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VIP Member
Point 2 of rant regarding housing

Housing benefit to private landlords/NIHE, repairs, maintenance, replacement dwellings, bonfire safeguards & damage etc all come out of the same pot.

The NIHE also wasted a huge amount of money over the years with no proper Investment into new stock or replacing homes that had been bought.

There is still plenty of dole drops, under occupied properties, second homes & properties being sublet!
People who have never worked or paid a days rent in their lives thinking the world owes them a living and they are entitled to x y & z. With a next generation being reared the same way!

Due to all this costs of buying your NIHE home had rocked.
For those that have paid rent on it for years out of their own earnings it is not achievable!

Then you come pension age and any even meagre pension means you get no help with rent or rates because you worked!
So you are still paying rent later! It’s a disgrace when the work shy have a home provided for free their whole lifetime!

There really should be some sort of scheme put in place that those who have worked and paid NIHE should have their rent halted after a certain number of years to ‘have their day’ in that property with no automatic rights to a tenancy succession!
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VIP Member
Takeaway is now a huge treat for us. We don’t get it often but when we do we are usually disappointed with some aspect of it! And realise we both can cook far better ourselves!

The main thing is getting organised and having ingredients in the house. We now try to cook things that can be reinvented as a next day dinner to cut costs and the hassle of cooking!

Like a Thai Chicken Curry will have with rice and then throw dry noodles into the leftovers whilst it’s still warm to soak up the sauce and cook in the residual heat then that’s a Pad Thai style dish the next day with few peanuts threw on top … feels like takeaway 😜
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
It's not even in Germany, that's the Euros in 2016 in France. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Can't believe everything you read on the internet.
That’s grand then 👍 thanks for the tip.

Our town is packed with tourists, heaven only knows why ? There’s nothing on offer only bail hostels and charity shops 🙄 it’s investment they should be crying out for not sporting venues of any description.

The north coast is stunning, lots missing out on the beauty of the north.
Surely a sporting venue, any sporting venue is an investment 🤷🏼‍♀️ Casement, like the Aviva, Croke Park etc is to be used for various sports as well as concerts. Build it and they will come. I’m sure all the struggling small businesses would be grateful for the extra footfall.
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It’s wild, I need to stop reading it because I I’m cracking up laughing at the lunacy of these people but then feel bad because it’s about a missing person 🤦🏼‍♀️ someone wants their Labrador sent out because she has a good nose and someone emailed the police in Tenerife to make sure they’re checking for blood on cactus plants 😬

First time in a long time I have been so compelled to set up a completely new thread fuelled by the lunacy of FB balloons 🎈

Great seeing the nuggets without having to read all the comments on FB

Come join the party 🥳. I’ve poured a large glass of red win and settled for the evening whilst himself watched the Euros 😜
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
He looks like he’s had another facelift
He looks different than the other day though😂
Genuine question. Given that Sinn Fein MPs don’t take their seats can they do actual constituency work or is it just a massive grift? (Bearing in mind I think most politicians are grifters but if they don’t do any work then they are going for it)
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VIP Member
View attachment 2997515
Lesser mortals? “Lesser mortals” would be languishing on NHS waiting lists or trying to figure out how they’re going to pay their bills and manage childcare while they have treatment or wondering if they can actually afford to die. What makes them lesser? Is it that they don’t have a full medical team, maids, nannies, chefs etc at their beck and call 24/7, all propped up by tax payers? More than a whiff of “let them cake” off this 🤢
Lesser mortals are affording her the lifestyle and treatment that they can’t afford themselves 🙄
You actually have to laugh like. I know St George’s Day isn’t celebrated in the same way paddy’s day is celebrated here but can you imagine someone saying aye but make it less English please 😂😂fucking idiot.

In other news I was at Ireland’s Future yesterday- it was interesting enough but overly long and they tried to cram too much in. It just felt like box ticking. Everyone who spoke literally had 4 or 5 minutes, there was no debate, there was no challenges, it could barely even be classed as a conversation. Genuinely the most interesting bit for me was hearing the Protestant perspectives on a UI. And tbf Leo Varadkers bit was good.
In future they need to shorten it by an hour and half, perhaps open up the floor to questions and actually try to have some meaningful conversations.
It just fell a bit flat somehow? Enjoyed it all the same
So what’s their plans? Besides a quick money maker of sound bites 😂
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Universal Lilac

New member
Keeping it in the family 🤢


I liked his character in The Missing
She was allegedly very sympathetic towards him when it all came out. Her sister drove him to it apparently?! Had him for dinner when her sister put him out. Sister has now taken him back…allegedly
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North Down here, freshly returned after many years away. Thought I would find some hope in alliance (I work in inner east Belfast on community projects, and am astonished by the lack of change in attitudes since I left 30 years ago) but I can’t move past the anti-woman stuff and Farry just seems like a pretty unpleasant individual with his comments on Cass Review. I’ve had some good conversations with individual party activists who appear to be holding their noses for the sake of offering a non-sectarian alternative - which is maybe what I need to do. this woke-ism comes from the top, well meaning it may be but it smacks of wanting cookies from students. Very noticeable that none of the Alliance door knocking happens round where I work, but plenty round where I live…
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
The price of insurance for young drivers has always been scandalous here.

Where’s all the nationalist politicians ?? that keep informing us we need to get over ourselves in this new Ireland for all , days of division are long gone…Can’t wait to see them swap the Easter Lily and Poppy outside Stormont 😂

Naaii 😂
Thing is, there’s bound to have been great grandparents of some of the nationalist politicians who were at 2nd world war. They missed a trick not getting a free holiday to France and some nice food and wine.
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Chatty Member
Huge congratulations and hope it’s a really positive move for you.

Is the NICS really hard to get into these days?
Thank you!

Not sure if it’s Provence wide but Recruitment NI has a constant ad on FB for the civil service, my sons friend got a job as work coach a couple of weeks ago, think they’ve got different roles throughout the CS available.
Aye, I've been temping through TRC across different departments and teams within departments for the last lot of years (from finance to law to communities, all over really). The finance job I dealt with a lot of people's payslips and for the same cost as fees for three temps, you could've hired five permanent employees across the different levels. So much money is being wasted through agencies (they don't even stick to just one!). Someone in my current role has been there temping for going on four years now. Used to be you could become permanent after about a year, but no longer seems to be the way.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Apparently you get two weeks to clear the property.

Yip! I had older relatives that worked all their lives never got a penny towards anything because they had a civil service pension, I heard a man giving off in the post office one day about how much he has to hand out of his private pension when others that never worked a day in their lives get it handed to them for free.
Jesus they must think this is London where they shop in Tescos for free 🙄
2 weeks is shocking. As much as I don’t think someone who has the means to secure private rental or buy shouldn’t be in a HE house ffs that is cruel, like I said I think 6 months is reasonable due to the grieving process and to give them time to secure something decent.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I think young people have a hard time breaking into the political scene here, it’s cradle to the grave for many candidates.
I just find it a bit bizarre that someone who has barely out of school would be fit to actually be an MP. I know back in the day in the 80’s there were obviously the protest votes during the troubles but I would want someone with a bit of life experience.
Looks like I will be stuck with Gavin though!
I think UUP have seriously misjudged things with Tim Collins in north down- that seat could have been nailed on for them if they had chosen someone likeable.
Robbie butler could potentially have a chance in Lagan valley.
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VIP Member
Anyone following the Wade Wilson trial in the U.S? TikTok is wild with women (and some men) drooling over him 🤢 he’s a monster and looks like he’s going to get the death penalty.

They spend decades on death row, I think true justice is giving them the same death penalty as their victims.
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