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i find it funny her saying someone was a bitch to her at a fashion event when she literally had a face like a slapped arse when i saw her, she gave off very bad energy and i don’t want to say a moment i had with her as it’s very specific but her energy was very stuck up and bitchy - so maybe whoever she’s talking about gave off the same energy that she was most likely giving to them, it annoys me listening to her talk when i’ve had a mini insight into their deranged world
See, this is what I mean.
No one who has met her seems to have had a good experience with her but everyone keeps defending her like crazy on tattle.
Like someone above me said, if it was someone else they'd be getting ripped to shred, but somehow Olivia's threads is full of people kissing her ass.
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Chatty Member
Hard agree and the infantilising of anything a woman does is such an ick.

Girl boss, girl dinner, girl math...

That is a grown woman who is in charge.
That is a snack for an adult.
That is a logical conclusion that is ridiculed simply because it comes from a female.

and where is boy boss, boy dinner and boy math? Loads of people will whinge that it's not that deep but it is.

My cousin sent me a pic of her meal saying girl dinner and it was a plate with a couple of grapes. I am not entertaining that shhhhit
so true! olivia is the epitome of a chronically online pick me girl. not to sound like a grandma but tiktok is possibly the worst thing to happen to young girls of this generation, misogyny is rife on that app. after everything olivia went through with her ex, and she has had a few boyfriends before that, i would think she would wake up a little bit to realise that not everything you do has to be to get attention from men.

She is extremely lazy and undeserving of her success. she clearly doesn't give a shit about youtube or her social media anymore - she just cares about looking good and getting compliments. I honestly think that she finds youtube a bit cringe now and outdated
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Real talk I hate the girl dinner trend it just promotes disordered eating… like girl if you want to eat beans and a Diet Coke can’t you have them before/ after a proper dinner?? Dinner is NOT olives and a “bit of bread” Olivia

That whole trend just showed how we as women feel so guilty about eating that we try and make snacks substitutes for meals in order to justify consuming as little as possible.
Hard agree and the infantilising of anything a woman does is such an ick.

Girl boss, girl dinner, girl math...

That is a grown woman who is in charge.
That is a snack for an adult.
That is a logical conclusion that is ridiculed simply because it comes from a female.

and where is boy boss, boy dinner and boy math? Loads of people will whinge that it's not that deep but it is.

My cousin sent me a pic of her meal saying girl dinner and it was a plate with a couple of grapes. I am not entertaining that shhhhit
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I think it’s unfair to say she only got famous because of her looks and privilege. She did used to have a personality and she used to be funny.

Unfortunately she seems to have entirely lost herself since then…
i do think she wouldn’t have been as popular if it wasn’t for her looks, all the ‘relatable’ stuff she used to post that was basically just her having no hygiene etc. wouldn’t have gotten her anywhere if she wasn’t stereotypically attractive, she definitely used to have way more of a personality and i used to find her videos funny but it’s blatantly obvious that her looks enabled her current success
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tbh i can't see her escorting. she has no reason to and i can imagine even if she agreed to it she'd have a little ewww gross freak out and run away - but ruby on the other hand...
I could maybe see them giving false hope especially after a few drinks Olivia seems to get quite brave lol. I'd imagine them playing into these men to get into their parties then running for the hills the minute anything turns sexual...I just don't get how they have so many "friends" that invite them to these type of parties without their being a hint of escorting or someone trying to set them up for it.
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I wouldn't say she is partly to blame but I would say she hasn't been smart or responsible in keeping herself and her home same.
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On A Roll

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Hasn’t she said she’s working on getting her pilot’s license multiple times before?!
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I’d have so much respect for her if she actually got her pilots qualification. She has nothing but time and money so she can afford to do it now. Plus she spoke on the podcast recently about how much she still loves planes, so it’s still a passion of hers. She doesn’t even need to obviously get a job as a pilot (lol) but it would be something fulfilling to work towards. I’m sure deep down a lot of the way she feels down/depressed is tied to the fact she contributes nothing to society/has all this money she didn’t really “work” for/no purpose in life other than to follow boys across the globe. I think it would be really good for her to do.
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So she admitted she’s a “nasty person” in relationships and boyfriends are the only people she’d have screaming matches with…then admitted she’s catty to her mum and her sister. But keeps insisting “I’m a nice person though”. Girl. You said it yourself. I think Olivia is genuinely a bitch. I also think she has a problem with other women and is fiercely jealous and insecure. She probably only likes Millie and Edie because of all the opportunities they let her tag along to (it’s always them with the connections to famous people/events).
I 100% believe she made friends with them so she could run away from past friendships, social climb & have people to copy. Millie & Edie were friends with Nepo's & did modelling for high end brands etc. Where as her old friends didn't, as soon as she started hanging with them she was dressing differently, her insta/tiktok content changed etc.

She'll eventually find a way into the richest of circles with the gift of gab & shagging one of the guys to secure a spot then before anyone can call her out she'll hop to the next group.

I've met girls like her & it's always the case of people loving them at first then slowly their real personality & intentions come out. They create a load of drama then run away before they are made to face the consequences.
Does the podcast edit her face bcos her nose looks soo diff and smaller? I remember her nose looking big on the Rimmel advert too.
Fun fact - Maybe it's the distance from the camera, I recently learnt that the closer the camera is to your face the wider it makes your features which is why most people prefer mirror selfies since the distance between your phone & mirror is usually bigger than with selfies lool
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I understand her point about how she’s only young once and should just go for it if she has the means to, but I can’t help but think this is all because of that boy and not because she wants to travel or experience life.
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‘only decided to get it removed when she saw her fave TikTok musician had a scar on her arm so decided she would get the surgery too to match’

also I know the parcel thing is awful but I don’t want us to skim over this part as well… how vain and self obsessed and insecure do you have to be to not get literal cancer removed from your body because you don’t want a scar, and then only get it removed bc you see someone else with a scar and then decide you want to match them? that’s so childish and stupid
tbh i never understood why people would defend her and everything she did so vehemently on here...she just seems so self-obsessed and unlikelable lol. Even the tiktok about her ''rant'' like... is that supposed to make us sympahtise with her???? lmao
Also her parents (or at least her mum) are 100% enablers... instead of doing all her dirty work for her they need to tell her to sort her shit out.
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The Belfast accent disappearing I see. To be honest her voice was always nails down a chalk board to me since it was a really posh Belfast accent. Rahhh where’s my baccy
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i’m sure she’s mentioned before that she doesn’t like drinking because she always eats more when she’s hungover

she’s obviously got some deep rooted issues but she just needs to stop using her platforms as a form of therapy and realise she’s actually influencing young girls, she shouldn’t casually be sharing disordered eating habits with impressionable teenagers and then body checking and showing off her body at every opportunity because people will see that and want to look like her and copy what she does, it’s so irresponsible, she needs to stick with therapy and actually be willing to work with a therapist to improve, she can’t just attend a therapy session and sit there for an hour listening passively to someone telling her how to get better, it’s an active process and requires her to actually engage for her to get any benefit from it
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😂😂😂 omg her new podcast episodes were she’s admiring it was a random 40 year old man who she doesn’t know who invited her and her friend to just come onto his yacht, but she swears she’s not an escort 😂😂😂😂😂
I’d personally love to go on a private yacht but I’m not that desperate that I’d go on one with a random old man, it’s so gross.
even in her blog doing the walk of shame the next day 😂😂😂😂😂

oh Hoe-livia “anything for the plot” I guess 😂😂🙈🙈
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