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VIP Member
My work colleague has a device that attaches to the window or whatever and uses voice activated things like Siri to post..... As there is tons of stuff like this in our work chat. Or she takes it and then posts once she's got to where she needs to. So she likely wasn't actually doing anything wrong as the tech to do it does exist.
It’s not when she posted it, it’s the fact it was a video of her clearly behind the wheel.
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I'm clearly alone in this but I quite like his hair long like that 🤣 His butty can get in the bin though!
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My God, Lou and Lottie have butchered themselves, they both look like completely different people. Lottie is still so young.
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Stupid cow. How old are the twins?
Nearly 18
Thing is if she gets caught she’ll lose her license as she’s had it less than 2 years…. And she’s posted it to her 1.3 million followers.
The fact that a close family friend of theirs passed in a car accident yet they still have awful car safety
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I think he genuinely loved Camille. And we never saw them together - very rare over the couple of years they were together.

Yet he’s been dating this bird a couple of months and pap pic central. Like Niall once said if you don’t want to get papped - you don’t have to get papped. Harry has said he likes a private life so I dunno I feel a lot is staged here. I 1000% think that they may be seeing each other but it’s actually pretty casual and that this is all just for film attention.
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The whole fandom seems to be way to obsessed with who the boys date and their sexualities, Harry’s response of ‘who cares?’ I can agree with.

In reality only they know their sexuality and it may be different to what they share with the public but that’s their choice and fans should respect that. At the moment all the boys are dating women and have only publicly dated women in the past. Not everyone believes that these relationships are real and believe that the boys are queer as they’ve been in relationships with each other (Larry, Ziam). My issue is, is when people try and prove that their dating/dated, whether they did or didn’t these boys aren’t out so in reality these fans are trying to out them which I find disgusting and then these fans call those who don’t believe in these ships homophobic. Ofc there’s fans who are homophobic but I find it ironic that these people trying to out their ‘idols’ are preaching about homophobia.

Harry queer bating is a hard one. Does his brand capitalise off the LGBTQ community? Yes definitely. But do I think he should be forced to share his sexuality with the world? No. I see sexuality as no one else’s business but that persons. I’m queer myself but would I be really open about my sexuality if I was as famous as him? probably not, for many reasons just like I’m not hugely open about it now. Part of me feels like seeing he profits off it, he should talk more about issues affecting the community and show he’s an proper ally (rather than just waving a pride flag on stage) but that’s up to him/Management, he didn’t sign up to be an activist and there is so many better ones that he would be.

What annoys me is fans push him as this massive queer idol and get upset when people in the community reject that idea. Like I said he’s done nothing for the community. They think it’s groundbreaking that he’s wearing a dress when in reality it’s nothing new and their pushing this image that he must be queer because he’s wearing a dress. I’ve seen stuff where fans have become more open and less homophobic because of him which I think is great and I’m glad and I just hope Harry can maybe be a stepping stone for those to research proper queer idols and activists.

I don’t really care about what sexualities the boys are it’s non of my business, what I do care about though is that they’re happy and safe and if they are queer they are able to come out in their own time not feel forced to by fans.
Well said. Its like they see being gay as a personality trait at this point. And because they don't want to feel 'guilty' by stanning a straight, white, cis male because that's arguably inherently problematic for them, they mould him into their standards of a good person like he's some sort of fictional character and not a real person. Its very odd tbh.
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The police report filed is searchable and out there on public record which Zayn pleaded guilty to unfortunately. Seems like he took a lesser charge potentially to still have visitation for Khai since he could be deported otherwise. I’m genuinely shocked he would do this and resort to physical violence, I wouldn’t have thought he’d do something like that. I hope he gets the help he clearly needs.

  • Wow
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He sees his son regularly, Some people are desperate to paint him as a deadbeat dad and he's anything but. His own dad buggered off when he was a baby, there's no way he wouldn't be an active parent with his son.
Especially as
- his son lives in another country
- the last two years have made it hard to see family, especially family abroad.

Also the fact that people only believe that he sees him when it’s posted on social media.
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Shaded him wearing Gucci clothes, said that his own album would be more than 10 tracks to get “value for money” just after Harry released his first album with 10 tracks, said he didn’t understand why Harry tries to portray himself as wild, crazy etc using drugs when some people just “are” (aka him), said that Harry would never struggle finding producers to work with (which is true, but said it in the context to portray himself as an underdog) etc.

I will always have respect for Louis and what pain he has gone through, it’s truly unimaginable to have to go through that within such a short period of time. Saying that, he’s always been rude towards professionals he’s worked with and has made racist comments before so I don’t particularly like him as a person. His friends have also apparently made homophobic comments about Harry before and still use the f slur.
You took a whole bunch of quotes severely out of context and twisted them to make them sound like shade, when within their actual context they were nothing of the sort.
I could list people I know who have interviewed and worked with Louis professionally who say the exact opposite of you, and would in fact say all the negative things you've said about Louis, match encounters they've had with Liam.

Stated that louis is a father and has in fact had sex with women which obviously frightens them 💜
Heaven forbid those poor people realise that other sexualities other than gay exist. Because in their heads only gay exists....
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Haven’t there been articles before about them having big public arguments? Obviously all couples argue to some extent and could be untrue, I just get massive bad vibes from him. Good luck to them though.
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It must be difficult for Louis with both his mum and sister gone. He must feel responsible for the rest of his siblings in a way. That's a lot for one person to take on
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Doesn’t this kind of go back to the conversation on here a little while ago about how 1D would eat food given to them while on stage. Is that what these people are trying to do?

It really is awful behaviour.
I have no idea what they are trying to achieve, his attention and a laugh? Someone threw a nugget a few shows back and it bounced off his head. It was quite funny due to his reaction. He picked it up, told them to have their fucking nugget back, he wasn’t hungry and lobbed it back into the audience. It’s an American audience so I don’t think they can read him like a British or European audience might when he tells them to stop. We’ll see what the audiences are like once the tour moves over there, assuming we don’t end up in WW3 first. Covid stopped his tour in its tracks first time around. What could possibly be next?! I think they see that Harry interacts with fans when they throw flags and other things on stage but Louis has never appeared to enjoy that even during 1D days.
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Yolanda being a bad person doesn’t justify striking her though. She’s the grandmother of his child and he didn’t deny it in his statement.
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Eleanor and Louis may never marry - his mum was married 3 times, maybe he's been affected by that, and doesn't see marriage as a legally binding contract. I would imagine Eleanor will want children sooner or later, assuming she's a similar age to Louis. The Larries will definitely throw their toys out of the pram when her pregnancy is announced. I wonder if they will try and turn it into another conspiracy theory, designed to keep him and Harry, the star-crossed lovers, apart for all eternity?

Talking of Harry, has anyone bought the magazine Harry Styles - Global Icon? I saw it for sale in Tesco but my husband wouldn't let me buy it - not because he's controlling, coercive and a cunt, but because we're a bit skint and a fiver would be better spent on petrol instead of popstars :D
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yeah I've heard that too. they seem to think that the uk is some tiny village with zero population so there'll be plenty of room in the stadiums for them. i'm not a harry fan but i do feel sorry for his fans in the uk.
Same. Especially for the people in Birmingham and Sheffield who will now have to pay out more for travel and probably overnight stays etc
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