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VIP Member
I have never felt more sorry for T than just then. B really is a nasty little girl. The sheer joy in T’s face at getting that apron was beautiful, she was so grateful. Only for belittling Betsy to come along and ruin it
If I was T I’d just tell B to fuck off.
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Do supernoodles actually count as cooking?! Because that's what Betsy is having by the look of it and I'm not sure it is really classed as cooking. Although maybe it is for someone who is from the class of 2020...who knows...:unsure:

'Oh...can someone get that nail file off him that he's sucking on!'

Errr...yeah you could if you put your phone down for half a second and walked to the other side of the table, you lazy fucker!
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She’s admitted she’s the problem then? Wilby sleeping 7-7 and looking like he’s bloody grateful for the break, yet she’s awake downstairs during the night 🙄 silly bitch. No doubt be clamouring for another baby now he doesn’t need her so much.
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R is about as transparent as a wooden door.
Forgot to say also, all form of Policemen including retired are being called in. Yet somehow Josh is at home having a jolly old time. He is deffo more police staff than police officer these days. Her followers are as bad as she is for not calling her lies out. Blind leading the blind 🙄
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No one gives a flying fuck that your baby sucks your tit for his milk in the morning. The fact that he looks like he pisses about more than he is being fed should tell you he’s ready for Maccys
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R and B back to being bitches to Seb. I wonder if the teacher who said B is the kindest person ever actually sees what a vile little girl she is? If I was Josh, I'd be telling them to shut up, talking to my son like that!!
I don’t understand why J didn’t stick up for S. it was actually horrible to watch 😢
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That doesn’t look safe at all. They really can pull themselves up at 7/8 months, if he did it wouldn’t take much to topple out of the cot.

How do they afford to eat roasts every day for 8 people? 😒
I just don’t see the point in those Sleepyhead things, aside from the fact that a child of that age doesn’t need one and should be free to move around in bed. No child needs one - you’re not supposed to put anything in the cotbed as it’s a SIDS risk.
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Some of these comments and the people who follow her 🤣🤣🥱. Yes please just phone the police up and have a chat with them about who their current serving officers are in Devon and Torquay I’m sure they’d be more than happy to oblige and will freely share that information with anyone who so cares to ask...what number would that be on hun, 999?


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She looks awful with her hair, those massive glasses and clothes 😂😂 it's absolutely cringe that as a grown woman she's copying Astrid- if you look back to just when Wilby was born to now her 'fashion' has changed dramatically she's definitely an Astrid wannabe!

I've also always thought Josh doesn't seem all there either😳
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As a social worker myself R would never make a social worker not unless she had a massive personality transplant. She has no idea about professional boundaries or confidentiality.
You all do an amazing job and it’s tough ( I’m front line work also).
She doesn’t have the qualifications to get into the course and I agree with you about boundaries and confidentiality!!
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You know what? Fuck Rachel, I’m just gonna start spreading the message about what a vile cunt she is on Astrid’s page
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I get that some of us have a little more time on our hands right now...but bugger me, not a chance I could ever be bored enough to check who’s liked posts/comments just to block them!!
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I had a look at that baby grow as it’s so nice 20 FUCKING QUID. Sorry girl you’ll have to be kept on your Asda multipack ones for now I cannot afford that 😂 Hit me up Ryvita. I want to buy it.
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Hold up why are the fucking pair of them getting a friends to do their shopping not worried when they have been posting their walks and beach, shocking that they would put her friend at more risk due to her lazyness. This has made me really mad
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I think some chickens will be coming home to roost over the next few months. Not just for R but some other so called influencers too. Fact is companies are going to be feeling the pinch and the budget for gifting is going to be compromised.
For some influencers the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is going to come through very clearly.
I hope they have a rainy day fund (or a PayPal one).
Then again they could all plead poverty and their sheep will pay up.
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It’s probably been said here already but I’ve had wine, just looked on Instagram but when she says look what my son does to me’ ... I’ve literally just gone in that disgusted mode, I would never do that, would you? Regardless? Did they come out of you? No! Have some respect You horrible cow. If I was josh I would be telling her to reign it in by now, it’s unfair and unnecessary
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Narcissists truly believe that the fault lies with everyone else. It couldn’t possibly be them. There’s a huge pattern of that kind of behaviour with her. From blaming her parents for her shitty behaviour throughout her life and not accepting responsibility for any of it, to keeping E away from her dad as a baby and trying to play happily families with J and all the kids without giving a thought or care for their relationships with their other biological parent.
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Glad I’m not the only one a bit disturbed by her stories about the women. There really should’ve been a trigger warning, given many of her followers are people she’s “rescued.”
She actually posted those two stories and then went head on into arts, crafts and birthdays. There was no warning, no context, no explanation or no link to get help or further information. Incredible. It’s like she jumped onto the daily mail website, saved the pictures and then plopped out a half arsed description of what happened to back up her bullshit DA advocate persona. Which is laughable as if she’d done one iota of training, she would know about Triggers. Those two women have families and were literally taken not even 24 hours ago. Just because it’s in the newspaper, that does not make it public property to share. Facebook Mums blew my head off 😒
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