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Chatty Member
That she found her spam/anon TikTok where she was leaking vids of her and Central Cee. Olivia knew it was her because she has her number saved and the account was suggested to her under the name saved in her contacts.
I wonder if it is from this account there is only one video on it lol
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She needs to be careful as she’s lost quite a bit of weight since her boob job, they can start to droop and they already look uncanny on her frame


Chatty Member
I really don't think you understand my point. Either that, or you're so obsessed w/ defending Olivia you will try to contradict anyone who tries to question her regardless of the point being made. People are talking about her ED b/c she has quite literally admitted to it herself?
No one is speculating here... we all know about it. How can she be in ''complete denial'' if she has said herself that she has an ED?
If a plus size woman was promoting unhealthy behaviours people would be definitely people calling her out.
It's not about ''beauty'' or the ''perception'' of it. We are literally talking about her health. People are concerned b/c she is posting things that are a) triggering and b) unhealthy. Just b/c she has an ED that does not negate her responsibility towards her viewers.
She is a content creator, she should be mindful about what she posts and how it's going to affect her followers (i.e. the people that able her to live her lifestyle). So, if she is not thinking too ''deep'' about it, she should probably start to.
Like I said to the person above, maybe try advocating for her followers once for a change - considering you are one of them.
Of course people can unfollow/mute, but how do you think those body-checking photos will affect a 12/13 year old that looks up her?
Do you think they have the maturity to umute accounts that affect their well-being? Most people that age don't have the self-awareness to do that.
The world does not revolve around Olivia - you (and her other defenders) need to realize that her actions do affect other people - whether she likes it or not. And struggling with a mental health issue (be it an ED or anything else) does not excuse anyone from selfish and thoughtless behaviour.
What I said I still stand by. I’m not going to allow biases to cloud my judgement. Many times I’ve critiqued her. But, my point is that EDs when you’re super thin can make you see yourself as a healthy weight or feel fat, even though everyone else is saying you’re not. So what’s the diff between a healthy woman posting the exact same content and Olivia? I don’t see people slamming the healthy women ever? It’s always the super thing, or fat women who get critiqued. If Olivia is unwell, it’s very well that she sees herself in the same way as a healthy woman posting pics of their outfits etc? Her friend Tilly does it alll the time and posts in her undies etc, are people ever commenting on her videos that she’s triggering? No.
A lot of the time her body checking is her postings vids in her outfits and feeling good about herself. If you feel hot and wanna post it that isn’t vanity or triggering. Olivia has plenty of followers and a lot of them are not triggered by her stuff so I’m not sure if you have issues you need to resolve? I am personally not triggered by her content or physique and many others aren’t. Tattle isn’t a representation of the big wide world. The fashion industry is filled with women slimmer than Olivia. Do you call out Iris Law on online forums in the same way for being triggering, or are you just biased towards Olivia because you don’t like her. I can call out Olivia’s bad behaviour on here but I am not going to critique something I don’t think is an issue.