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Wow 6K is quite a lot that makes crazy amounts. She was also with awesomeness tv at some point and she auditioned for X factor with the fresh Prince song (can’t for the life of me understand why she choose this song). Is it true David was also on BGT? Because there’s a deleted video of him reacting to his bgt audition does anyone have this video?
Aaw sad news about Lucie's cat.

When they said they had news at the end I thought they were extending the podcast to two episodes a week. 1 for the usual and 1 for correspondence or something but it was the opposite back to once a fortnight.


Active member
I just don’t understand why david was left with nothing I mean he had to move out financially could of been difficult for him whereas she got the house and everything. Plus I found it weird how in one of her recent vlogs he walked in a his key so who knows what is actually going on. I would of thought he would be entitled to some of the house esp in these Financial times
If she has a manager then they will be the one to communicate with brands to get free days out. Didn’t she have a gifted holiday at some point too? It must be annoying to have to work whilst on holiday.
she has okay engagement on her insta, I reckon she charges about 6k for an ad. It must be hard though to not have as much income and have to strip back a little.
Some influencers really take the mic getting gifted days out and products but I don’t think Ebony does that bad
She was managed by Gleam Features the same agency as Mrs Hinch, Emily Norris LJC Grace Victory , poppy deyes etc but doesn't seem to be on their website anymore. I think she is still with channelmum though.


VIP Member
it’s the fact he post I believe this and that which makes me think those are his own thoughts

Whatever happened between them must of been pretty extravagant for them to not work out. Around 6-7 years of going through absolutely everything together broken in what feels like a year. There’s nothing I can’t think of that they haven’t been through, can you??

It seems she financially supported him whilst he was not working and studying for years imagine if they broke up during this time how he would of survived financially and he was there when she went through her surgery looking after the kids. What more needs to be done to make a relationship work?? They seemed like the most unlikeliest couple to break up.
TBF he was in the vlogs up to when Hudson was a baby and probably did a lot of stuff in the background. It is sad but hopefully they can stay friends.


VIP Member
It’s probably hard for her watching david who has found his passion even if that meant changing careers and sometimes that what you need to do but sadly she doesn’t see that as a option. I doubt she hardly makes any money from YouTube since her views aren’t going up and she is getting less now that David’s not in them.
I think she makes money via ads like most do. She’s currently in a aquafresh ad on YouTube, that’s probably made her a good few grand. Plus she does plenty on instagram.


Active member
Yes he is, it has been mentioned in videos a lot that he was training but surely this can’t be the real reason for wanting to step back from the camera? I got vibes he never wanted to be on camera in the first place to be honest, he always seemed like the type to keep himself to himself - I think after he moved away from being in a band he just wanted a quiet life. I remember in the very early vlogs he use to mention the camera wasn’t for him. Although I’ve really enjoyed watching him and they have literally changed my life and without them I wouldn’t be where I am today for many reasons. It’s all a catch 22, I guess people grow and change and you need to be with someone on your wave length in the present moment, I am just not sure they are anymore.


I love watching this family. I did follow Ebony way before she had the kids, but only watched sometimes. Was only after having my daughter I looked on YouTube and saw she was announcing her pregnancy with daisy and I’ve watched ever since. I do feel since David stepped down it’s not so much a family feel anymore if that makes sense and I do think once he has settled into his job properly, and the kids are in full time school he may want them out of the vlogs completely. I mean he might not, but I just have that feeling. Ebony may struggle without them. Nice enough family though, can’t fault them.


Active member
Thought I would Start a Thread for this Family Channel. Normally I dislike Family Channel’s but I genuinely think they are one of the best one’s On Youtube. Apologies if there’s already a thread but I have Checked and Haven’t Found One.


Active member
I was watching an old vlog called ‘Writing a personal song’ and there’s a preview of the song at 4:15-5:26. The lyrics are ‘Your packing your suitcase, I don’t know what I’ve done wrong…’ does anyone know what happened to this song would love to hear the full version of it, such a good song and such a shame if it was never released.


Chatty Member
I noticed this but she said ‘I’m taking the kids’ instead of ‘We’re’ normally she always says ‘We’re’ or me & david which also suggests they have split
I know it is a reach but maybe David due to his work can't get the time off work and that's why Ebony is going alone...


Active member
In her last vlog she also filmed a LOT at home but where was david? Surely he would of shown up at some point if she was filming that much


Active member
Maybe it was his decision. Maybe he doesn’t want to be there anymore. Or maybe she was a bitch & kicked him out twice 🙈 who knows!

But, while living with David’s parents maybe have afforded them a deposit, it’s Ebony’s work & income that allowed them to get a mortgage in the first place. David wasn’t working when they moved. You can’t get a mortgage without a regular income. So, from an outside perspective, it appears they’ve both made a fairly equal contribution to being able to jointly own a house..

Got my popcorn ready for a life update from her 👀😂

I was nosying on his Insta & I’m all for therapy but wow. 3 hours of walking meditation by walking 20 steps back & forth on repeat.. I mean it’s something. Could you not just go for a 3 hour walk where you actual keep walking forwards?!
he was working as a music manager according to her I think at his own company and had a company house thing and continued this after they moved out so he defo had his own money

your post is soooo funny more please 😂


VIP Member
I’m curious by this whole scenario.. I’m not sure I buy this nicey, nicey oh we love each other but just don’t fancy living together anymore thing 🤨 I recon it’s been far more argumentative. She seems to only have one real friend, no group of mates or any mum mates with kids the same age etc. No wonder they never spent any time apart! He never really seemed to have a group of mates either but has obviously vanished offline these days.

If they are still together, why is he noticeably absent from her birthday celebrations & any the #gifted family days out she’s had recently. He’d surely still do that stuff if they are still in love and a couple who just happen to live in different houses. And it’s a really huge deal to move apart when you have young kids who now spend completely separate time with mum & dad. That’s a big impact on their lives & unsettling. Surely you wouldn’t make such a move without serious need, as in, it’s really not working out between you..

Shame really, they both seemed quite suited in their Insta perfect, beige home with their Zara clothed, good looking kids and ‘dreamy’ days on the beach 🙈😂
It feels a bit stay together for the kids, if they didn’t have them they’d probably just break up and be done with it


W.T.F I didn’t even get the fact it was trying to say baby all this time I was thinking wth is bb like big brother? 😂😂😂

thank god it’s not catching on
Bb for baby has been a thing among teenagers for years and plenty of people my age (below 25) never grew out of it. I always hated it, but I had accepted it by 15 so I barely notice it in text - in this context, instant cringe.
Also, ebony having a proper job? Thought I'd never see the day.


Chatty Member
I’ve dipped out of her videos for so long, last one I saw was she got a puppy and I just watched her latest one and she says she’s not no pets??? What happened to the dog!


Chatty Member
I actually quite like these two, although I think David will be moving right away from vlogs and I can’t see him allowing the kids to be in them once they reach school age. Ebony seems nice enough, I think once the kids are older she may struggle to find her niche, but she’s easy going and quite funny and I find her easy to watch. Didn’t like the fact she got Tilly the dog at 5 months pregnant then realised it was all too much when pregnant with Hudson 🤦🏻‍♀️That is a bug bear of mine! Poor Tilly ( although they claim she’s with a family member), just wait until the kids are older, then get your puppy.