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Okay, thanks a mill. It's so hard to get answers and very distressing.

I'll go for ultrasound and see what happens
Diagnosis is usually based on three things but you can have Pcos and just be showing 2 - it’s called the Rotterdam criteria. However all other options have to be ruled out as well
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I know PCOS is so different in everyone and people have different symptoms and severities but one thing I’ve found to be the most important to control is my stress levels (easier said than done I know!) but I find the more effort I put in reducing stress, the easier I find losing weight and getting good sleep etc which then improves my symptoms overall. The mistake I made at first was thinking about all the lifestyle changes I needed to make to improve my PCOS which then made me stressed which just put me back to square one! I’ve still got a long way to go with my weight loss but personally for me it always starts with good mental health. Anyway, sorry for the ramble!
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hi everyone, I'm hoping some of you may be able to help me? I have endometriosis, I was diagnosed a few years ago but I suspect I also have PCOS, how were all of you diagnosed? Was it with a blood test, or ecography etc? thank you 😇
Hi they usually need two of the three following things to diagnose:

Cysts on ovaries (diagnosed through ultrasound scan)
Certain elevated hormones (diagnosed through blood test)
Typical symptoms (such as excess body and face hair, being overweight and thinning hair on head)

So for example even though I have the classic symptoms I’ve been told I don’t have it as my ovarian scans and bloods all came back normal.

It also means you can have PCOS without actually having ovarian cysts, as the symptoms and bloods can be enough to diagnose.
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I know most of us with PCOS struggle with weight but has anyone here lost some weight and then struggled to shift any more? I’ve been fortunate enough to lose nearly four stone but that still leaves me at 14 stone so obviously wanting to lose more, and I cannot for the life of me lose a single pound 😩 I’ve cut back even more on food and been doing lots of cardio, should I just accept my weight or is there hope?
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Lizzie Mintdrop

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I tried inositol for four months, found it gave me painful boobs and period pains, which I don't normally get. I've moved onto berberine as I'd like to lose a little weight and I've found it to be better for weightloss without the side effects of inositol
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I have no official diagnosis as a pelvic scan showed nothing but I've had most PCOS symptoms for 7-8 years now :( It really gets me down. I get a lot of excess sweating too, especially during changes in temperature - does anyone else have the same? It's all over the body, not localized, which apparently means it's a symptom of another condition, not just sweating on its own.
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Yes the metformin played havoc with me I said i wouldn’t go back on it but it works for some people. Try not to worry I know it’s easier said than done but some people have naturally light periods and doesn’t mean anything. I was waiting to start clomid which is a fertility treatment to induce ovulation as I was told by the gynaecologist I wasn’t ovulating or if it I was it was very rarely. I could go 3-4 months without a period. The cycles before I feel pregnant were all 50+ days, I have no idea why I actually ovulated if it was the myo-inositol or I just randomly did. Like I say I know it’s easier said then done but there is lots of help you can get if your worried when it comes to fertility ❤
Thanks so much for your reassurance, I haven't been able to switch off or stop worrying 😭 I'm glad you managed to have children, I hope I can get to one day also. That's been my main concern. Seeing posts like yours gives me a tiny glimmer of faith 🤞🏻
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I've recently been told I have PCOS after fertility struggles - I'd never heard of PCOS prior to this, but after speaking to my GP and them informing me of the symptoms it seems this has always been a part of my adult life.
I'm 27, have acne break outs often, very very irregular period (last one 7 months ago, prior to that,1.5 years ago), thinning hair, scalp is itchy, have put on weight in the last 2 years with no change in diet (figured this was me getting closer to 30) and can't shift any weight! I'm active and eat healthy but nothing is working.
With everything going on at the moment my GP has said that any treatment isn't going to be quick, so any advice on loosing weight and managing symptoms would be greatly appreciated!
Hey! You’re in a very similar boat to me- it’s a bit shit but I’ve done a fair bit of research and found the following worked for me:
- limit carbs (shit) but apparently they increase your insulin levels. I now focus on complex carbohydrates which raise your blood sugar levels slowly
- walk at least 10k steps a day (you’ll be surprised how much this can impact your weight)
- I decided to pay for a private gynaecologist session (aware you might not be in the same boat and able to do so) but I’m just really impatient haha. She put me on hormone replacement therapy for 3 months (which sorted out my skin!) but also increased the hormone that I am missing. She also advised that I took solgar folate and solgar inositol daily (you can get these either at Holland and B or on Amazon) - I’m no expert so would advise you do your own research here but I found they sped up my metabolism. Good luck looking into it all, there’s lots of options xx
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Can anyone recommend some leggings / bottoms for extreme bloat?

I’m having such a difficult time at the moment with constant intense bloating, abdominal pain and lower back pain and I’m so, so uncomfortable in everything I wear. (Wondering if I should be querying endo with my GP?) I cannot stand the feeling of any waistband. I have some joggers and in a pinch I cut the waistband open to unpick the elastic and remove it. They only just stay up now 😅
Rheals clean greens and hormone balance have sorted my bloating out so much. I take with some fruit juice in the morning, the only times I bloat now is when I’ve over indulged on cheese and bread
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I genuinely think I’ve got PCOS. I’ve been tracking my period since coming off the place in May of last year. And they’re showing as irregular (but only by a couple of days for my age range BUT I still have a period every month though), I’ve got hair every (chin, etc!), I’ve got stabbing pain where my ovaries are, I did a blood test that I bought off a website that tests female test and the testosterone was through the roof!!

And I’m struggling to lose weight too, unless I starve myself which I obviously don’t do. And majority of my weight sit on my stomach.

luckily I’ve got private healthcare with work & I spoke to a GP through work who assigned me to a- can’t remember what they’re job title is now (currently hungover) but someone with reproductive experience hahaha but I never followed it up. As I want to lose all my extra weight, I’m tempted to go back and follow it up. What do you all think? I’m scared that they’ll come back and be like nah it’s all in your head!
I have regular periods every Month. I was diagnosed from the bloods showing the same as yours and an interval ultrasound. I would defiantly go back
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Chatty Member
Hi all 👋 Glad I’ve found this thread. I was diagnosed 6ish years ago when I was 24. Had various issues ever since starting puberty at about 11. Think I was 13 when they first put me on the pill! I’m 30 now and I was just on Eloine pill for 2 years (moreso to treat PMDD) until I decided to come off it 4 months ago cos it turned me into a zombie.

Now all the symptoms have come back with a vengeance and I feel like shit. 😖 Skin worse than ever, hair falling out of my head but growing uncontrollably everywhere else, mental health is a wreck, can’t stop eating everything in sight, absolutely no energy, no self esteem. Been tracking my basal temperature since I came off the pill (just for health insights cos there’s a possibility of premature menopause for me, I seem to still have somewhat of a cycle atm though), first two cycles were great but cycle three my body must have remembered that we have PCOS and I didn’t ovulate until about day 50 and when my period arrived I was bed ridden for three days. Think I’d rather go back to being a zombie. Feel totally defeated.
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Chatty Member
I genuinely think I’ve got PCOS. I’ve been tracking my period since coming off the place in May of last year. And they’re showing as irregular (but only by a couple of days for my age range BUT I still have a period every month though), I’ve got hair every (chin, etc!), I’ve got stabbing pain where my ovaries are, I did a blood test that I bought off a website that tests female test and the testosterone was through the roof!!

And I’m struggling to lose weight too, unless I starve myself which I obviously don’t do. And majority of my weight sit on my stomach.

luckily I’ve got private healthcare with work & I spoke to a GP through work who assigned me to a- can’t remember what they’re job title is now (currently hungover) but someone with reproductive experience hahaha but I never followed it up. As I want to lose all my extra weight, I’m tempted to go back and follow it up. What do you all think? I’m scared that they’ll come back and be like nah it’s all in your head!
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I’ve got PCOS, had very irregular periods in my 20s, and had issues with cysts, weight gain and hair. Lost some weight and got pregnant naturally after 12 months (did use Agnus cactus). After my 1st my periods went totally normal, and I got pregnant with my 2nd the second attempt. Supposedly after you have had a baby sometimes your body works out what it is meant to be doing 😂
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Chatty Member
I find the advice about what’s good for PCOS and what’s not so conflicting and it’s driving me insane! Don’t know what to eat and what not to🙃 does anyone have high prolactin on here? I do, they aren’t sure what’s causing it but I do feel it’s linked to potential PCOS or it’s just causing the symptoms altogether
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@boomska i have similar symptoms to you and got a pcos diagnosis, you can be diagnosed without a scan if you meet the other two criteria! my regular bloods include gonadotrophin, testosterone, androgens, SHBG and hba1c (blood sugar) for reference. i've been to see both gynae and endocrinology so could be one or both of those - good luck!! i'd also suggest asking them to check your thyroid as they can be linked!
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Chatty Member
Hello, I'm hoping for some advice. I suspect I have PCOS as I match a lot of symptoms and after a long wait I've an appointment but it's just for an ultrasound. Can you request a labroscopy or do you have to wait?
Thanks in advance
I only had blood tests and they actually didn’t show anything irregular but they put it down as PCOS🤷🏻‍♀️ I had an ultrasound for something different and it showed no presence of cysts. The whole system is useless.
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Chatty Member
Sympathy for you! I also felt like this when I came off the pill. It got so bad that after about 5 months I got the implant put back in which has made a big improvement. Hope you feel better soon!
I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough time. I went through this too when I came off the pill about 5 months ago. All of my PCOS symptoms have now come back with a vengeance, functioning is hard and it’s shit! I’ve gone around and around in circles over the years going on the pill to mask symptoms, then getting undesirable effects from the pill so coming off it, then going back to PCOS (and PMDD) ruining my life and feeling like it was a mistake to come off. It’s like my own body and mind gaslight me into always thinking I’ve made the wrong choice! 😩 I really hope you’re feeling better soon! Never apologise for needing to vent about it, especially if it helps just to get it all out there.
Thank you ladies💕 I feel a bit better today - slightly low mood but it is a Monday after all! I was so close to asking my GP to renew my prescription but I think I might actually see how it goes without. At least I know the option is there to go back on the pill if it really does become too much.

I have hypothyroidism too and it’s so difficult trying to understand my hormones and what side effect is related to which medical issue. Wonder what it’s like to be healthy with no problems eh😅
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The doctors really don’t have a clue about pcos or how to treat it and often come out with really bad advice, each doctor I’ve spoken to has told me something completely different. I am down the fertility route with my gynaecologist for treatment as we have been trying for a while and he has recommended clomid to help me ovulate which is meant to be very effective. If that doesn’t work there are lots of other options before IVF is even considered. I also know people with pcos who have got pregnant with no help and has come as a shock (as they were told it would be difficult). I know it’s easier said than done but try not to worry there is plenty of help out there if it comes to that
Thanks for reassuring me, that's my experience when it comes to women's health - they have no clue. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out for you x
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Have you had any blood tests done? Despite the name, you don't actually have to have polycystic ovaries to have pcos so you may have it. I believe you can be diagnosed if you have 2 out of the 3 main symptoms, so irregular periods, excess androgens and polycystic ovaries
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