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Well-known member
Oooh she really can’t bear it that people have seen right through her can she? “God is watching” yeah so be honest about where the thousands of pounds of donations have been spent, stop counting your thousands of emails about fucking jumpers and which kid looks like who and reply to those who have messaged you regarding domestic abuse because you’ve portrayed yourself as an ambassador
I'm pretty sure she may know where I live, (I'm not a troll ) but if she feels confortable she can post them to me 😂😂
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It’s funny isn’t it, I follow a handful of threads about influencers on here, and in general they really make me belly laugh. We poke fun at the influencer in question and I love how insightful, witty, and clever people are about seeing through some of the deceitful or misleading content that influencers churn out.

I don’t know why but I find this thread often has a mean, nasty undertone. I genuinely don’t mean that to have a go at any particular user. I suppose my question is, does the tone of the thread reflect the personality of the influencer? for example....Stacey Solomon- she’s ridiculous, attention-seeking twat, but in essence probably quite a sweet person in the flesh and pretty harmless. Anyone follow the Nicki Ryan/Fopperholic thread? She is really vain, obsessed with herself and her looks, lazy-ass Mother, but again probably not doing the world any serious harm in the grand scheme of things. But with Rachele it’s like she hides a genuinely insidious dark side of just plain mean, and I always sense that there’s a really nasty element to her personality that she hides quite well. More often than not her thread on here leaves a sour taste in my mouth too. (again...not having a go at you guys...just reflecting on the general ‘tone’ of different threads on here)

Maybe I’m going way to deep with it all....🤯🤪
Agreed, I’m on the Mrs Meldrum thread and that has me rolling with what a clueless, self absorbed twonk she is. However I can barely watch Rachaeleee. She definitely has a very sinister side to her. I’ll never forgot how vile she was to the poster in a DM when she thought it was the boys’ mum. Just a pure evil way to speak to her.
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Re: Her comment about Betsy’s predicted grades, that’s what they’ll be getting I believe so if her predicted are A-C’s (funny they haven’t graded that way for about 3 years now; it’s 1-9) that’s what she’ll get. Why would she be worried they’ll be worse now?🤔
I thought exactly the same. If they're her predicted grades then that's what she's likely to get. And considering we've been told several times she thinks she's going to fail everything and is so anxious about her exams she's been sent home, I'd say they are very good grades to look forward to. Also you'd think Rachaeaeaele would know it was 1-9 now...

I would hazard a guess that Betsy's tears are more to do with missing prom and the last couple of months being missed with her friends in school. And at 15 I think that's a very reasonable thing to be upset about. But when we've seen her missing loads of school because she's ill (but not so ill she can't look after her brother) and pissing about when she should be in school...don't expect us to then believe she's sobbed because she can't take her exams.
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Now I'm not bitching. Each to their own. BUT I can't imagine social media/influencing etc... being my only source of income and my 'job'. Unless you're Krystal Clear Makeup with like 1.6 million followers or something.
I'd have to have something else. Either a trade that I could get back into or do part time or something you know?

What is her job title? Influencer? 😒 I find it so weird. I'm all for people who maybe craft and sell on Etsy and stuff but who work in the week etc....
But the uncertainty of making your money on social media would keep me up at night.
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You know what? Fuck Rachel, I’m just gonna start spreading the message about what a vile cunt she is on Astrid’s page
Steady on. I’m pretty sure Astrid knows already. She doesn’t seem like a silly woman. She boosted her Instagram numbers is all 🤷‍♀️
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Trying to justify doing ads in the current climate. More bullshit and contradictions coming out of her mouth. Thought she did ads so she could continue her fight to help with DV victims? Now it's so she can pay her bills?
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And know they are out drinking coffee and beers?

Good one dickhead
Shes just a walking contradiction... hope shes highly embarrassed by herself! Sharing nhs posts and telling people to listen to the shes self isolating then goes out for fucking coffee.... covid 19 isn't one of your followers R... it wont kiss your arse and leave you alone because of who you are! Fucking dickhead
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It just proves she reads here and is bothered. She knows people on here take the piss out of his job so she jumped straight on the defensive convinced someone was a troll. I read it as someone actually genuinely asking on a really nice way. Looks like she has lost an actual genuine follower today through her insecurity and pathetic nature.
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Who the fuck has time to send her 500 emails? As if 500 people reached out to her during this crisis over a fucking vase

get fucked you fucking grotbag
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She’s awfully quiet...... which can only mean one thing.....long post time or wanting the hons to give her attention “where r u” “hope you are ok” “I miss Wilburs face”
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Having to monitor your posts constantly in case someone posts a comment that you don’t want people to see because it’s more than likely the truth/ might paint you in a bad light because in reality, you’re a piece of shit, is the modern day equivalent of ‘looking over your shoulder’. You could not pay me to live R’s life, she must be living off her nerves.
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Morning gals. Just hanging around in Rach’s comments (my new fave place to be 😂,) and noticed that she has been sent not 1, not even 2, but a whopping 6000 emails in the last two days about who the baby looks like and his feeding.
I don’t know how she copes. Truly a superhero 🤨 😂
Incredible considering what little engagement she gets to her posts these days. Everyone obviously emailing her direct instead of just clicking like 🤥
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VIP Member
I do wonder what kind of thought process is behind
‘Oh there is a virus killing people, yesterday I posted about women getting killed by their partners and it’s my child’s eleventh birthday. I know, I’ll post a string of really personal depressing letters, have a quick dig at my Mum and treat everyone to my baby pictures. THATS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT!’
ffs 🤨🙃
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Mrs H

Well-known member
Haven't looked at her posts or stories for a while now as we have had some devastating news in the family so social media has been the last thing on my mind along with oh you know the global pandemic goin on atm too...not that R would realise, she still thinks the world revolves around her!

The getting unnecessary items delivered show's how selfish she is.
Myself and my hubby are both keyworkers so are still going out to work, it's a double edged sword, we are grateful that we both have jobs to go to but are terrified at the same time that everytime we go out we risk bringing something home to our children.

That will be the same for delivery drivers, postworkers, is getting sweets delivered a necessity??!! She is so far out of touch with the real world it's untrue!
My hubby turns 40 next month,we have cancelled his party we were organising and we spoke today about how he will most probably have to wait for any presents as atm I am not ordering anything unnecessarily, which is fine we're adults and we understand that we must do everything we can to limit everyone's risk of unnecessary contact.

Oh and while I'm at it, I've said it before an I'll say it again, she talks to them boys like shit, I can imagine in a few years time them boys writing a book about their horrendous childhood with the evil stepmum who made their lives a misery. Karma R, it will come one day.

Sorry turned into abit of a ramble, haven't posted in a while and I got carried away!
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“Mocks don’t matter”
She got that massively wrong didn’t she.
“Mocks don’t matter”
She got that massively wrong didn’t she.
It wasn't just that, it was the 'repeatedly told her' 🙄 what a bell end. This is exactly why teachers try to drum it in to kids that mocks do matter, not only as a measure of progress but because in exceptional circumstances they could count. Maybe she'll pull her head out of her arse and not tell the rest of the brood the same.
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