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VIP Member
Have you had blood tests? I’m not 100% sure but I think to have PCOS you just have to have 2/3 of the criteria so if you haven’t got cysts it doesn’t mean you don’t have it. (I might be wrong)
Yes I was going to ask this and you are right - there’s a 2 out of 3 criteria for PCOS that generally you would have to meet. Normally you would have blood tests too because blood tests can help with seeing if there is a hormonal imbalance which is what PCOS is. I have PCOS and I am the insulin resistant type (i think theres 3? types) but I don’t have many cysts I believe - I see a Endocrine every 6 months at the moment to help me with the symptoms of pcos. If you haven’t had any blood tests then I would push for them to do some and also get them to check your thyroid too as *i think* your thyroid can impact your periods and weight gain/loss depending on whether it’s under active or over active so worth looking at that too 😊 Hope you get the answers you need @glitter tits - try not to be too anxious, periods can stop/become irregular for tiny tiny things. Even if it is PCOS, there is support available in different forms xxx


VIP Member
For anyone who's had metformin, how did you manage to get it? I was diagnosed with pcos about 4 years ago, but my Dr's were useless and just said there was nothing they could really do for me. But I've seen loads of people say they've been given metformin, is it just something I ask my Dr for? I'm with a new one now so maybe they would be more helpful. And if you've seen an endocrinologist, has it been on the nhs or have you had to pay privately? There's a private one near me but he charges about £190 per time which I can't afford


VIP Member
Does anyone have any advice on ways to prevent hair loss? My hair is feeling thinner and I'm worried it will eventually end up with a bald spot!


Chatty Member
Thank you I’m a bit nervous with medical things so this is super helpful to know what to expect thank you x
I was exactly the same and avoided the Drs for years. Since going in and asking about PCOS (which I don’t have but it led to other investigations) and having various tests I’m a lot better about it now. I guess just more used to it and know there’s nothing really to fear. Obvs don’t love it but don’t hate it! Good luck!


New member
@Blond3g1rl what magnesium and myo-inositol are you taking? I currently take Vit D alongside my metformin but looking to add magnesium and myo-inositol but there is so many different kinds. I have magnesium citrate and glycinate in my cupboard but just unsure which one I should be taking.


New member
Has anyone found a way of losing weight with PCOS that actually works? Go on holiday in May with my husband and 8 year old and been trying to lose weight pretty much since I had my child but I’ve gained around 2/3 stone since then and nothing seems to shift it no matter what I eat/how much I move or how little I eat! So frustrating and would love to feel more comfortable on holiday too. I’ve been out on metformin for over 2 months but felt like it made me not go to the toilet for around 5 days at a time and the bloating and tummy pain was awful so considering stopping that. Any advice would be great! Willing to try anything at this point! I’m sure I have insulin resistance PCOS if that makes any difference.


Well-known member
Who would be best to go see for more treatment?

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 (I'm 42 now). At the time, all the doctor did was put me on the pill (as my periods were irregular and heavy) which I eventually came off a couple of years later because they were playing havoc with my body.

Since then I've not really done anything for it. My weight is high (230lbs), still get facial hair and heavy bloating. During lockdown I managed to lose 30lbs and in the process really helped with some of those symptoms but then with work and commitments it's blown back up. But I think it's time to try and sort this out. But with my doctors being useless I've decided to go private, but who do I go to. Should I try a gyno or endro?


Well-known member
I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, I’m pretty convinced I have pcos I have all the symptoms and I think it might be quite obvious, was just wondering what the doctor does is there any tests/blood work? I’m rather nervous so just wondering if anyone had a rough idea of what to expect?


Well-known member
I have recently found out about taking myo-inositol for PCOS. However, I can't tell if the cons outweigh the pros eg regulate periods but growing facial hair, just wondering if anyone else has taken it and it helped regulate your period without any unwanted side effects?


VIP Member
I'm getting so frustrated I just need to vent haha. I was diagnosed 4 years ago and my GP did the typical come back for help when you want to get pregnant. I've recently changed to a different surgery as I moved, so I spoke to them about struggling with my symptoms and that I would like to discuss the possibility of Metformin. He said it sounds like a good idea but that I would need up to date blood tests, so I did them last week. I had a message yesterday saying they wanted to speak to me as soon as possible to discuss the results, so I called up and they've booked me a call back for the 29th of June!:mad: Now I am just wondering what they've found and I'm desperate to know if I can start the tablets or not. I know it's only a month and doesn't make much difference when I've waited this long but I just want to feel better now
Aww, I'm sorry. I always wonder what their point is in saying "as soon as possible" as clearly "soon" isn't a possibility for them. It makes people so anxious to be told they want to discuss things :mad:


VIP Member
Hi ladies am I being thick here or something? 🤪 after coming off the pill Cerazette I've had 2 years of non existent periods. After having a blood test my doctor suspects it's PCOS. He prescribed Metformin twice a day since October last year.

I assumed the Metformin would help my cycle become regular again but has made no difference. Is this weird?


Well-known member
My doctors were so helpful. Rang at 8.30, was in the doctors room at 9am
He said I am hitting the threshold for PCOS, albeit I used to have regular periods before
I’m having a blood test to confirm my hormone levels and to rule out any deficiencies and also a scan to rule out any fibroids or cysts
Nicely told me weight doesn’t help and that I am just below the threshold for the combined pill which they’ve put me on to regulate my periods for now
If anyone has any advice I’m all ears ❤


I’ve only just seen this thread, I relate to this so much! I have a part time admin job which I do from home but I got another part time job for a bit of extra money in a supermarket and I’m really struggling getting enough sleep, having time to clean the house etc which is making me more stressed than my money situation was! I don’t know what to do as I really enjoy having the money but feel as though it’s not helping me to lose weight, manage my symptoms etc. Me and my partner have been trying for a baby for nearly 2 years, I have to lose another stone before we can get any help (shitty bmi)

Sorry for the random rant just don’t really have anyone who understands how rubbish it is having pcos. My sister has it as well but we’re not very close so I wouldn’t go into detail about my feelings and whatnot with her
Don’t get me started on BMI 😭! We’ve been trying for a baby for just over a year now. I’ve got a telephone consultation next week and I know they are just going to tell me to come back when I’ve lost weight. It is so difficult and frustrating.
I totally relate to the work/life balance and not keeping up with cleaning and sleeping etc. It just makes everything 100x worse! I feel I’m in a fairly good place at the moment but I’ve had to put myself into a really strict routine of going to bed at a certain time, preparing my meals in advance so I don’t eat rubbish and then doing little bits around the house when I have time. As soon as I fall out of a routine even in the slightest it throws everything else out the window!! It’s a constant battle 😩


Well-known member
I have PCOS. I had no period for two years, terrible skin and could not shed 1 pound. So i paid privately to get checked out. I was put on Dianette and it was the best thing ever. Ive never had skin issues or late periods anymore. I had got pregnant naturally also.
I find no matter what type/make of pill I put on weight more with my Pcos. Therefore I avoid but I’m currently overweight regardless


VIP Member
What do you guys use for facial hair removal? Mine isn't terrible but I have a lot of strong peach fuzz with random long dark hairs and it makes me feel soooo self-conscious :( Atm I use a mini trimmer thing, tweezers, I need to start electrolysis again but just wondering if anyone had any good products to recommend in particular


Hi all, I’m hoping this thread will help! I’m 24 and never been officially diagnosed with anything (although my GP did say approx 3/4 years ago he thought I had “early stage PCOS” despite no testing and deciding not to look further into it as “I’m not looking to have children right now” 😒. Basically ever since I started my period (around about 10/11) I’ve had bad periods. Particularly in high school/ sixth form it was absolute hell every month, the pain. Never passed out but was damn close to - sweats/nausea/starting to black out/shivers. Admittedly the bad ones have become slightly less frequent but they do still hit me sometimes. My periods aren’t hugely irregular but wouldn’t say they’re spot on we very 4ish weeks. I do struggle with excess hair - chin, neck, chest, around the nipples etc. And have always struggled with hormonal acne. I am of a normal weight, another reason why it has been a struggle to get this looked into more (even though I have been reading that “lean pcos” is a thing. I’ve been on and off at the doctors for years but they don’t do anything about it - I’ve been prescribed a few different contraceptives to help butI hate being on them as they make me utterly miserable. Honestly I would rather just have testing done so I can at least have some answers whether good or bad!!!

anyway, Sunday just gone I had terrible ovulation pain (I do sometimes get this but it’s never been as bad as it was on Sunday). I also had very heavy discharge, it seriously felt like a period it was gushing 😭. The pain was terrible, it was my right ovary (normally I only get pain on this side). It felt like my ovary was on fire and being twisted and stabbed with a firey rod. I nearly called 111 as I was so thrown by it. I’ve also been struggling with anxiety and heart palpitations (nearly every day and throughout the day!) this past year which I’ve read can also be a symptom of PCOS.

i just want some peace of mind really - should I fight for myself to get testing, or does this not sound like pcos to you all? I feel so silly like I’ll be wasting resources but I am so tired of this affecting my life and not being taken seriously because I’m not looking to have kids right now!! I hate it 😭
I think I might have PCOS but no idea where to start really. I've always suspected that i've had it but never dealt with it. Is it easier to go through your doctor or does anyone recommend going straight to a gynae specialist?