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VIP Member
I thought that with the photo with her mum that perhaps following surgery they had maybe her full of steroids to bulk her up for the chemo.

That’s bad about that young boy. Hopefully they find him ok
It could be but from what they said she was cancer free after the op and this was only a preventative measure, that could mean many things including a simple pill that has no outer symptoms, you’ll notice Charles hasn’t lost any hair etc…I still think it’s strange she hasn’t been seen since Christmas and now the dates seem to be getting pushed back…Maybe the boys with a relative? Could be a custody dispute or something.
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VIP Member
Same as Stormont…Talking to a brick wall 😂
That’ll be wild


VIP Member
Yeah and then answered her own question by suggesting it stands for p*dos.
Yes but that’s not wrong as any sexual orientation can fall under the + including those groups fighting to be recognised that the rest of us wouldn’t comprehend, read into it it’s eye watering and eye opening.
the Minor Attracted movement want recognition under the +
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VIP Member

Sorry but this is hilarious. Mooning the New Yorkers and I honestly don’t agree with the 9/11 thing but I find it funny in a dark way that it has been sabotaged like this.

Loved the Bryan Adams bit.

They’ve turned off the portal


VIP Member
There’s two threads running I thought my posts were disappearing 😂
Spain must’ve been influenced by Sam Smith

Grifty Mc

VIP Member

Check this out.

Remember this is a FPTP election so you get one "X" and the most votes wins. That means tactical voting comes into play. For example, I would be more aligned with the Green Party politically however they haven't a hope in hell of winning in my constituency (North Down) which is a two horse race between Alliance and an Independent Unionist.

I will vote Alliance as they are the candidate I want as my MP rather than the other front runner.

Does that make sense?

Our assembly elections are PR so your vote goes further and you can safely vote for smaller parties.
Just curious and not having a go but do you think farry will do a good job in ND? From what I gather from friends ND is not great but maybe that is more to do with the local council than the sitting MP. I just get the impression he doesn’t do much for locals, but I am sure the same could be said about others.
I am feeling a bit weird going in to spoil my ballot as. I don’t want to but I don’t feel I have any other choice in EB.


VIP Member
We don’t need these type of images at tae time or anytime for that matter 🤢 nobody’s interested in those two clowns.

The thing about that Covid inquiry that does raise questions is why politicians were conversing on WhatsApp- surely they should be doing it on an official platform. Also why it seems like every political party across the UK seems to have deleted their messages apart from the DUP.
Hard to imagine official gov business being carried out over WhatsApp.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
That cow video from Surrey police is mental. What the actual fuck was the driver thinking?
The daggers are out everywhere now with SDLP attacking alliance now. He will be ripping down Naomi’s election posters next.

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VIP Member
Mary Lou’s constituency office has been daubed with hateful slogans, her northern counterparts might be able to advise 🤔


Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Did you see that ‘wee doggie’ Twitter user got barred on twitter. Not sure what the offending post was. He’s been chatting shit for years so wondering what actually resulted in the ban.