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Girlie why r u puffing them out so much xxx she’s constantly trying to look miserable or something looool


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Mentioned the dreaded ex yet again. Apparently he’s recently got a new girlfriend which affected Olivia STILL. So she’s throwing herself into drinking and going out to get her mind off it. Her and Ruby are going to men’s fashion week purely to meet eligible men. The desperation on these two. They clearly get the thrill of their lives being invited to parties by rich/famous men. It really seems to be all they live for. I just can’t imagine being that vapid.
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I think a lot of people are forgetting that a lot of escorting isn’t very obvious and laid out. She doesn’t necessarily have to upfront agree to a transactional relationship.

It often starts out with invites onto boats, wooing with nice presents and dinners, and then invites back to more intimate settings etc. even the men like feeling like they’ve “earned” the girls presence and not just outright paid for it

source: have a close friend who modeled -> yachted -> sugar baby
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Olivia just ended her live on her spam tiktok getting ready w ruby b4 going out for dinner .
Ruby is in london w her .
some interesting comments on the live tbh .
She was blatantly ignoring questions, and it was so obvious.
Someone made a comment saying ‘ have u and tilly fallen out shes said it on her live today ‘ which was interesting cos she answered a question about her cats 4 replies later so she deffo saw the comment .
Did tilly acc say that or was someone lying for attn?
If they have fallen out it just further proves how shitty she is .

also ruby asked olivia for her phone to see how her makeup looks and grabbed it from her hand😭😭😭😭
Tilly’s voice is annoying but I think she was one of Olivia’s most genuine friends, way prefer her to this Ruby
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So you're telling me after her latest podcast episode people don't believe there isn't some sort of escorting going on / she isn't using men being attracted to her to get what she wants.

She's admitted to going to mens FW because there will be rich hot men there, she's admitted she went on a yatch for a day because an old rich man invited her... You're telling me that non of the men in her stories didnt want something from her other than to spend time together with her friends...

She plays into being a young girl who doesn't know what she's doing & just falls into these opportunities but I can only imagine how many possible story's she has of purposely getting into these situations & sleeping with a rich guy after he's wine n dined her & her friends all day.
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It’s painful what a sheep she is… getting her cancer removed only after seeing someone else on tik tok with a scar…. Wow
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I've noticed Olivia never says what she eats throughout a day, she was directly asked what she eats in a day & as always says it's the same thing avo on toast with beans but what about every other meal...she'll just distract by saying 1 thing she's obsessed with at the moment which is again just one meal she gets at a restaurant.

I find it odd.
Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s all she’s eating in a single day. And then lots of coffees. She’s lost a lot of weight in the last 6 months/year. She clearly struggles with food. She said on her last podcast she doesn’t really keep food in the fridge. If she wants to make a specific meal, she’ll go out and buy those ingredients. That seems unhealthy to me in the sense that she’s probably purposefully making sure food isn’t easily accessible to her.
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qualitys messed up but :) like how entitled is she and as if her mum’s gonna go pick up her packages for her jesus
“It really upset me” oh you’re the one upset over a bunch of free Olaplex you could easily afford yourself, doesn’t matter about the poor woman just living her life in her flat. She doesn’t live there anymore, nobody has to let her in, she’s lucky they’ve let her in before but they absolutely don’t have to and that woman especially didn’t have to after Olivia had sworn at and harassed her. Her mum is pathetic for now going to try get the parcels herself, that’s why Olivia is the way she is, clearly not used to not getting her own way and then mummy and daddy try to get Olivia’s way for her if she can’t get it herself. Ugh, vile vile human being, she doesn’t deserve anything she has
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idk i think social media has thwarted our minds a lot where we forget genuinely how ugly 99% of the population are lol. for all her flaws i do think olivia is very attractive - she doesn't have an exceptional unique model beauty, but she fits conventional beauty standards pretty bang on
i think social media has thwarted minds into thinking that 99% of the population is ugly when actually it's just bc majority of the population don't look like celebs (who don't even look like themselves!)
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I don’t like either of them but I wish people would just have the same energy for both, I feel like Flossie and Olivia could do the exact same thing and Flossie would be hated on but Olivia would be praised
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She’s so big headed why does she think the person in her old flat knows who she is 🤣🤣 such an entitled princess, hope she doesn’t get the parcels
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Omg stop defending her, why does that always happen on this thread? There is no other thread I’ve ever seen on tattle where, no matter how awful a human can prove themselves to be, people always jump in to defend them and be a voice of reason for them. In my eyes, I used to like Olivia, I used to be a defender of her on these threads, even… but she has time, and time again, proven herself to be a selfish, disgusting, entitled, self absorbed human being and she wouldn’t give anybody the benefit of the doubt in the way you guys are doing with her. The girl in the apartment? Where is her benefit of the doubt from Olivia? She’s way too old now to not realise where she’s going wrong, she’s not a victim, she’s genuinely just a terrible person and I think people just view her as angelic because she’s so pretty just like all attractive people get viewed with a halo. If a fat, ugly, middle aged man was behaving in the way she is they’d be viewed as nothing but vile by everybody.
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Influencers are so fine deaf lollll In todays podcast she said “props if you can do a 9-5 I really can’t” then says how it’s good 9-5 people have structure etc as if most people willingly choose a 9-5 instead of literally needing to survive through a typical 9-5 job
“props if you can do a 9-5 I really can’t” well if you can't afford to buy food and your parents don't give you a flat and you have nothing in your bank account then you really really would make it work just like everybody else. 🤯 she's privileged enough that she doesn't have to, if she'd be struggling she would find a strength to to it. She makes it sound like she'd rather die from cold and hunger than have a normal job.
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She told a story about one of the boys from her roster who lives abroad texted her out of the blue one day like “I’m in London and I’ll be staying with you for the next few days”. She was happy to receive such a text. Imagine letting a man disrespect you buy not giving you any notice and just assuming he could live at yours and not even properly asking. I’d be so annoyed if someone did then. Is she bloody hotel then? And before anyone says I’m slut shaming her - I’m not - but her body count must be at least 30 if not more. The amount stories about random men staying at her house seems to never end. Especially as she’s in her fuckboy era. She’s always going on about how she loves love bombing?? Does she know that makes her toxic?

Also The Ex has a new girlfriend and she’s stopped going to the gym in case she runs into him there. Still not over him I don’t think.
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I think the escorting rumours are extremely far fetched lol. Being thin and pretty gives you access to these types of places/parties. It’s more likely that people just hire boats and clubs for parties and they get invited, that’s how it works. Any boat party I’ve been on the food is supplied and it’s open bar, girls get invited for the day because it’s the done thing/so men can boast or impress others that they’ve invited. You’ll also be invited if you’re a friend of a friend, she knows lots of people.

The majority of Drinks and dinners are free at events or parties but she’s not actually over there on some 50 year old man’s dime.
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New pod overview:

she doesn’t discuss reasons why she went away for so long, just says hi I’m back I’ve got a lot to catch up on

she pushed off cancer surgery so she could be a ‘thot’ over summer because ‘it can’t kill you because 1% chance is low and only decided to get it removed when she saw her fave TikTok musician had a scar on her arm so decided she would get the surgery too to match

since she got her boobs done for the first 2 months she would take nudes of herself cause she was obsessed with her body

Says shes been loving driving around on lime bikes in London when she’s been drinking (this is illegal btw and you can get your driving licence banned for doing this)

says she hasn’t been leaving the house a lot

she went to her old flat to pick up pr packages that get accidentally sent to old address (she goes every 3 months to pick up loads that have accumulated in the shared hallway) but the girl that lives there wouldn’t let her in and said ‘this isn’t your house’ and Olivia kept buzzing and waved at her window, and she got angry and said ‘can I have my fucking parcels’ and the woman started videoing Olivia, her mum is going back today to try and get the parcels

she said her Italy solo trip was too embarrassing to be alone, 2 Aussie girls recognised her and she felt embarrassed to be on holiday by herself. A man tried to get her number and walk with her in the town and she ran into a shop crying and called her mum because she couldn’t cope with being alone. She did say at the beginning of the story she wasn’t fully solo but doesn’t say who joined.

she said getting her bathroom done meant she had to sofa hop and stay in hotels, and it made her grateful that she’s not actually homeless.

she starts talking about photo retouching, admits billboard campaigns of her are obviously retouched and that she sometimes edits her armpit hair in pics. she said ‘I hate when people edit their photos and I’ll watch people I know change their whole fucking bodies on FaceTime and I disagree with it so much’ and then she starts talking about the edited Getty images situ on insta, she says that a brand contact sent her the edited version and she didn’t realise it was edited compared to the Getty images and was told to post it on insta. She said she’d put on weight at the time due to her boob surgery so looked bigger in the Getty images, and the person had edited her skinnier and her hairline and the situation ‘fucked me up’ and made her body dysmorphia worse and she was so embarrassed that she posted it on insta

due to this she said the whole of June she started drinking, having panic attacks, her manager going to her house in the middle of the night to help her panic attacks, and her mum arranged therapy but she didn’t go.she was meant to go back to Glastonbury and was so excited to go with all of her friends but didn’t go due to panic attacks.

she then said her life got better once she went to Ibiza with 7 girls, and mentions she’s broken veganism. Tells story about going on random persons yacht from being invited on an insta dm. The man who owns the boat then invited Olivia on holiday the next week and then he came back to London with her but decided it’s just friends, but may go on holiday with soon

she said she’s loved being single but missed doing things with someone but it would take a lot to wife her up

End :)
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Hard agree and the infantilising of anything a woman does is such an ick.

Girl boss, girl dinner, girl math...

That is a grown woman who is in charge.
That is a snack for an adult.
That is a logical conclusion that is ridiculed simply because it comes from a female.

and where is boy boss, boy dinner and boy math? Loads of people will whinge that it's not that deep but it is.

My cousin sent me a pic of her meal saying girl dinner and it was a plate with a couple of grapes. I am not entertaining that shhhhit
I cannot express how unfunny girl math and girl dinner is.
As for the infantilising of women , it’s sooo cringe “I’m just a girl” trend for example , babe you’re a grown ass woman , stop appear like a young girl to feed into men’s sexual pleasures
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