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Influencers are so fine deaf lollll In todays podcast she said “props if you can do a 9-5 I really can’t” then says how it’s good 9-5 people have structure etc as if most people willingly choose a 9-5 instead of literally needing to survive through a typical 9-5 job
God this pisses me off. I don't think anyone's first choice would be to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day, but the vast majority of people CAN because we have to learn to deal with it! It's not a choice between "can" and "can't" for most normal people...only thing stopping her from doing 8 hours of work a day is laziness pure and simple
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Comments like this are so insufferable because it just emphasises your inability to think critically and understand that not everyone is you. Insecurities are not presented in exactly the same way from person to person, and it’s actually incredibly common for those with low self-esteem to obsessively take photos and videos of themselves. Her constantly eye fucking the camera just highlights how insecure she is.
Your reply is insufferable, and it's patronising too. I know all of that. It's not the fact she's taking photos or videos it's HOW she's doing it. But relax, it's tattle, you dont have to take it personally. It's simply my opinion and idc that much 🤷🏻‍♀️
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was just watching Ruby's paris vlog and was a bit shocked at how haggard olivia looked in the segment when they were eating pastries outside the bakery. Don't know if she's still into drugs but it looked like she was on one hell of a come-down kind of gurning a bit and her eyes so puffy and hunched over...
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her life is so incredibly luxurious it’s crazy , flying away to nice and st barths with her rich friends . I find it so strange that these girls just don’t seem to have any direction in life , like making money and going out loads is probably loads of fun but what will she do in 6-8 years time ?
Marrying a rich man will probably be her next move but there’s no fulfilment in that !!!
It’s unbelievable.
What happened to pilot school and actually working towards your goals , maybe I’m looking too deep into this but she is educated and has decent a levels and amazing GCSE’s so why doesn’t she do something other than party and chase men
Her whole life revolves around men and it’s sad to see . :(
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Honestly, I bet her sister has had an influence on her going back to strict veganism. I’ve always seen her sister as more of a harsh vegan, not flexible at all (she seems to have a pretty varied diet in general terms but I couldn’t see her eating dairy or meat ever again). It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s made a patronising comment to Olivia about it, which had made her feel guilty and like she needs to revert back.

*a reminder to anyone who may need it, your mental health should always come superior to your food morals, don’t feel guilty if veganism/vegetarianism doesn’t work for you*
Emma is insufferable imo. Surprised she doesn’t have her own thread
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for someone whos so vain surprised she doesnt care about the damage an ed does to hair,skin, nails, teeth etc
To be honest, I think your comment shows a real lack of understanding of eating disorders. At the end of the day, it’s an illness - despite the sufferers personal flaws. It’s all consuming and not something a person has control over.
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She’s basically British now anyway the way her accent is going on , she shits on Belfast / Ireland so much, you just know she wouldn’t if she still lived there. She thinks she’s above everyone in Ireland cos she lives in London with all her posh Tory mates lol. Don’t forget where you came from luv

don’t get me wrong , she did live in a completely different world To most of the ppl in Belfast cos her dad is rich and still shits on It. She’s so unlikeable

**queue her praising Belfast in her next pod
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Omg stop defending her, why does that always happen on this thread? There is no other thread I’ve ever seen on tattle where, no matter how awful a human can prove themselves to be, people always jump in to defend them and be a voice of reason for them. In my eyes, I used to like Olivia, I used to be a defender of her on these threads, even… but she has time, and time again, proven herself to be a selfish, disgusting, entitled, self absorbed human being and she wouldn’t give anybody the benefit of the doubt in the way you guys are doing with her. The girl in the apartment? Where is her benefit of the doubt from Olivia? She’s way too old now to not realise where she’s going wrong, she’s not a victim, she’s genuinely just a terrible person and I think people just view her as angelic because she’s so pretty just like all attractive people get viewed with a halo. If a fat, ugly, middle aged man was behaving in the way she is they’d be viewed as nothing but vile by everybody.
Humans are extremely complex beings, no one is simply good or evil there are always reasoning behind actions. 99 percent of her actions i do not agree with, but as this is a literal place for discussion, people are allowed to provide reasonings or discuss their views on things. regardless of how “evil” you think she is, she’s a human with complex emotions and obvious mental health issues. Just because you discuss reasonings to actions doesn’t mean it’s defending someone. If this was just a page to completely shit on someone 24/7 and never think from another perspective, then it would be pretty fucking boring.
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Flossie posting about having a good relationship with food and is clearly looking after herself and eating well… they really have become two very different people
flossie is the type to post content saying that knowing Olivia is struggling to make herself look better than Olivia lol but behind closed doors still be massively disordered
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There’s nothing more infuriating than seeing the prevalence of pretty privilege when it comes to defending the rich, toxic, ‘heroin chic’ white girls like Olivia Neill.

Also in regards to someone above saying we shouldn’t discuss her image on here as it ‘won’t help her’ because she might read here.. I can understand where you are coming from but let’s be real here. It’s not even like we are discussing or mentioning it on her personal social media profiles - these are private discussions on a widely used gossip forum for public figures. SHE chooses to put herself out there; the body checking, toxic body image influences (which no doubt rubs off on her millions of young female fans) and she’s not exactly someone who cares about doing good to or for others. I mean when has she ever used her huge platform for any sort of good.. *cough* never seen using it to help raise any sort of awareness even at the most crucial of times *cough*.

She doesn’t give a flying F about the influence she has, it’s all purely vanity and keeping up appearances with her. I mean for Gods sake, one of her TikTok’s just appeared on my FYP yesterday where she was eye f*cking herself in the backseat of an expensive car being driven around London and she wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt. I mean come on. I checked comments and saw someone had rightly pointed out the fact that it was a dangerous influence and also made a point of her staying so silent on what’s being going on in Palestine but of course her deranged worshipper fans came for that person.

Like what are these people defending here?!
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If the parcels were just sitting in the foyer, if after the girl refused why did she not just try buzz someone else?
Her story made no sense she said she could see the parcels but then she says she thinks the girl must be stealing them 😂
Sorry but in central London or any city tbf if a randomer was buzzing my flat and getting aggy with me I wouldn’t let them in. The girl obviously hasn’t a clue who she is which is so fine 😂
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How can you just constantly repeat the cycle of falling out with everyone and still think you're not the problem lmao
It’s honestly so weird beyond belief how she deludes herself into thinking its ok to ditch certain friends for periods of time cos shes found someone new . Her talking on her pod about how she barely talks to her siblings because she isnt a good texter is such a shit excuse .
Idk why she thinks its cute and relatable to talk about how much of a bad person she is .

Also whenever anyone asks about her youtube she says ‘ oh i dont do anything that interrsting day to day ‘ or ‘ no one would wanna see me do nothing all day ‘ .
its so dumb cause thats what got her popular initially, talking to a camera in her room . She goes away on holiday twice a month so theres more than enough content for her w out even trying .
Shes just scared to admit shes lazy as and doesnt gaf about youtube anymore
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Chatty Member
The past 2 podcast eps just feel like she's big time bragging - all the guys she dated were rich or from different countries, all apparent "hotties" blah blah blah.

She just stumbled into getting a private jet to st Bart's, her parents book all her flights etc.

Her friends sound like absolute pricks imo, all rich, spoilt & inconsiderate of other people & things. They are the type to be loud n obnoxious & laugh at people who would tell them to be quite. Main Character syndrome at its worse.

It's been said time n time again but why tf did she get cats...she's never home, she wants to move to NYC or atleast stay there for a few months. Yet another pet she'll pie off to her parents to look after & her parents will just let her do it.
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The new podcast episode is so cringe, she is trying to hard to act like a fashion girlie now and saying she doesn’t buy into fast fashion anymore?? Everything she wears is a trend??
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escorting doesnt mean sleeping with the man necessarily. and a lot of escorts that are on social media dont do it for the money.
tbh i think a lot of peoples internal biases are showing and you dont expect a girl who is from her background and looks like her to escort.
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