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Active member
She said in a live last night she was filming for the podcast today, I think it might be true there’s been a wider issue with Spotify podcasts given the delay with Ana and Saffrons too (as said by another poster)
let's get our schedules free for October 25 !!!!!
Tilly’s sister maddie was also at the alo yoga event and posted a photo of alyson dubey like olivia did, surprised she & olivia didn’t post each other too


VIP Member
since when did working in a cafe (part time i bet how else would she be able to post so much) cover extortionate London rent in a really nice flat?!??!
I call BS
Even selling ALL your organs nowadays doesnt cover london rent its ridiculous
I’d assume her parents pay for her upkeep. A lot of rich people do.


VIP Member
My friend is a helicopter pilot, from Sweden so it’s slightly different but you have to fly a certain amount of hours to be able to fly solo.

Friend says it’s really competitive and unless you have friends/family in high places it can take years to get those hours completed. Even after that the process is long. And expensive.

I just googled this for UK pilot licenses:
“You'll start by training as a co-pilot. When you've completed at least 1,500 flying hours, you can apply for an 'unfrozen' or full Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) and qualify as an airline captain. This will usually take 3 to 5 years after you get your full ATPL.”
She mentioned she was doing some kind of Accelerated course.


Active member
She looks sooo much wider even. Olivia looks tiny though? How tall is she because I’m sure she has made out as if she is… but every Getty image next to real models she is much shorter. And next to Tilly she is the same height..? does she lie about being tall to pass off as high end model material?
Think tilly has said she’s 5’5? And Olivia is around 5’7 or 5’8
Does Tilly edit her body on pics… it looks completely diff on these to her instagram. Says a lot about Olivia and her friends editing pictures..?
I think it’s just angles on her Instagram. She looks really nice and healthy here I think!


Chatty Member
Our Italian/Brazilian/AfroCaribbean? queenView attachment 2767594
I wonder if part of her attraction is that people mistake her for being more than just an Irish white girl because of the tan & dark hair like Adriana Lima or something.

Being racially ambiguous can get you far sometimes especially in influencing / modelling.

Also her outfit looked okay on Instagram but here it looks ugly af, leather shorts is giving 2013😂
Such a butters outfit, the fit is awful 🫢

Also looking through her tags, wonder who that guy is....he looks a tad scary😂


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VIP Member
I don’t really keep up with her much but she was talking to some girl about her situationship and apparently she can’t say who it is as it would cause drama or something… I have no idea who it is but I have the live recorded if you want it lol maybe someone will know
Post it!


VIP Member
I had the exact same thought process tbh. A girl I used to know used to be one of mohamed hadid's 'yacht girls'. It's a really dark part of the world that these influencers get so easily lured into once the engagement starts drying up
yeah, i know someone who ended up yachting with a bunch of z listers LOL and its definitely not glamorous


VIP Member
not really defending but that’s completely different. her tiktok’s are angled perfectly to show the parts of her self she likes the most and to make her look the thinnest. Youtube videos, like a vlog, would be way different because she would have to look at her self turning around her head , looking down, talking, making facial expressions etc. and these may be angles shes insecure within.
Yes and there so short but YouTube is minutes rather than seconds


Not to criticise but we also don’t see what is going on in the background? Olivias mentioned once or twice that her parents have been really angry or disappointed with her, about something she’s said on the podcast/something she’s done. Obviously we don’t see them ‘telling her off’ because we don’t see 24/7 of their lives?
Alright Paula!! 🤣🤣🤣
But, they live in Ireland. How do you know they haven’t told her off? What are her parents going to do…. Ground her? Shes an adult whatever they say and disapprove of isn’t going to stop her and they aren’t just going to disown her.
👍👍👍 Hello Paula!!