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VIP Member
Paige was on live last night with that cling on blonde girl. And two Asian men came on as a battle that we’re struggling with their English. The comments on Paige’s live were disguising and people were saying about dinghy’s and that they’d come over on a boat and Paige and cling on were reading them back and laughing…. especially cling on. Vile racist bitches. Only one comment called them out - the rest were laughing
She’s as much as a leech as the people she was laughing at. Home and car paid for by baby daddy, works one day a week 🤣

Glad the true colours are coming out now.
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Of course she’s gonna be posting all over socials about it! This is all a game to her like Paige says
To her and Nathan, they’re actually scary levels of evil. Didn’t know the reason this holiday is happening is because a certain boy commented on Paige’s tiktok 🤣🤣🤣 this mug has audacity being territorial
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The lips on both of them are criminal and they’re both immature. Plus they both cane the sunbeds. We equal? 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Just screenshotted it! Tbh it’s really not my style to go for anyone’s looks but throwing social services about and the way she’s carrying on so absolutely heartless about Paige and her little girl, for once IDC!
Wow that’s worse than I imagined. How can someone act so confident and have that profile. Every photo of Izzy that isn’t from her own page is shocking.
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yah i thought that izzy looks way older than 21!, her skin is so bad like shes had too many sunbeds or something!!
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She’s probably entitled to some sort of UC. Plus he pays for the car and possibly some/all the mortgage? She also works though so who knows.
I think shes way too good for Nathan and he knows it, so does Izzy.
I wish both of them would stop using sunbeds. They are ruining their skin.
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Something about t the way she pronounces L sounding words knocks me sick, if you watch the video you'll get what I mean. Her tongue curls and looks too big for her mouth 🤢🤢
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I don’t think the girl has a conscious to cry. That’s just filler and botox.

she’s still posting stories and talking about him in her comments. I know she can’t wait to hurt him back with someone but this is just going to end up in even more of a mess if Paige doesn’t hold her head high and just stop now. Be bitter and better in private because like everyone keeps saying…they thrive off the thrill of her being so hurt. Sickos.
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It is sad. I don’t think he wants the family life yet. Which he should have thought about two years.
He said to Paige that he cheated because she got pregnant with Ottilie and he weren’t ready even though they planned her 😢 Use protection if that’s the case then you absolute cunt instead of blaming a innocent child being born for you shagging a slag
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Chatty Member
If that attention seeking tramp was being messaged by a footballer she’d sell her own granny just for half a chance of a response back, don’t know who she thinks she’s kidding 🤣 sitting making up fake profiles and talking to herself on tik tok I’m cringing for her 😭
She said on one of her lives she was approached for Love Island and was asked for proof in the comments yet no proof ever appeared 😭

Izzy really isn’t an ugly girl. Mangled her face a bit but she’s not ugly.

She’s just nowhere near as good looking as she thinks she is. It’s like reverse body dystrophia.

You’d think her being treated like shit by a guy like Nathan would humble her a bit but she’s so delusional it’s like it feeds her more.
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VIP Member
Both their lips are horrendous and it’s sad that they both think it’s sexy. Two girls who are deeply unhappy and insecure
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I feel for Paige, you can tell she is probably seething and hurting.

Takes two to tango, the guy seems like a twat and you can tell the girl is young, to be acting like the cat that got the cream and he ain't even a prize, but restrict your comments gal and buy your followers, pop off ✨
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VIP Member
I’m sorry I’m just gonna say it

I really felt for her to start with and was so angry at this Izzy girl, but from more I’ve seen and from watching a few of Paige’s lives she comes across as a nasty girl… just because you got cheated on doesn’t mean you’re not a prick yourself. I get proper mean girl stuck up vibes from her and her heads got so big from all these comments telling her how amazing she is when she’s bog standard at best

Izzys a rat as well, can’t stand the pair of them
Yeah, I get the stuck up vibes. Terrifies me how much work she’s getting done so young too.
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Chatty Member
I hate that they resort to attacking her physical appearance. Izzy is miles prettier than Paige she’s still a homewrecker but you can’t call her ugly 😂
Miles prettier than Paige? Definitely not. I don’t think Izzy’s ugly but Paige is stunning
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