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I remember yearssss ago eleanor and Sophia were close and did a lot of modelling shoots together. Does anyone know if Eleanor has a ‘proper’ job? Or does she live off bank of mum & dad/famous boyfriend? That sounded like I’m hating, I’m actually not I have a lot of respect for Eleanor from what she’s been through. Just wondered, she must have some sort of job other than influencing?!
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Yeah I think she needs serious help it must be so scary for anyone to have someone this obsessed stalking them.

How scary😰😰 were they stalking Harry before the bus stop incident or is that what kicked it off?
I think that’s when Harry first noticed them. I’m assuming they were there for a while.
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Yes ten minutes a week to reply to a few people would hardly kill him,and the fans would be beyond delighted with that. In his bid to be mr mysterious and ‘I don’t do social media’ he is coming across as a bit of a snob. Only popping up to promote things on social media is very insincere and off putting.

does anyone else think his merch looks like the absolutely bare minimum effort was put into the design? Who would pay that much for a hoody with a coloured Microsoft word font on it?
he uses social media. he has a fake insta. he just doesn't need his fans anymore.
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There's three things never to discuss at a dinner party - politics, religion and Larry! :p:ROFLMAO:

Never read a fan fiction. Not a 'Larry' but fascinated by the whole thing, not least of all from an industry perspective. Sweet f-all has changed over the years. The arts are not a safe haven for LGBTQ+ people where business and money are concerned.
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Exactly. Going to a high profile England match in Rome together? Bit odd if you like to go under the radar with your relationships.

I think Camille was the real deal too. Think he has had to be hush hush about his same sex relationships though

Anyway. In other news, just saw this on Twitter. Think he looks rather fit.


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Did Niall ever go ‘off the rails’? I work at a restaurant in London and was speaking to a manger and we got onto the topic of one direction and she mentioned how Niall had come a couple times (before I joined) and much she disliked him and I was really shocked. She said he was really rude, got really drunk and him and his friends caused a nuisance. They ended up getting asked to leave and weren’t allowed back. This would of been maybe 5ish years ago, so just after the Hiatus started. I knew a couple of them seemed to have issues so didn’t know if he had too. It kind of made me a little sad cause Niall always came across as the nice one. My manager is in her 40s and has no interest in 1D so it could of been more his friends and she just tarnished him but let’s just say she was very adement Niall would not be welcome.
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Chatty Member
Yolanda being a bad person doesn’t justify striking her though. She’s the grandmother of his child and he didn’t deny it in his statement.
Correct and you’ve got to wonder how long there’s been tension going on leading up to the alleged violence. You don’t just go from happy family to violence overnight.

ETA: he said in his statement he’s agreed not to contest it which means two things. He’s either trying to keep the peace by not dragging it into a court case or he did what is claimed. I’m inclined to believe he didn’t just on the grounds that PR wise it’d be a nightmare and they would likely encourage him to apologise.
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A couple if pics of Louis’s dressing room yesterday. I did speak to him briefly to ask if his dressing room was ok and he was very nice. Didn’t manage a pic. His family came including his grandparents. Was a busy day started at 5.30 am got home at 1.30 am. Couple pics of his dressing room
Wow! You’re so lucky 😍 did you meet his family? Wondered what they’re like
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Louis making an absolute mess of slicing a tomato is the kind of chaos content I needed right now. "It's normally better to have not taken a bite of your sandwich before you bop it in" 😂😂😂

why doesn't his gf say anything to him about his hair and y is she still w him
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I agree with this. You need to know what is going on as so many people are not just a short drive from the venue that they are going to. Now the album has been around for about a year and a half it does seem a bit of an anti climax. I do really like Harry, or at least the 1D Harry, but I feel he takes the piss out of his fans a bit. Totally lost in showbiz and seems to have a barrier between him and the people who buy his music. His shows do look great and he seems just as affable on stage as in the 1D days, but there seems to be a disconnect between how he engages at all other times. He does seem to have the impression that he is 'better' than the others. That is why I like Louis. He has no problem getting involved and talking to fans and being a nice guy. It really does matter who you surround yourself with.
The thing is, I appreciate if he wants to stay off social media for his own wellbeing, it would be impossible to ignore all the negativity about you even though loads of positive things are being said too and the larries vs antis war gives me a headache so god knows how it makes Harry and Louis feel to have to read it about themselves but there's a difference between sitting on twitter for hours replying to fans and tweeting every few weeks just to let fans know what's what. At the least, we who have paid money deserved an update about tour earlier. Sam Fender also doesn't have new confirmed dates for his 2019 tour but he has given us updates more than once to reassure us its still going ahead. I feel like Harry can't comprehend that we don't all have unlimited money to spend on travel and accommodation at the drop of a hat for whenever he decides to tour here.

That being said, Fine Line is still charting really high for an album thats over 18 months old and I wouldn't miss the tour for the world, even to prove a point about management being annoying😂
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They look like kids who are trying to impersonate models they see in magazines. Maybe it's the fact that they are kids themselves still. Who knows... but their photos never make me want to buy the clothes etc.
They’re pretty I will say and you know what they could probably make it in commercial if they tried hard enough but the hard truth is they’re way too short, and aren’t unique enough. If they didn’t have the famous last name and the Instagram followers they wouldn’t of gotten a second look.

The modelling industry is tough and something I really wouldn’t recommend getting into and them glamorising it makes me laugh but also sad.

Unpopular opinion but I don’t mind the nepotism models, because in the industry you do still need to work hard especially to be taken seriously (obvs not as much as non nepotism). Plenty of famous names try to enter modelling but few are successful (again more of a chance of being big compared to non nepo) and I think that’s down to those thinking they can just go on the back of their name.

I wish them all the best but if elite thought they were model material they would of been signed as models. 5ft4/5 isn’t going to cut it industry and Daisy replying to comments of people asking if they can be a runway model at 5ft6 saying ‘it’s my dream and I’m 5ft4 and just got signed so ofc’ makes me so angry. No, no you can’t be a runway model. Runway starts at 5ft9 and even then you’ve got a slim chance, the girls on these runways are 5ft10+. Brands are lovely the influencers for commercial atm so maybe that’s a route they can go down 🤷‍♀️
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Clouds was the best show opener, what an amazing vibe that was🤩
Wasn’t it! I found all my old videos (remember when we would film bits of concerts and think when will ever watch that back...well now is the time!) and I’m loving it!
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Chatty Member
Anyone else think some of them seemed really ungrateful at times? If you go to a concert, would you rather the person is giving it their all or would you be fine with them casually taking breaks onstage to eat and drink, and not care that they are surrounded by a stadium full of people who paid to see a performance

Like the previous comment said, so many musicians would love to have that level of success, and would make the most of it
In their defence, you need little breaks when performing on stage and expecting someone to perform for an hour and a half straight without having water is taking the piss.
You can give it your all and take breaks. Most artists will take breaks in between songs, artists alot bigger than the 1D boys.
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One thing that has made me really happy is how Phoebe (and maybe Daisy&Lottie) have a good relationship with Dans new wife especially how things started off with her. I think it shows how they have matured and learnt that you can never have too much love in a family.

I do wonder how it came about that her and Phoebe became besties, I know that they knew each other before she started dating Dan.

Sally (Dans sister) is also public again after going private from the Tomlinson hate after the story situation in 2018, had a little stalk and saw this:
View attachment 1146349

Also she only follows Phoebe/Phoebe is the only one to follow her.

Sorry if no one is interested in this lol, I was just so into all the drama the twins would created back in 2017/18 it’s something I low-key can’t get over 😂
Aww Fizzy ❤
I’m really happy to see they’re friends too, wouldnt have been a nice upbringing for D&E otherwise. does anyone know what happened with Holly??
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