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VIP Member
It was donated into the same account as the other paypal account for warriors though? So how did they know what money was what ? As @GiveMyHeadPeace stated
Some of her crew had set up separate go-fund me accounts. PTWM Admin was trying to direct them all to PayPal to avoid the publicity.

I found this one

That’s different to the one I found which has now been deleted & had nearly £2k. God knows how many there were and how much she made out of it! Strange that they’re now being deleted when they were available on google a few days ago ....
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Well-known member
Some of her crew had set up separate go-fund me accounts. PTWM Admin was trying to direct them all to PayPal to avoid the publicity.

That’s different to the one I found which has now been deleted & had nearly £2k. God knows how many there were and how much she made out of it! Strange that they’re now being deleted when they were available on google a few days ago ....
Probably how they afforded that lovely abroad holiday (given how many of them there is, that must have cost a small fortune!) and at least 1 Mulberry bag for her....
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Don’t know if they’ve bought it yet or are still renting but PTWM’s Admin was asking people to donate money to the PayPal account rather than the go-fund me (probably so it would be less obvious!) Wonder how they know who donated money for warriors and who donated money for the house deposit seeing as it’s all in one pot? 😉

The go-fund me house raiser that I saw raised nearly £2000 so I’m assuming PTWM received that money. Not sure if there were multiple go-funders on the go.

Still curious as to whether they pay business fees to PayPal or if most people transfer money to her as a friend/family which means no fees paid.
Eek it get's grimer :(
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VIP Member
Don’t know if they’ve bought it yet or are still renting but PTWM’s Admin was asking people to donate money to the PayPal account rather than the go-fund me (probably so it would be less obvious!) Wonder how they know who donated money for warriors and who donated money for the house deposit seeing as it’s all in one pot? 😉

The go-fund me house raiser that I saw raised nearly £2000 so I’m assuming PTWM received that money. Not sure if there were multiple go-funders on the go.

Still curious as to whether they pay business fees to PayPal or if most people transfer money to her as a friend/family which means no fees paid.
That's not even just PayPal...That's a Lloyds bank account too! Wonder who's account that could be 🤔🤔
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Well-known member
Do it, you’ll probably be blocked though. I would but I’m too nosy and love watching the shit she posts.
I want to but then I won’t be able to spy on what’s going on on Insta! It’s all a load of crap anyway so I shouldn’t be too bothered!
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Well-known member
Found really great info on the consumer trade website.

More info on here too

Is she in a loophole because she’s not claiming to be a charity herself?

You would be so suspicious if a colleague asked for donations to PayPal to help people rather than JustGiving where is goes directly to the charity.

I have a horrible feeling that legally she is covered regardless of where the money goes because they are donations to a personal account and as such don’t have to be regulated or accounted for. The authorities would probably just highlight the wording of her pleas and clarify to people who donate that they are doing so voluntarily. I expect she is keeping quiet because she knows that legally there’s nothing anyone can do but morally if she came clean people would be disgusted and stop donating.
Exactly! That’s my thinking too, she has sussed out there is a loophole about this. But surely because she is mentioning charities they should be making a statement to say that they are no associated with her?

I’m very confused about what she actually does with the PayPal money. To me, these are the options...

1) she uses the money to give directly to the charities mentioned on her page when they are actively helping her warriors and takes a small percentage of the donations to cover her time in both doing so and working with the warrior in the first place (as stated on the PayPal page. The problem with this scenario is that so far over half of the charities have not received any donations.

2) She takes a small percentage of the money (as stated) and uses the rest to directly fund things for her warriors, things like buying them clothes and food and somewhere to stay. Etc. I think I remember her doing an instastory of her writing a personal cheque out to someone along these lines. This scenario is troublesome for two reasons. Firstly, why mention the charities you work with directly on a donation page if the money doesn’t go to/through them and secondly, isn’t writing a cheque to someone in a vulnerable position like that, especially someone you’ve never met a bit of a risk? Who is to say that the money is being spent where it needs to be, and it results in Rachaele (and the actual donors) being open to people claiming they need help for x,y,z and pocketing cash they really don’t need.

3) Rachaele takes a much larger percentage than she would really like people to know about and the PayPal account is used largely to fund her time in replying to warriors that message her and the admin involved in pointing them in the right directions. This, again, has it’s problems. Mainly, that the money isn’t being distributed to the charities mentioned on the PayPal page. Also, wouldnt that be like me settin up a PayPal so I can directly help suicidal people and then when those people get in contact with me I give them the Samaritans number? Plus, I’m sure a lot of the people who donate would not be very happy with their money being spent in this capacity.

4) Rachaele takes pretty much the whole of what it donated to the PayPal page with very little/nothing going to the warriors.

Realistically only the first one/first two of those could be seen as a reasonable use of the funds, even though both have issues (one being charities confirming lack of payments, and two being blindly giving out donations to people; there’s a reason charities don’t do this!).

I think when the initial question was raised here about where the money goes most people felt like it could be number two, perhaps a bit of number three. But as time has gone on and no evidence has been produced to say exactly where it’s going, how much, what it’s being used for (remember, she has an accountant, don’t you know, so the information should be readily available), people are beginning to suspect that it’s actually much worse than originally thought.

I’m not saying that the money is funding her lifestyle, I don’t know. But until I have proof that it isn’t, I’m going to suspect that it is.
Exactly but what would be good to know and what she should be telling people is what exactly is her percentage? And why should she be getting paid if it’s charity work?


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Chatty Member
So josh is getting everyone to sign a petition to get tattle removed....I thought it was in the hands of the police?!
Exactly, just proves they are trying to scare people into not using it, PTWM only commented on something earlier saying it's all in hand so if that's the case why keep sharing the petition?
I'm betting she has regrets for putting it in her stories as there has been a few new members directed here who are now seeing her for who she is!
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Well-known member
Hi and welcome. I too came over here expecting posts frothing at mouth full of bile. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much more intelligence and thoughtfulness there was compared to Rachel's Army.

Tallulahs therapy sessions have been bothering me for a while and I'm glad it isn't just me. Any therapist worth their salt would be appalled that the sensitive matters discussed and the art therapy produced would immediately be uploaded onto insta stories for the masses to gawk at.
That's really wrong. I stopped following PTWM quite a while ago so didn't see that. I don't know hold old Tallulah is but I assume quite young. It's sad everything is sold out this way, especially such sensitive issues.
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VIP Member
Forgive me for not knowing the answer to this, but would it be a police matter to investigate where this money has gone (ie fraud)?
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VIP Member
Messiah kato posted this! I wish people would tag her !!! But I guess they don’t really want the hassle !

And she speaks about being open about mental health ? Not that she has to disclose her mental health issues (if she has any)

If her childhood were as traumatic as she says etc she would be a miracle to come out unscathed and without trauma , she has many traits of personality disorders IMO, which there is absolutely no shame in at all But it can’t be nice living the way she does , lying elaborating bullying etc some professional input could genuinely improve her life and encourage her to see what is right and wrong and take accountability

I am pretty certain that she gets private counselling or certainly used to anyway. Which makes it all the worse imo that she & her followers have referred to Keels’ mental health which Keels was quite open about along with how she controlled. I’ve also seen PTWM jeer at the mental stability of Helen Tattle.

If there is anything to the PayPal donations allegations (and the continued silence certainly indicates that there seems to be), I hope she doesn’t try to use mental health as an escape route. Though with Josh’s sister and another friend allegedly on the payroll too it would be very difficult to as there is more than one person complicit.

I think Messiah Kaeto has done a video about it too on his Insta though I haven’t watched it so not sure if he names her in the video.
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Someone on her said that all 3 of them were related to Edie’s Dad’s side of the family. All they did was follow the Moral Queens Page - no comments or abuse - they could’ve followed it to monitor if Edie was ever mentioned! I obv don’t know any back story but it seemed totally cruel & unnecessary to do that.

I think on thread 2 it was mentioned that they were edies family and a bit of background to it all too
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Well-known member
The whole dead baby thing has really upset me. I know it's my comment she twisted but I was honestly just saying what happened to someone I knew and that i'd hate for it to happen to anyone else.
As I said before someone I knew got a family 'button' picture done while she was pregnant and had all there names on it and the parents were holding the baby with 'baby *their last name*' on. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.
These things do happen and yes Rachele is a lot Futher along now than this girl was when she lost hers but at the time of my original comment she wasn't.
I totally got what you meant. Everyone on here did I'm sure. You're right, these awful things do happen
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VIP Member
Quite a few of the vloggers who joined in the 'close tattle down' petition have seen their followers grow this week! But then again, you can buy followers so who knows?!

Snap Elgato!
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VIP Member
But then again, we have all been 'supporters' or 'fans' of hers at some point and then saw through it all.. i'm one of them! I stopped following her a while ago for so many different reasons.. lets not speculate on why people have suddenly come here to air their opinions and thoughts. Rachael has definitely shot herself in the foot by directing people to this site and them people reading it all and then agreeing with us. People can still read threads without even signing up, i dont see what they would gain from now having a negative opinion of Rachael after reading the threads and leave a comment that isnt a positive one about the woman but still being a fan of hers..
I was talking about the poster who tried to moderate this thread so the moderators had to step in and edit her post. She was defending PTWM as her first post within minutes of joining so things like that seen obvious to me that they are from her crew.
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New member
So to summarise
* It has been noted that financial donations have been submitted by individuals into a private PayPal account.
* Rachaele is unable/won't (delete as applicable) release documents to declare where said donations have been distributed.
* Donations of a personal nature (house) has been sent to same PayPal account as charity donations.
* So far 4 out 7 charities contacted has confirmed NO donation received from Rachaele.
* In the meantime she and her family are living like lottery winners.

And yet the sheep are still in denial. It absolutely beggars belief it really does!
Spot on.
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