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She gives the idea that she wants to keep that part of her life private but I’m assuming they weren’t actually a couple. I’m sure she mentioned having a man over once or twice and then a few months later she was pregnant.
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sorry how does she have time to have one night stands with these men who get her pregnant?
I agree completely.
My opinion of her has changed. She is a lazy parent no doubt about it. Jaz is Always in that bed it’s disgusting, she could get funding to get Jaz a moulded seat (P-Pod), she can do things with her and take her places. She is always always in that bed and she gets carers ffs!
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I could understand it right now, especially if her c section scar isn't healing right. But its always been like this, even before she was pregnant.

I'm genuinely not sure how she's going to deal with a toddler running around that flat with all the shite she's got stacked up in it either. It's not as easy as it used to be to get rehoused in a bigger place. Especially not in London.
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It will be even harder to rehouse her as she will need an accessible property to meet Jazz’s needs too. I think she has been incredibly irresponsible with her life choices but expects everyone else to pick up the pieces.
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Her oldest is 14 years old, isn't she? She can't be expecting her daughter to carry on with the baby duties when she'll be soon preparing for GCSE's surely? That would be incredibly selfish.
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I feel for Jade, she’s had a lot of cards stacked against her. She’s mentioned abuse, homelessness and her mum passing away in the past.
I don’t think having another baby was in her plans, but I really hope she gets more help than she’s currently getting/showing us. I agree that Jaz should be in a chair in the front room with them and leaving her in the bed when she’s not at school or respite is an easy option (she probably doesn’t have the space with all of her clutter).

I am worried that the baby will break her. She’s already mentioned her mental health and it’s hard enough raising three kids as it is, doing it alone with one that needs so much support must be out of this world. Laziness is one thing, I also wonder just how much she’s been shown she can do with the kids. Sometimes we aren’t given the tools to do better
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she’s very lucky with the carers for jaz. i remember around christmas they took her to meet santa and to a party etc it was lovely.

i kind of don’t agree about her needing the tools to do better because i think she has those. she could easily get jas a chair to sit her in , do sensory activities with her , go on days out adapted to her needs however i think jade chooses not too.

she used to go swimming with jaya , gym etc.
i think she’s in a rut and struggling immensely with her mental health and that is SO hard.

if anything i feel for jaya as lovely as it is that she’s so close with her mum i fear she’s an emotional clutch. i can imagine she’s privy to her mums struggles and is almost like another parent in that house.
It will be even harder to rehouse her as she will need an accessible property to meet Jazz’s needs too. I think she has been incredibly irresponsible with her life choices but expects everyone else to pick up the pieces.
i don’t think she expects anyone to pick up the pieces because she’s pretty much raised those two girls on her own.
she needs to be rehoused and it’ll probably be outside of london. i hope she moves soon as it’ll effect jaya doing her gcse’s
Picking up the pieces was maybe the wrong phrase, I just meant that she doesn’t seem to think things through and unfortunately a lot of the responsibility for her situation falls to other people. I don’t even think it’s accurate to say she raised the two girls on her own, yes she has been a single parent but Jaya has played a big part in her own upbringing and has taken a lot of responsibility for Jazz and now the baby too. The majority of Jazz’s needs are met by carers, it is great she has access to that support as I know many families with disabled children who don’t but outwith the things the carers do with Jazz her life doesn’t seem to consist of much more than school or being laid in bed. I totally appreciate how difficult Jade’s situation is but at some point she needs to accept some responsibility as the only adult in their home and think about the effect her decisions and choices are having on her children.
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I don’t mean this to sound unkind but why should she be rehoused? The majority of her situation is her own doing. She could have got herself an admin job working from home while the girls are at school during the day and bettered her life herself instead of having another baby.
There’s plenty of people who are overcrowded and rent privately but receive no help. Or those that simply can’t afford an extra bedroom/maternity leave/nursery fees so only have 1 baby or wait until they’re in a better financial position to do so.
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I agree with these posts. She is the sort of person that relies on others, including the state system; government and nhs support for her special needs child and will now probably be entitled to re-housing which will be bigger and better equipped than her small flat.
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I also agree. She's had enough on her plate as it was and then to have another kid and be so blase about it is ridiculous. She seriously needs to give her head a wobble and I hope that Jaya doesn't fall into the same rut that she has and makes a go of it.
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I do wonder how she's going to manage all these trips to Westfield to spend hundreds of pounds on shite from Primark and banquets large enough to feed Henry VIII and his court. I don't begrudge anyone treating themselves, working or otherwise, but going back over some of her old videos I'm absolutely astounded by the amount she must be raking in. She never mentions donations from her followers either so it must be coming out of her own pocket. I've always assumed that the father (i don't know if the kids have the same dad?) doesn't contribute financially because he's never mentioned. Either way, as I'm sure I've said on this thread already, disabled child or not, nobody claiming benefits should be comfortable enough to throw money down the shitter like she did last year.

Also, just me being a petty bitch so feel free to call me out on the fact, the constant fake giggling in her videos is irritating as fuck. It's the equivalent of laughing at your own joke and it's cringe. So sue me
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I think when we consider her carers allowance, universal credit for herself, money for both girls that may or may not come in (they have the same surname which is different from Jade’s so I assume it’s the same dad but could be wrong!) she could be making a lot. Just a shame it gets spent on shite when you bear this in mind though, it’s the attitude of so many - why work when you can get paid to do fuck all? It’s so hard cause these benefits greatly help a lot of people, but a lot of people work the system to their advantage.

I don’t know whether she’s naive to the extra things she could do with Jaz, or just can’t be bothered. I’m really hoping it’s the former. I just feel for her. She’s local to where I grew up and I see so many people fall into this rut, albeit with different complications.
It’s just laziness the lack of things she does for/with Jaz. I’ve mentioned before my child has similar needs, I do not have carers, I wish I did believe me - but I do it all on my own with my husband. We actively look out for specialist activities to take her too, if there is nothing on that weekend then we fulfil her sensory needs usually by going for walks in the woodland, and doing sensory activities together. It doesn’t have to cost money and it doesn’t take much effort to do these things, and it upsets me seeing Jaz in her bed so much, it’s almost a form of neglect to be honest. Along with the fact she gets carers/respite there’s not really any excuse to be honest. She lives in London, there is a whole magnitude of things to do there
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Firstly, I know you don’t do it for the accolades, but your child is lucky to have you and your husband, parents with differently abled kids have the patience of saints.

I guess what I’m getting at, is that some people are raised to do the absolute best by their kids, have examples of things to do etc. I very much get the idea that she lived in a block and was left to her own devices and so doesn’t know much better. It’s not as if she does amazing activities with her able bodied child either. Some people just don’t get that in order to raise well rounded kids you actively have to make an effort. It’s lazy absolutely but some people don’t know any better and it’s really sad.
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I honestly think her flat would be ample size if she decluttered there’s stacks of shit in every room which makes it look claustrophobic. I could not live like that especially now she’s going to have a baby roaming at some point. Thought she was sweet when I first saw her come up on my fyp but as a previous poster said it used to drive me mad seeing her be able to go out and spend hundreds of £ on tat - don’t begrudge people on benefits being able to afford treats for themselves etc. but I did find it shocking that she clearly has so much disposable income.
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sadly jaya is what 14
and she said she’s been in a committed relationship for a while now so not much hope….
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