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She's always been small but I genuinely think that's just due to her diet, she's been vegan since school age so I'd imagine she didn't eat enough nutritiously balanced food for years as it's easy to just eat veg n pasta as quick meals when vegan.

Eating the same exact thing everyday can mean your body has no variety in nutrients so you will end up loosing weight as the body has no use for all the excess of the same thing, her gaining weight after surgery was probably because she was staying in bed but her mum actually making her eat a variety of nutritional foods.
nah man if you eat something calorically dense everyday your body doesn’t just get used to the nutrients it’ll gain weight. She’s small cuz she doesn’t eat very many calories.
Nutrition isn’t the same as calories.
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Very concerning that she feels the need to post this type of content. I hope she gets the help she needs as soon as she can before she regrets it. Having the bones of an 80 year old in your 20s and possible fertility issues are not cute.
I had an eating disorder for 10 years (recovered now), and I genuinely get angry seeing her post blatant body checks. She knows what she’s doing.

And I agree with you - there’s nothing glamorous or coquette about your hair falling out or having to go for bone density scans to see if you have done irreparable damage. I truly hope that one day she gets help. Posting stuff like that when you have an impressionable audience is so gross.
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we don’t know that tho for sure. I have a resting bitch face and some days I might be having an introverted down day and come across stuck up. Olivia has mental health issues and can’t be super charismatic, friendly etc 24-7. It’s dystopian that we think online influencers owe it to us to be super friendly and far too many people think they know them/are friends with them. It’s merely speculation.
We don't think she owes us anything....only posting my opinion of her based on the behaviour i've seen online (videos and the podcasts).
And it's not about being charismatic? No one is expecting her to act like an angel 24/7, but at least don't be a snob?
She acts like her viewers are way beneath her. Don't know if anyone else remembers the photo, but at an event w/ motel rocks (I think) she was supposed to take photos w/ her fans and interact w/ them? It looked like she'd rather be dead than have to do that. And that's only one example - loads of others have posted about their weird experiences with her.
Also, you're not an influencer or in the public eye...she is. It's not your job to influence people, but it is *her* job. You would think she would take it seriously by making herself slightly likeable considering its her livelihood. Even w/ her friends, she give off red flags.
The only thing she seems to care about is getting male attention and being skinny.
Also, not trying to be rude but I feel like you're one of the people always defending her. I don't really understand why, but you do you I guess.
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it’s probably overrated to her because she’s irrelevant and isn’t getting access to the reallllly fun parties and shows etc. Probs just sticks to her friendship group too and complain together about how boring everyone else is with faces like a slapped dogs arse. Also maybe she finds it overrated bcos she is a sheep with no real knowledge or interest in fashion. Brands associate and work with her due to her having followers aka clout. They don’t work with her because she’s talented or because they like her on a personal level. She probably feels insecure and out of her depth at fashion week. Hiding away in her hotel room and going out for shows and the odd party she’s probably blackout drunk at and can’t remember.
Last year vs this year. I think she looks nice on blonde pics because her makeup is always more toned back. If she had chestnut hair with more toned down makeup she’d look a lot better
I’m in disbelief looking at those pictures side by side, she’s going to end up like Nikki Graham, as harsh as it is, it’s true. She was a beautiful girl too until she became anorexic and unfortunately passed, it’s an awful disease. I can understand why Olivia feels pressure regarding her weight, she’s in a world where women are tiny, look at Victoria Beckham, Bella hadid etc. As a young woman myself I feel the pressure too, Im lucky enough to only see it on social media and I have the power to turn it off but this is Olivia’s work, I imagine a lot of us on this thread would possibly be similar
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Your reply is insufferable, and it's patronising too. I know all of that. It's not the fact she's taking photos or videos it's HOW she's doing it. But relax, it's tattle, you dont have to take it personally. It's simply my opinion and idc that much 🤷🏻‍♀️
Fr , I can’t think of a SINGLE insecure person who would post like that , she knows she’s hot 😹
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Does anyone else feel disgusted about how she talked about her dog and just dogs in general on her latest podcast..?
it really pissed me off when she so nonchalantly spoke about her dog going for other smaller dogs, and her saying chihuahuas are more aggressive than XL bullys!!

the way she speaks about her cat (tiger) also makes me uncomfortable
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Olivia really has it so easy in life. I don't really fuck with Emma Chamberlain all that much anymore for the same sort of reason I don't like Olivia (endless supply of money and detached from reality) but in my opinion Emma deserves her success.

Olivia got lucky. She basically blew up on YouTube off that original school formal video and got rich fast. She does the bare minimum in life and has more money than most people could ever dream of having and is at events she has no business being at. At least with her sister Emma and Emma Chamberlain they put the work in and clearly care about the content they put out

ps please don't come for me and say "oh she doesn't have it easy she had cancer etc" when she made that whole thing into a joke she doesn't care lol
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I’ve caught up on her podcast. She’s been reading tattle again. Says people are speculating about cheek filler which we did on here. Also - she repeated what I and others posted about on here about how she has no purpose/doesn't do any real work so feels shit. So what is she doing now?? Getting her pilots licence! After we all spoke about it recently on here! You’re welcome Olivia. She said she’s looking forward to having something to revise for/to work out her brain. It’s sad cos it shows how useless being an influencer is as a job in terms of actual development/meaningfulness.

She still sounds depressed. Letting laundry pile up and shoving dirty bedsheets into cupboards so her house looks clean when people come over. Her mum of course sorted it all out for her while she was out at a meeting.
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Chatty Member
Anyone think Olivia looks hot on her social media but then pics eg sitting in the row at fashion week she looks soooo plain?
She looks soo diff to last time she attended NFW and not in a good way.
There are also barely any pics of her at New York fashion week same with Edie and Millie Hannah. Irrelevant much? Odd. So many pics of influencers like Madeline Argy.
can’t lie these photos make me think she should bring the blonde back
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i screenshotted this a little while ago and it’s really giving pro ana tumblr, idk if anyone remembers but it was a ‘thing’ on there to wear joggers on your hip bones and like have your stomach not touch them, idk if that makes sense? her whole tiktok has basically become body checks at the moment though


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I genuinely think she down plays the exercise she does to play into the lazy girl aesthetic she puts on, like who only goes to the gym for a 10min walk, jog or run on the treadmill.
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I used to find Olivia really pretty a few years back and I still think she’s pretty now but not strikingly beautiful. Almost like so pretty that she looks quite plain and boring idk if that makes sense
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I hate making comments about people body’s but this just shocked me.. the size of her thigh….😳
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Yh it's horrible that her house got broken into especially if it was just a random attack but if it was due to her literally -

- filming the front of her house, walking down the road & describing the place she's going to & how close it is in one of her vlogs
- always showing the layout & nice furniture in her home
- going on live & showing everyone the route from her bedroom to the front door & then her house to Tilly's flat in an uber

Then she is partly to blame tbh, knowing the crazy ppl on the internet & how well off she is it's quite dumb to flash it all online. Then to make a joke out of it for content & views you are asking for it to happen again...Another life lesson she could teach to her viewers to stay safe etc but she'll just exaggerate the story on her podcast. I almost don't fully believe she walked in on the person mid act more so they had just left as she got home or something.
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Chatty Member
I hope nobody takes this the wrong way and will instead understand what I’m getting at here but just a quick vent:

Something that has absolutely rubbed me the wrong way is/was Olivia’s approach to her ‘super rare cancer’ in her arm that she wouldn’t even get removed due to aesthetic reasons and so on. Yet, she was always bringing it up and of course in return received a truck load of attention and sympathy online. I’ve seen so many tweets & comments on her TikTok’s along the lines of ‘so happy the cancer didn’t get you!!’ (to which I’ve seen her reply ‘same lol’), ‘Can’t believe Olivia Neill has cancer omg life is so unfair I acc don’t know what I’d do if she dies’ and so on.

Yet ever since she first announced, she’s been partying away, drinking, likely taking drugs on nights out, constantly body checking, attending events and almost weaponising her ‘suuuper rare cancer !!’ almost as if it’s some sort of quirky glamourised personality trait. After witnessing the true horrors of a parent, best friend and grandparent all dying from cancer, seeing the way she acted felt incredibly icky to me. It was really difficult to see the contrast between Olivia and a handful of other girls in their 20s who were actually bed bound, going through multiple surgeries, fighting for their lives whilst trying their best to raise awareness for cancer on tiktok. Sadly all of those girls have now since passed away and meanwhile Olivia was off partying on holiday and choosing not to bother get her one effing surgery to remove the cancer.

Again, I just needed to vent my frustration at her, I really dislike the sort of person she is and I can’t understand why so many people defend her till the cows come home when time after time she’s shown her true nasty self absorbed narcissist colours. The girl needs a slap of reality, she has yet to face any real hardship or life altering experiences and no a breakup or fling ending does not count. Sigh.
Completely agree 👏🏾

She's such a horrible person tbh, I see why she social climbs & her circles change so often. If she stays around the same people too long they probably start to realise she's a shitty person.

She's had so many experiences that could have turned into a chance to educate & encourage her followers to take care of themselves. Instead it's just made it seem acceptable to party & ignore something serious because YOLO🤪...🤦🏽‍♀️

You can't even blame it on her being naive & young at this point, her actions are very blatant & toxic. The only thing going for her is the fact she's societally pretty & has the gift of the gab to get her through life.

What a sad little life Olivia🙄
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Also, she says somebody tried to break in then she posts herself in real time in Ireland??? Fully letting people who she’s not home, a lot of people wouldn’t be aware that she has friends staying in her house when she goes away so surely that’s really inconsiderate thing to do on them.
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She went to one therapy session and is like “why is this woman asking me about why I feel the way I do” and is over it already… she’s so therapy resistant. Will not work on herself. So much trauma? The new pod is unlistenable.
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