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Wee Nora

VIP Member
That’s what I’m saying, there needs to be more than just a stadium to attract people, try getting a taxi to take you there for a start 🙄 city centres are dying they’re not the hubs they were yrs ago , there’s more young addicts now than they were we I was growing up, that’s partly down to lack of investment, I don’t agree the troubles are all to blame it’s how the island has changed as a whole , you’ve got a better chance of getting a decent house and multiple benefits if you’re an addict ,that needs to change !we shouldn’t be rewarding that lifestyle .I’d cut the PIP off them for a start, give it to those that really need it.
Ever been to Croke Park when there’s a concert on? You’ve zero chance of getting a taxi there either but they still come in their hundreds of thousands.
Drug addiction is a massive world wide issue. Have you seen L.A lately? Like two different worlds within the same city. Never mind putting addicts on the street, they could start with taking the dealers off them. Totally separate issue to the Euros imo.
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
Isn’t the problem because people come from totally different backgrounds and viewpoints, how do they set that aside to focus on political progression (to suit all )when we still have a divisive core ? We’re still a few generations away from common ground imo.
We can come from totally different backgrounds but recognise that this country and its citizens are being disadvantaged in every way. Obviously it’s about political progression as politics is a catch all way to address issues, but the change needed is very much economic. We need proper investment but when those in charge are arguing about things that would benefit us even being built, we’ve no chance.
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VIP Member
So open to abuse imo, discrimination could follow many paths too.
Can only mess with biology so much, but you can’t deny the fundamentals of conception pregnant and childbirth.

Two men - get a private surrogate and pay for whatever is needed to have them have a child for you if that is what you wish! If you choose one that not fully operational that’s on you. Certainly put laws in place to protect guardianship better.

Be interesting to know the reason for the ‘voluntary sterilisation’ mind you.

Two women - again by taking the man out of the equation you have hedged your own bets. Get a sperm donor, ask a friend for donation, what ever you wish But again shouldn’t be on the NHS any TTC assistance.

Don’t even get me started on those transitioning at great expense to resources who then stall it to conceive.

Heterosexual couples for years have not always bern been supported and the same sex fertility is another thorn in those funds!

I would apply the same to second families & vasectomy reversals! No help, if you want it do it yourself.
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Well if it’s not current I guess that’s ok. Who said it was all NI fans? Nobody that’s who.

This guy’s an NI fan and there it is in black and white, no games at all is preferable over a game at Casement 😂 and we know you’re a fan of his TED talks so you’re not really in a position to lecture anyone imo 🫠😂

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He's such a toxic individual. Unfortunately for the DUP etc he's saying the quiet part loud. They've shown it time and time again (see Brexit for example) that they'd rather see this place wither and fade than do anything which might benefit themmuns.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I’m sure it’s a very emotional time for the veterans , you could see the royals deep in thought…Great performance from Tom , one of my neighbours son is going through cancer treatment atm and she always posts that song on her SM .
My fave veteran is the one who escaped from his nursing home 10 years ago and go on a train to France to be there at the 70th anniversary 😂
He passed away I think a year or two later but I just thought he was so cool.
appreciate not everyone on the thread is a BA fan but I’m specifically thinking of the Ww2 guys now.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Our schools are parish schools I don’t think we can withdraw them ( I’ve never tried) in secondary my eldest wanted to drop RE at GCSE they told him he couldn’t, there’s only priests visit the odd time to do mass on occasions like a leavers mass etc, but that’s usually done in chapel now, there’s no religious trips etc just bog standard RE about the life of Jesus and some saints.

I’m not sure it’s those parents complaining.

Starmers going to suffer in office ,his wife and her family are Jewish most of his party are for Palestine I don’t know how he’ll deal with it without offending someone.
Starmer has been a big disappointment in terms of leadership. He seems so desperate to get elected he flip flops all over the place. I actually had high hopes for him because of him doing the Mclibel trial years ago. For me it isn’t even about whether he is for or against Palestine or any other issue. It is the fact that he has changed his mind on things and not taken a stance. The problem is he seems to worry more about party members than the electorate.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Best of luck!!
Thanks. I’m in the ‘anywhere is better than here’ mood but at the same time I don’t want to sell myself short and accept any old crap as I know I can do a good job. Trying to do all that positivity mindset bullshit about how I’m interviewing them as well 😂😂
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Because SF voters feel betrayed by them and they're angry about it. They expected better from them. FF/FG voters on the other hand know not to expect much so there's less anger there!
That’s fine so just vote for someone else 🤷🏼‍♀️ if FF FG voters don’t expect much from them then they need to vote for someone else too. The only way to hold any party to account is at the polls.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Same here. Also East Belfast. Will never vote DUP but don't want to vote for Naomi Long either. Have voted for her in the past but the last few elections I haven't. I am appalled at their stance on women's rights with the whole trans issues and the inequality of abortion to birth for disabilities. Not the party of equality they claim to be. I spoiled my vote in May 2022. Didn't feel good but there was literally no option I felt was even "best worst"
Alliance seem to be desperately trying to get the youth vote and I don’t believe they believe half of what they say. I remember the other week when some twitter poster said “I remember when alliance used to be nice” which says it all. I voted for Naomi originally and was hapoy when she was elected a few years back to have her but their party went so overboard this past few years I can’t do it. I shamefully didn’t vote last time as was despairing so I think I should just go in and spoil it as women fought for the right to vote.
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Lesser mortals are affording her the lifestyle and treatment that they can’t afford themselves 🙄
I’m sorry she’s ill and glad she’s doing well but I don’t get why she’s any better or more “stunning and brave” 🙄 than any other person going through cancer. I wonder how much money was squandered on that load of crap yesterday, young Louis summed it up, yawning his way through it 😂
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
She’s a grown woman and can do what she wants but she isn’t wearing appropriate clothing for climbing up a set of stairs never mind a load of pallets. I don’t think anyone would harm her but she will end up harming herself by doing something stupid like trying to climb up that larne one for the clout so I hope someone tells her to fuck off as she is a danger to herself by doing this shit. I used to think she was putting on an act for a laugh but I actually think she is seriously mentally unwell now. She could also be risking young kids lives if they try to follow her up one of these for a selfie or whatever. I think she needs sectioned as it is seriously concerning the way she is getting on.
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Must’ve missed Nolan’s outrage on this. Government officials sitting down with loyalist paramilitaries and deciding they deserve rate payers money in exchange for not breaking the law 👏

But Casement…😂

How much of ratepayers money is used to police orange parades, bonfires and cleanups??
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Tesco sell it or is the meat classed as sectarian in certain areas 😂
Not endorsing drink driving in any form but £27k fine when Derek Hussey has numerous charges under his belt and still kept his job.

They both should be banned for life but Duffy’s conviction was in England so maybe they have different rules or because they know he is a millionaire they are making money from it?
Drink drivers deserve a special place in hell.
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