in and silk pillow cases, but so much different advice and options of them all it's hard to know where to start!
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Hey guys! I’ve recently just been for an ultrasound as I haven’t had a period since June 2022. The sonogram lady suspects I have pcos but needs to send the scans to my doctor for confirmation. I have been off contraception since January 2022 and we’d really like to start our own family. I’m just wondering if anyone has any positive pregnancy stories with having pcos? Just trying to find a glimmer of hope as it feels so gloomy at the moment
Hi! 👋 I’ve got PCOS, diagnosed when I was 15, got a 5 month old who we conceived on the first try 😂 however, I have worked so so hard over the years to be healthy, I was on a low calorie diet and exercised regularly. Because of the PCOS I gain weight easily, and it’s taken years to understand what makes my body tick and what doesn’t. Not to sound cliche but I found losing weight and just having a healthy diet and exercise helped my symptoms immensely. I found my body couldn’t deal with carbs and due to the chemical imbalance from PCOS, if I ate say 400 calories of carbs that’s more detrimental than 400 calories of protein. my periods became regular when I was down to an average weight and it got to the point where when I saw an endocrinologist during my pregnancy he said “I don’t know why you’re here”. Best of luck, a lot of GPs don’t know much about it at all so keep searching till you find a good one.
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Hi all, I’m hoping this thread will help! I’m 24 and never been officially diagnosed with anything (although my GP did say approx 3/4 years ago he thought I had “early stage PCOS” despite no testing and deciding not to look further into it as “I’m not looking to have children right now” 😒. Basically ever since I started my period (around about 10/11) I’ve had bad periods. Particularly in high school/ sixth form it was absolute hell every month, the pain. Never passed out but was damn close to - sweats/nausea/starting to black out/shivers. Admittedly the bad ones have become slightly less frequent but they do still hit me sometimes. My periods aren’t hugely irregular but wouldn’t say they’re spot on we very 4ish weeks. I do struggle with excess hair - chin, neck, chest, around the nipples etc. And have always struggled with hormonal acne. I am of a normal weight, another reason why it has been a struggle to get this looked into more (even though I have been reading that “lean pcos” is a thing. I’ve been on and off at the doctors for years but they don’t do anything about it - I’ve been prescribed a few different contraceptives to help butI hate being on them as they make me utterly miserable. Honestly I would rather just have testing done so I can at least have some answers whether good or bad!!!

anyway, Sunday just gone I had terrible ovulation pain (I do sometimes get this but it’s never been as bad as it was on Sunday). I also had very heavy discharge, it seriously felt like a period it was gushing 😭. The pain was terrible, it was my right ovary (normally I only get pain on this side). It felt like my ovary was on fire and being twisted and stabbed with a firey rod. I nearly called 111 as I was so thrown by it. I’ve also been struggling with anxiety and heart palpitations (nearly every day and throughout the day!) this past year which I’ve read can also be a symptom of PCOS.

i just want some peace of mind really - should I fight for myself to get testing, or does this not sound like pcos to you all? I feel so silly like I’ll be wasting resources but I am so tired of this affecting my life and not being taken seriously because I’m not looking to have kids right now!! I hate it 😭
I could of wrote this. I had awful periods not every month but some months I’d be exactly as you described. I was palmed off for years because I was also a healthy weight and had some what regular periods. It was only within the last 3 years I got diagnosed after pushing my GP to test my hormones and scan me. I suffer with facial hair and my weight is now up and the tests confirmed pcos. I’ve known for years I had it and it helped me mentally know I wasn’t going silly! The only treatment I was offered was a referral to the fertility clinic though as I was ttc. I would still push for tests to confirm the diagnosis. I looked into mum-insitol which is a vitamin many say had helped them with their symptoms. Hopefully you can get some answers
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Hey guys! I’ve recently just been for an ultrasound as I haven’t had a period since June 2022. The sonogram lady suspects I have pcos but needs to send the scans to my doctor for confirmation. I have been off contraception since January 2022 and we’d really like to start our own family. I’m just wondering if anyone has any positive pregnancy stories with having pcos? Just trying to find a glimmer of hope as it feels so gloomy at the moment
I was refered to fertility after trying for a year and prescribed clomid. I fell pregnant on my second cycle and now have a littke girl who is 16 weeks old. The referal process was actually quite quick,but I also know of people with pcos who didn't need any help. Don't lose hope, and good luck x
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I use the Nutrition Geeks magnesium which is all three types in one. I have no idea if that’s a ‘good’ idea or not but I fell down a supplement rabbit hole ages ago and now take so many I probably rattle…
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I just had a blood test results come back and my doctor thinks I might have PCOS but have been referred for a scan to confirm the diagnosis.

I have always struggled with mild acne, and have some excess weight on my belly but have lost 8lb over the past month due to calorie counting. I also have very low libido which I'm hoping I can reverse if I manage the symptoms.

My doctor has been great and referred me straight away for a test when I called him about missed periods. I'm not too bothered about that as I don't want children but just wanted to check nothing serious was wrong (general health wise).

He said the condition should be manageable if I lose weight, less sugar and more exercise. But I see a lot of people don't seem to have this experience and need medication. Has anyone here changed their lifestyle and it helped with symptoms? I want to know what to expect as I have no idea!
I've never needed medication to deal with PCOS, I've always been on the larger side but have never had acne. However, I've recently started taking Myo inositol which is supposed to help with many PCOS symptoms. I have noticed that my periods have got heavier and a bit painful since I started taking it and I'm hoping that's a positive, I'm yet to see any changes in weight and hursuitism. Can I just say though, if you don't want children, PCOS doesn't necessarily make you infertile, you can definitely still get pregnant (if you are having periods, you are ovulating) so take other precautions.
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Chatty Member
Been diagnosed with PCOS since November (I’ve seen 10+ gynaecologists as ttc)
I have irregular cycle lasting 1-4 days to 4-60 days different flows each time.
Diagnosed through ultrasound & blood levels. Have no typical signs of pcos such excess hair etc.
I got prescribed metformin and it’s been horrid I took it until last month, while on metformin by symptoms got worse! Acne, excess hair etc and since I’ve been off them my skins clearing up etc. it’s really strange but I’ve got an appointment next month to check it all.
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