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Does anyone follow a low GI diet for weight loss? Was recommended by a dietician but I don’t really get it. I’ve ordered some cook books but all of the recipes need loads of ingredients 😩


Chatty Member
I went to the GP to get medication as haven’t had a period for over 3 months now, I am TTC so we were chatting about that and how I need to lose weight to be eligible for help. She suggested metformin - does anyone have any advice or knowledge of it? X


Chatty Member
I know PCOS is so different in everyone and people have different symptoms and severities but one thing I’ve found to be the most important to control is my stress levels (easier said than done I know!) but I find the more effort I put in reducing stress, the easier I find losing weight and getting good sleep etc which then improves my symptoms overall. The mistake I made at first was thinking about all the lifestyle changes I needed to make to improve my PCOS which then made me stressed which just put me back to square one! I’ve still got a long way to go with my weight loss but personally for me it always starts with good mental health. Anyway, sorry for the ramble!
What things do you do to manage your stress levels?


Well-known member
I spoke with my endocrinologist today and it turns out my thyroid is slightly under active. Also, I have elevated dhea (sp?), which may be causing my PCOS


VIP Member
Does anyone have any advice for the embarrassing hair growth? It’s ruining my confidence and I can’t seem to win I wax and get sensitive skin, tweezing and ingrown hairs and spots, shaving and not as close as I’d like. Someone please tell me what on earth you do!
Do you have a diagnosis? I’m currently in the process and the doctor asked me whether an aim of any medication or management plan would be to lessen the hair and he said that with a diagnosis it could be paid for by my insurance. I’m in Germany, so this might be different everywhere, but given the price of laser and electrolysis, still worth exploring.

I’ve had electrolysis on my chin and upper lip. Works beautifully,however my body keeps producing new hairs. Another sign of hormonal problems, as the doctor told me.
I had a Philips Lumea and used that on my legs, it really helped there. It broke a few years ago, but my legs still are patchy in some areas. It never made a difference in my stomach unfortunately.


Well-known member
Has knowledge of PCOS improved on the NHS? I'd love to find a proper doctor who specialises in the area so I can have some proper advice and consultation.

I have no will power and constantly crave sugar and carbs, but I'm mindful that I'm not a spring chicken anymore and need to think about the future.
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have. I was diagnosed about 12, 13 years ago now and reached out to my GP start of this year after seeing on here and Reddit forums people discussing treatment/medication- I was told that they weren’t able to refer me unless I was actively trying to conceive. Pure rage inducing that I’m not considered to be worth treatment unless I’m thinking about doing something I have been told would not be a possibility by doctors at diagnosis.

In saying that, I think there’s more interest in this sort of thing these days and it’s worth trying to see if you’re in a place where there’s clearer routes to support and if I just lost the postcode lottery. Also maybe worth speaking to your HR/benefits team at work about bringing in some support for women’s health because I’m seeing some amazing private support companies out there, I know it massively depends on where you work but my place have been really receptive and are looking at a few different options that also support menopause/pregnancy/men’s fertility etc.

on the carb thing a pcos dietician I’m working with has recommended I take Inositol (with Myo & D-Chiro) and it’s early days but already impacting my carb cravings. Might be worth looking into?

It sounds like you’ve done so well so far with getting on top of things, I do hope you’re able to find the extra support to keep that motivation up!

My first time posting on here :) I was wondering if anyone has been on a mini pill and it hasn't caused any awful side effects for them?
I’ve been on the progesterone only pill for about 7 or 8 years, but I don’t get any side effects from it that im aware of. I don’t have periods being on it so it’s really convenient in many ways, apart from the waves of anxiety about what my body is going to do as or when I come off it and have periods again😂


Chatty Member
Nice to see a thread on this as I haven’t got any one to speak to about it in real life! I was diagnosed 17 years ago and luckily managed to have my kids without any difficulty, but now I’m older I rarely have a period and have every symptom going. I was on the mini pill for a year to try and stabilise my hormones which worked but I came off it last month to try for a baby and nothing. Sore boobs and cramps, no bleed or period, negative pregnancy test and now massively paranoid I’m entering early menopause! Has anyone tried any medication that’s helped at all? My doctor is shit so I know they won’t be much use and to be honest I’m scared to hear potential bad news
Hi!🙂 commonly people take metformin (prescription) and/or inositol (natural supplement). They’re the ones you hear about the most! It’s reassuring to hear you had children as I’ve recently been diagnosed aged 22 with PCOS and adenomyosis and my biggest fear is not being able to conceive🥲 so terrifying to be diagnosed at a young age as well, seems as though no one understands! Hope it all works out for you❤‍🩹


Chatty Member
When I was younger around 15 I had problems with periods, extremely irregular like once a year and they would be ridiculously heavy and painful and I’d have to stay off school. I went for all sorts of blood tests and the GP told me I had polycystic ovaries... but not the syndrome???

I’ve never really understood that as my periods eventually became regular even without the pill etc and I’ve never had trouble with my weight, excessive hair, acne etc.

When I went for my first smear I was told my cervix was slightly tilted and have been for one at the hospital when the results show something (my phone won’t autocorrect it and I’m not going to embarrass myself trying to spell it 😂) and they said I was fine.

When I’ve been due on I’ve been known to have major PMT but that’s been resolved with taking vitamins now so I obviously lacked something.

I can’t help but wonder that guess from my GP was just a “I have no idea why your periods are irregular love” diagnosis? Because when I mention it to people no one has ever came across it before and I’ve been going through life thinking I’m going to have a challenge conceiving?


VIP Member
I've finally had my most recent blood test results back as I'd asked about being given Metformin. But all my levels have improved so they won't let me have it and I'm actually gutted. My blood sugar was fine and my testosterone has gone down. But I feel like it doesn't match my symptoms, I'm finding it so hard to lose weight, my excess facial hair is worse than ever and I have zero sex drive. I don't know what else to try anymore:( was really hoping I would be prescribed it to see if it helped


VIP Member
hey! I have PCOS and was diagnosed when I was around 17 after being in hospital with a burst ovarian cyst, I'm 25 now. My current form of contraception is the implant in my arm, however I am considering having it removed as I have bled constantly since having it in before Christmas and my skin, mood swings and anxiety have never been worse. I'm just cautious whether this is due to having PCOS or the implant. I'm wondering if any of you have suffered with PCOS which has caused issued with contraception - more specifically the implant?
Hi there hope you’re ok. I don’t know anything about the implant unfortunately. I have the copper coil cos I didn’t want any extra hormones making things more complicated. How are you feeling now? My PCOS symptoms are worse than ever at the moment I’m so fed up with it
My periods are very irregular, sometimes they’re heavy and sometimes they’re light. Try not to worry about being able to have a baby.. it might just take a bit longer or you may need some help but you will be able to. So many girls with pcos have babies xx
That's what was confusing me as with PCOS you usually get heavy periods and I'm finding the opposite. Thanks so much, I really hope I can, I always wanted to be a mum xx
Correct me if I’m wrong but I swear sometimes periods can take anything upto a year to come back to normal? Especially if you’ve been on the pill a long time.

Do you have any of the other symptoms of PCOS that maybe you could push with them? Like excessive hair etc?
That’s what I thought which is why I left it so long to see the GP, but no, apparently they say 6 months is the maximum it should take for periods to get back to being semi-normal.

I am struggling to lose weight (I’m a good 3 stone over what I should be) but I don’t know if that just because I am getting older (30) and struggle to stick to any sort of diet. I suppose I have a bit more hair than I used to but certainly not excessive by any means!


Chatty Member
My doctors were so helpful. Rang at 8.30, was in the doctors room at 9am
He said I am hitting the threshold for PCOS, albeit I used to have regular periods before
I’m having a blood test to confirm my hormone levels and to rule out any deficiencies and also a scan to rule out any fibroids or cysts
Nicely told me weight doesn’t help and that I am just below the threshold for the combined pill which they’ve put me on to regulate my periods for now
If anyone has any advice I’m all ears ❤
I’m glad your doctor was helpful! Hopefully the pill helps you, it worked fine for me I was on it for 6/7 years I think x
I’ve had problematic periods since they started when I was 9 or 10. I actually went on the combined pill at 14 or 15 to help. At uni, they gave me a blood test for PCOS and referred me for a scan that I never actually went to, based on other symptoms. The GP at the time said it was likely I had it. I think my bloods came back ok, though, I don’t even remember. 13 years ago I had a laparoscopy and laser treatment for endometriosis and a Mirena fitted. Because the laparoscopy found my ovaries were clear, I though nothing of it. I’ve now been trying to get pregnant (my Mirena, of which I was on my second one, has obviously been removed) and for the first time in my life I’m paying attention to my cycle and it’s a mess. Been doing ovulation tests and in the 4 cycles I’ve monitored, I think I only ovulated once, in a 43 day long cycle. I took a Hertility test which has shown high AMH and very high testosterone (or vice versa) which suggests PCOS. My excess body hair is unreal, my skin is a disaster, my hair is falling out in clumps and it’s only a matter of time before that starts to become obvious. My periods since Mirena removal have been light and not as I expected. They maybe used to be heavy and painful because of endometriosis but it doesn’t seem like much. I’ll go and see my GP in the New Year for a follow up, but I feel really bleak about it all, and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about it, even though my husband is very supportive and tries to understand.


VIP Member
It's so hit and miss isn't it, I don't understand why there's no standardisation of how to treat it. My GP said it was a really good idea and that he thinks I should have it and then others like yours say it doesn't work. No wonder we're all bloody frustrated


VIP Member
@lauren96111 the mini pills were terrible for me, i take adepal, it's a combined pill, it has quite positive statistics and i don't experience any bad side effects from it. @pecan i usually drink peppermint tea after lunch and dinner, i've been doing this on/off for years really (long before i knew i had pcos) as i have always found it helps with my digestion and bloating.

i've been trying this new diet for the last two months or so, where i've basically increased my protein intake and tried to make it the priority for each meal - this has helped as i don't feel the need to snack in between and i'm definitely feeling a lot better with myself than i was 6 months ago; i aim for a macros split of 35% protein, 35% carbs, 30% fat (i don't know if this is helpful to anyone but it helped me). However, i did recently have a cyst that burst, has anyone else experienced that? It was quite scary at the time but luckily it wasn't that bad and i was better within a couple of days.


VIP Member
Does anyone have any advice for hair loss? My hair is starting to feel a little thin around the scalp. I'm researching vitamins and hair wraps to sleep in and silk pillow cases, but so much different advice and options of them all it's hard to know where to start!
I went through a particularly bad time with hair loss. I was losing chunks of my hair every hair wash. The only thing I found that helped was cutting it really, really short and I’m now regrowing it. It could be pure coincidence or the fact there was less weight which allowed my scalp a bit of recovery. My friend swears by Philip Kingsley but I’ve also heard nioxin that a second to none and really does help. I’m so sorry it’s happening to you as o know it’s hugely traumatic. Additionally I lost 1.5 stone which I think also added to it.
Vitamin D
Myo-inositol (this is new to me)
Evening Primrose
Omega 3

and I take metformin (this has helped insulin resistance and actually suppresses my hunger a bit) as a prescription! I do take the pill for context but plan to come off it in the next year as we’d like to try and have a baby and my endocrine consultant suggested coming off it soon for that reason. But Ive defo found differences from the above and introduced them one at a time. Magnesium helps with my tiredness as does the vitamin D, evening primrose for balancing hormones, zinc helps with skin and insulin resistance and a couple other things.

There’s others but look at healthy pcos on insta, pcos now mama, pcos nutritionist, etc and there’s loads of info there x
Hiya, what myo-inositol brand are you taking please? I'm looking at MyOva but it is a little expensive at £32 a month, however if it helps my symptoms I'll be willing to give it a go.


Chatty Member
I know PCOS is so different in everyone and people have different symptoms and severities but one thing I’ve found to be the most important to control is my stress levels (easier said than done I know!) but I find the more effort I put in reducing stress, the easier I find losing weight and getting good sleep etc which then improves my symptoms overall. The mistake I made at first was thinking about all the lifestyle changes I needed to make to improve my PCOS which then made me stressed which just put me back to square one! I’ve still got a long way to go with my weight loss but personally for me it always starts with good mental health. Anyway, sorry for the ramble!
I’ve only just seen this thread, I relate to this so much! I have a part time admin job which I do from home but I got another part time job for a bit of extra money in a supermarket and I’m really struggling getting enough sleep, having time to clean the house etc which is making me more stressed than my money situation was! I don’t know what to do as I really enjoy having the money but feel as though it’s not helping me to lose weight, manage my symptoms etc. Me and my partner have been trying for a baby for nearly 2 years, I have to lose another stone before we can get any help (shitty bmi)

Sorry for the random rant just don’t really have anyone who understands how rubbish it is having pcos. My sister has it as well but we’re not very close so I wouldn’t go into detail about my feelings and whatnot with her