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Yup. I just went and looked and it was last year December 16th that he posted his new apartment video. So a one-year lease would basically be done now.
That could be- maybe a condo or townhouse, so buying, but not as much work. 🤔

No way!! So that was you guys we saw Disney bounding as Christmas Nate, and Gracey!!! 😳😀🤣
Hope you had fun- the parties are always great!
Would have totally grabbed a photo if we saw you! Dammit!!! Hope you had fun, we had a blast.


I might be a weirdo but, trust me, I don't think of any YouTube influencers as minor celebs or friends. I'm here solely to make fun of their pathetic existences.
im dead. I wouldn’t fangirl over any of them but obviously they get us talking the same way we’d read celebrity gossip is what I meant by that. We feel like they’re people we know to a degree because they do “slice of life” type videos despite them being different and exaggerated. We just like gossiping


VIP Member
yeah- these fan Fests never look fun to me either. I think the whole thing is that he knows he has to do something other than youtube to make money. He needs a more steady income from an established company. So doing these fan Fests and getting paid to stay in nice hotels and eating out is better to him than going back to Denney's. Plus, going to different cities gives him "new" content for his youtube, too. He couldn't vlog himself managing a Denneys LOL
He was doing well with YouTube (I think?) until he slowed down on posting often.

But yeah, I agree, it seems the shirt company is his main job at this point. Like he’s on the payroll and gets healthcare and benefits and everything. So if they say go to the fan event, he goes


Chatty Member
I know I'm a little bit... whatever. :ROFLMAO: BUT i really think it's obvious hes dating somebody. whether it's the new girl or Kristen or somebody else. Hes obviously putting time into someone/ something instead of making as many videos. And if you look at pictures from earlier in the year, hes keeping his beard more trimmed :ROFLMAO: and hes lost a least a little bit of weight.
So we'll see how much longer he keeps up the "lonely" guy act. It's good for sympathy views 😄 BUT he could always decide to go the Kyle Pallo direction of "Meet my new GIRLFRIEND!" "Meeting my GIRLFRIENDS dad!" "Celebrating the 1st anniversary of my 5th date with my GIRLFRIEND!" "Taking my GIRLFRIEND to Target!!" :oops:😩

In November/ December last year, he was hosted by a DVC point rental company at Treehouse Villas and at a Wilderness Lodge Cabin. Looks like no holiday season staycation so far... :unsure: ( or a free one at least…)
I must be so far out of the loop but I swore Kyle and her posted an engagement earlier this year and it was only after maybe three months.


VIP Member
Thank goodness for the youtube recommended videos page/ algorhym!!! 🤣🤣 I found this little gem- a small channel called Jarvel5. He had Nate in the thumbnail so I scrolled the video until I saw Nate.
At the 24 minute mark, you 100% see wilderness lodge girl in the background, leaning against a light post while Nate talks to the guy. ( i know thats her because watching the video you can see her follow behind Nate when the guys calls him over, and then she goes and like hides by the post)
Tell me she doesn’t look a bored teenager waiting for her dad to get done talking to his friend. 😳 Definitely not like confident, outgoing wife material for a YouTube rock star like Nate!
Nate, my guy, you look ridiculous with a girl that young. And for that matter it looks ridiculous for her too.
Anyway- happy Saturday night, guys! 🤣View attachment 2688056
Keen eye! From the picture I wouldn't have even guessed that she was with him. She totally looks like a bored bystander.

And y'know what? I am Team WLG. I give them both enough credit that they know what they're getting into. I doubt either of them are looking for something long-term out of the pairing. She gets to go to Disney World all the time, and he gets a pretty young thing hanging on his arm (at least until someone with a camera comes around). As long as they're both happy.

What is the reason you think she hides? Is this really Nate’s first post divorce relationship? I thought he’s dated others, not serena for sure. If so I’m sure it makes V feel some type of way. Not sure why since she seems content and looks a lot healthier and hotter. She shouldn’t cry over that if she is. Also if you left someone and never went back and probably still could have, what are you worried about?
I understand her. Contrary to what it seems by watching videos on YouTube, not everyone is trying to be a celebrity. As someone who is a bit introverted, myself, I find meeting new people to be pretty draining. I could certainly understand her desire to slink away when fans or other vloggers show up to chat him up and take pictures. They're not there to say hi to her anyway, so no one will be offended if she just slips to the side and keeps to herself while Nate works the crowd.

I'm dying to know their origin story-- how and where this love story began! A Bar? Is her mom a fan that set them up? We need details! LOL
That's what I find most interesting. How did they meet? She doesn't seem particularly close to any of his other fwiends, so I don't think they were introduced by a mutual friend. Did she see his channel and slide into his DMs?

I hope we get an introduction and "how we met" story, but I'm not holding my breath.


VIP Member
i dont know. i still say the Bull and Bear part confirms that they're dating. Just that whole "explosion on your face" joke, plus the way she said " you know i dont like old fashions" was exactly like an old married couple HAHA
I can't explain the feet on the people mover, other than that maybe he was hanging out with a friend and didn't show them because he didnt' want to start a shitstorm of "oooh she seems nice!!" in the comments, since hes dating Kristen. LOL
And the screen shot a few posts up from Fort Wilderness with the pink mug and the reflection in the window. The person in the reflection looks to have dark hair, like Kristen does. So that could even be Kristen. Maybe she just didnt' feel like being on camera that day and told him not to film her. 🤷‍♀️ He did describe it as "maximum coziness", which is something her and Sean say all.the.time. LOL
This is a fun distraction from all the crazy christmas prep! LOL
I know, the way they were acting at the B&B was crazy. If another girl was with him, I wonder what she was thinking. Plus at the end, when it was just him and her waiting for the car, no sign of Sean or the mystery person.

Good catch on the maximum coziness.

We shall see!
Okay, I know camera lenses can do weird things, but has Nate lost a ton of weight? If so, good for him. He was blowing up and turning violet like Violet Beauregarde.

Also this makes me think Veronica was internet stalking him and getting snippy regarding that RSVLTs post because this is his first post divorce relationship and she’s feeling weird about it.
We thought the total opposite. We think he's gone up a size in shirts because they seem to look really long on him lately.
Good point that I did not think about after he stated that. Rental car companies have the ability to check the status of a drivers license before releasing the vehicle, and as of the moment it is still showing suspended. However I believe Enterprise may still be the exception to that practice and they do not check records. So who knows? 🤷‍♂️
He's the type of idiot that if he got pulled over, he would film the cop for a future video.


VIP Member
I've been searching and can't see what she posted in the comments. What/where did she say?
somebodyposted a screen shot if you go back on Page 19. But basically his ex commented on a RSVLTS post when somebody asked why he uses "Paging Mr Morrow", she commented that she started the channel and it was her name on IG at the time.


VIP Member
Yeah I think our dreams are over lol.

It makes sense. Kristen and Nate weren’t announcing it because there wasn’t anything to announce. I still think they hooked up or had a FWB thing going on at one point.

I predict we see them stop hanging out so much now.
yup- dreams crushed 😣 I'm not kidding when i say i'm heading out for a long walk with sad music--- ya'll know i was invested!!!😐 😒
But yeah, you're right- they've been friends for awhile now, something would've come out by now. I really thought i was picking up a vibe from them though- especially at the Bull and Bear dinner. And with how involved she seemed to be in putting together that party for him. That just seemed like such a "girlfriend project" LOL (even if she was just serving as the POC for the shirt company to plan it, that still seems like some girlfriend stuff) And why did he spend NYE with kristen and sean, and not the girl hes dating??
Oh, well. Looks like it's a done deal. I DID ask him on here for some confirmation or denial soon... LOL So now i have to slowly but surely move on with the help of lots of chocolate and maybe some wine later on... 😒😭