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I've been diagnosed with PCOS. I've found my periods are really really light whenever I have them as well as very irregular. I know irregular periods are part of the symptoms but does anyone else get really light periods? Sorry for the TMI but I used to have heavy periods and enough to fill a pad with bright red blood, now the blood is mainly beigy brown and rarely is bright red coloured and the amount of blood would be enough to fill a tena lady. I'm worried as I really want children and if my periods aren't even working properly or how they used to I think it's game over for me being able to have a baby 😩
I have this too try not to worry, my periods are very light just spotting some months they are a little heavier but only last a day like that and irregular. As others have said plenty of people with pcos go onto have babies with no help at all and sometimes it takes a little longer but there is plenty that can be done to help
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I know nobody has posted on here for a while but just thought I’d search for a PCOS thread on the off chance there is one, so pleased to find it!

I feel so so low at the moment about all of this as I am pretty certain I have PCOS but can’t get a diagnosis. Blood tests came back fine and ultrasound didn’t show multiple cysts - but they did say they didn’t get a very clear picture so I’ve got to have another scan soon.

I’ve got excess hair on face and body and thinning hair on my head. My periods have always been regular but the past six months they’re very early each month and this month I’ve had random spotting. They’re also very painful and heavy. I’m very overweight but trying now to lose it.

The Drs don’t seem to care unless I mention trying for a baby and then they’ll be able to help. What about my general life and mental health though?

They did say I could have the coil or pill but even though I’m not trying for a baby I also didn’t want to stop it happening (pretty relaxed about that) so those aren’t suitable solitons for me. But apparently it’s all they can do.

For now I’m just waiting for the next scan - but I’m worried they wont get a clear picture again as they said being overweight doesn’t help.

I forgot to mention in my post that the one thing they will give me is tranexamic acid - but agree it just works for the four days then after is awful!
Your weight shouldn’t really play a part in how clear a scan picture is too be honest. I’ve had an internal vaginal scan (think they call it a transvaginal scan or pelvic scan) a normal over the skin ultrasound if that makes sense - maybe an internal vagina scan would be better as you can see the ovaries and cysts with that. Unfortunately, doctors will fob you off with the pill as some magic solution to PCOS. I think doctors are reluctant to give a PCOS diagnosis if there is no cysts for some reason, I’ve heard of this happening.

What did they check for in your blood tests? Did they check the thyroid levels too? It could well be Hirsutism or Thyroid rather than pcos as a lot of the symptoms you’re having come under that too such as the excess hair, thinning, irregular periods.

I would certainly keep pushing it though, especially if it’s having an impact on your life. Maybe seeing an endocrine could be good as they deal with PCOS? I see a consultant every 6 months for mine.
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Hey guys! I’ve recently just been for an ultrasound as I haven’t had a period since June 2022. The sonogram lady suspects I have pcos but needs to send the scans to my doctor for confirmation. I have been off contraception since January 2022 and we’d really like to start our own family. I’m just wondering if anyone has any positive pregnancy stories with having pcos? Just trying to find a glimmer of hope as it feels so gloomy at the moment
Hi! I’ve got PCOS and managed to get pregnant quickly using Letrozole 5mg - worked first time for us! I also cut back on alcohol, caffeine and ate mostly whole foods whilst we were TTC which I think helped my body prepare for pregnancy. Good luck on your journey x
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I'm going to see a gyneacologist next week as my GP suspects I also have PCOS.
My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for some time now, but my cycle just kinda stopped. Last "real" period was beginning of April (had some very minor bleeding in the meantime, although I wouldn't even call it real bleeding. Fortunately it's not early onset menopause.
It's been very frustrating though. Already did 3 pregnancy tests as I thought I was pregnant (because my period wouldn't start) only to see a minus appear and be crushed all over again 😢
Hoping the appointment next week will give more answers.
On the bright side, my period was always very very painful before, so now that I don't really get them, I'm pain free 🤷‍♀️

Edit: the pimples though 😳 so annoying! I always thought I had good skin, turns out, that was just the pill 😅
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Thank you :) I will have a look on Amazon got the myo-inositol and trial the magnesium I currently have to see which works best for me. Thank you :)
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I've been taking myo-inositol
I was taking this a few years ago but I stopped for some reason. I’ve been trying to get hold of it from MyProtein for ages but it’s been out of stock. Just checked and it’s back in stock and on offer for less than a fiver! 🙌 Thank you for reminding me, I’ll give it another go.
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Thank you ☺ Exactly, in my experience my endocrinologist is doom and gloom and doesn't fill me with any hope that I can have children whenever I speak to them and gp's don't seem to be clued up or know much about pcos either so it sorta leaves you feeling in the dark.
It really does and you get such conflicting advice but there is lots that can be done ❤
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What brand of inositol are people taking that are finding helps them? I've heard lots of good things about inositol for pcos and want to try it
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Hey guys! I’ve recently just been for an ultrasound as I haven’t had a period since June 2022. The sonogram lady suspects I have pcos but needs to send the scans to my doctor for confirmation. I have been off contraception since January 2022 and we’d really like to start our own family. I’m just wondering if anyone has any positive pregnancy stories with having pcos? Just trying to find a glimmer of hope as it feels so gloomy at the moment
same as the poster above, not myself personally but I know a girl who got diagnosed with pcos and was told she'd find it difficult (not impossible) to conceive but she got pregnant straight away and had a very healthy pregnancy, I hope it works out for you! 💗
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I was recently diagnosed and it has all sort of built up to me feeling really emotional about it today after seeing myself in a photo and having a secondary scan this week where the women looked concerned. I’ve been avoiding hormonal treatments due to past bad experiences. I tried a low form of Mayo-inositol for a few months and it did help me shift some weight but then with other stresses kept forgetting to take them and have seemed to come back on. Does anyone have any tips for weight loss, I don’t eat meat so thinking my carb heavy diet could be an issue? Can you be asked to be put on metformin as I’ve heard it works but haven’t been offered it just some active sessions that run during the work day
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Don’t get me started on BMI 😭! We’ve been trying for a baby for just over a year now. I’ve got a telephone consultation next week and I know they are just going to tell me to come back when I’ve lost weight. It is so difficult and frustrating.
I totally relate to the work/life balance and not keeping up with cleaning and sleeping etc. It just makes everything 100x worse! I feel I’m in a fairly good place at the moment but I’ve had to put myself into a really strict routine of going to bed at a certain time, preparing my meals in advance so I don’t eat rubbish and then doing little bits around the house when I have time. As soon as I fall out of a routine even in the slightest it throws everything else out the window!! It’s a constant battle 😩
BMI is ridiculous isn’t it, if I was 2 inches taller my bmi would be ok 🤦🏽‍♀️ My sisters doctor allowed her to go through testing whilst she lost weight but would only be allowed to have any treatment once she lost the weight!

I’m the same as you and need a good 8+ hours sleep to be able to function well the next day! I am tempted to give up my second job but having extra money makes life easier doesn’t it!

Just curious when did everyone find out they had PCOS? I came off the pill and my periods were months apart, I thought my hormones were just readjusting as I’d been on it for 7/8 years. I only went to the GP as my sister has it other wise I probably wouldn’t have gone at all!
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I was told by a hormonal coach to stay away from
High intensity workouts and any weighted workouts should only be 30 minutes long
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Yeah! This is the thing, so many symptoms for PCOS over cross with other things!

I asked to see an endocrine about 2 years ago as I wanted to understand more about PCOS and my body and never felt like my GP did - now I go every six months. I don’t know whether they said yes because I already had the diagnosis or not though. But it certainly is great to speak to someone who understands all about hormones and the insulin resistance part of my PCOS so if you think it would benefit you to get that information and see them for anything that could be causing your symptoms then I would ask x
Well I might as well ask - they can only say no! would definitely be good to talk to a specialist as I definitely felt like the last Dr I spoke to didn’t really care and it clearly wasn’t her area of interest. I’m going to chase up my next scan next week and hopefully get that done and see what that shows too, if anything.
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Okay, thanks a mill. It's so hard to get answers and very distressing.

I'll go for ultrasound and see what happens
When I was going through the pre-diagnosis journey, I had an external ultrasound as well as a transvaginal one and an ‘assessment of symptoms’. I can’t recall if I had blood tests, possibly. That was through the NHS in England. Not sure if the process within other healthcare systems. I know you’ve already had some answers from people but just providing another experience. Hope everything goes well at your scan.
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Hi! I also have PCOS ánd a beautiful 8 month old daughter. I've written about my experiences here before.
Because of PCOS my periods just suddenly stopped for months on end. Went to see my GP, who referred me to a gynaecologist.
Started with clomid, then letrozole (as clomid was temporarily unavailable) and got pregnant after six cycles with that medication.
All in all, we started trying naturally in september 2019, I went to the gynaecologist and started treatment in august 2020 and fell pregnant early in 2021 right before our appointment at fertility. Gave birth to my daughter in october 2021.
It was a hard journey, but it was so worth it.
My SIL is due to give birth to her second son soon and she also has PCOS. She had to use injections. There are loads of options out there!
Hey, that's great to hear. I'm glad you had success and managed to have a baby. It gives me some relief as I've been feeling quite low since my diagnosis and worried. I didn't realise that there were so many options, and thought it was unlikely I'd be able to. Thanks for sharing your story as it's made me feel a little bit better ❤

I was told by my GP that if I was having periods I could get pregnant because it means you are ovulating. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1998 and my flow has varied a lot in that time, yours will too, it's normal to have changes throughout your life
I came off some contraception at the end of last year, got my first period in March but it was beigy and then had another in April and that was beigy, in April/May I had a period just over two weeks apart from each other with more of a red normal colour (sorry but I'm confused with it all, it's a new diagnosis) and since then they've stopped again. I had to take the provera tablet for 14 days and on the last day my period came. I've had my period a few days now and a lot of cramping but that's what was worrying me as my periods were coming and then stopped again since my last one in May. Luckily the provera tablet has pushed a period but I hate them being irregular 🙄
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Does anyone follow a low GI diet for weight loss? Was recommended by a dietician but I don’t really get it. I’ve ordered some cook books but all of the recipes need loads of ingredients 😩
I don’t follow it but I do opt for whole grain pasta/rice etc as it is lower gi than white
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