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Does anyone know what was said in the live last night about Izzy? I was confused as Izzy came up on fyp so checked comments people were saying Paige spoke about her the entire live, yet Paige uploads a story saying she keeps everything private? Confused 🫢
Her friend Mia was looking at Izzy’s tik toks and they were just laughing at the videos she posts where she does the splits on the streets in a swimming costume. She said a lot has been said behind the scenes including Izzy messaging her on Nathan’s phone in Barca. Izzy was calling Paige out for having a ‘disgusting mum body’. Her friend Mia seen Izzy out for the first ever time and Izzy jumped in her car and sped off so they were laughing about that too
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That’s how I see it too. They are both in competition as they want to be top dog.
Izzy’s ego is huge, she just wants to prove she can have him if she wants him. Paige is hurt because she obviously adored Nathan from her earlier TikTok’s so she wants to win because she’s hurting. It’s really sad as this will set her back. She needs to go no contact by going through his mum and keep it that way until she’s fully over him, otherwise this will keep happening it’s like picking scab.
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Exactly, haven’t understood this from the start, they’ve both embarrassed her enough without Izzy making her stupid tik toks claiming people are ‘reaching’ because she’s just making videos she wants and it has nothing to do with Paige… how can he stand back and watch the mother of his wee girl be disrespected after everything she’s been through? In regards to her saying that if he goes on holiday that will be it and she hopes he makes the right decision and doesn’t go- I don’t get this. He’s already made his choice, he’s booked up to go on holiday with Izzy and if he cancels it it’s not cause he wants to, it’s cause Paige is asking him to? Like surely the damage has been done? I’ve no doubt he’s just done it to piss Paige off and wind her up, rather than he actually cares for Izzy but it’s still a slap in the face. I just think you have to let people do what they want and they’ll show you who they really are. The disrespect is loud and clear she has to just leave them to it now, she would never trust him again anyway and she knows this.
I could never give him another chance that’s for sure!
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Izzy really rinsing those aimed tik toks considering it’s his and Paige’s daughters birthday weekend 😂😅 really glad they coparented on her birthday and got to experience her 1st birthday together, it takes a lot to be civil after something so awful but Ottilie looked like she had a lovely day
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It’s the fact the girls confidence is clearly already knocked by the fact he’s cheated on her especially postpartum when you’re feeling at your worse, no wonder she’s not eating when she’s hearing stuff like that! Nathan is shagging someone else apparently and Izzy is saying her and Nathan are in a relationship so karmas coming for her hopefully
Izzy isn’t a nice girl at all. All the shit slinging. I hate it when they go for each others looks. It’s the lowest of the low.

You are right though, Paige’s confidence would have been on the floor.
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Chatty Member
Jesus Christ. They all need to grow up. Playground shit. There’s a baby involved in all this.
I think it's the tiktok with the headline 'Facts' in the comments someone has pointed it out.

I have to say, I do think it's proper shit if all of his mates and their partners knew what was going on. I can understand her being seething but I think your right, it does comes to a point where you have to be the bigger person and let the shit take itself out.
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I also think they’re gonna come to her as a couple at some point. There’s booking a flight for a reaction, then there’s actually going through with it. He 100% has deep feelings for Izzy knowing the hostility he’d get if he went.
Also, first Barcelona pic has been posted by Izzy 👀 Wonder if she’ll post any of the two of them
She looks like she doesn’t even want to be there 🤣 Bet she wanted him in the picture and he’s said no so she’s raging. Why the fuck are her hands so white when she goes the sunbeds aswell, does she stick her hands out the top while she’s on them??
  • Haha
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Either way Nathan still wanted to go stay in hotels and sleep with Izzy don’t change it does it doesn’t matter who’s prettier lmfao .
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On what basis was Izzy implying about social services? I know we only see what is presented but Paige looks like a good mum and the baby - I know her name but don’t want to misspell her name - well looked after and happy!
A supposed social worker (Izzy on a fake account) was commenting saying Paige needs social services intervention and the baby is not cared for properly because Paige goes for a prosecco with her mates when Nathan is on dad duty 🫣
  • Wow
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Chatty Member
Threw it all away for 2 days in Barcelona with a girl liking comments about social services on his own child, mental. MENTAL.
I honestly can’t wait for Izzy to get bored of this big beaked buffoon, Paige to find someone 10x better and him to be left with fuck all but the memories of how he imploded his own life.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.
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