Niomi Smart #82 If all that manifestation gave you Jamie, no way I'm giving it a go

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I’m sorry, just checking into this thread after a while and what on earth am I seeing??? Unfortunately Niomi is reminding me of my oldest friend. She was in a well paid job doing really well and now she’s a life coach on Instagram and I feel like gullible women are getting scammed so hard online. Wth is this human garage, no one can surely with half a brain think what this guy is saying is true. This is all quite literally insane. What happened to her.
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So much misinformation , sitting in a chair causing autoimmune diseases? Squatting for 30 mins a day?

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Do you think she still has an agency? Surely they wouldn't support this.
If we sit on chairs the intestines 'stick' against the pelvic floor? Honestly he just makes this drivel up doesn't he?
Where is his proof of this? I suppose it gives him licence to fondle around the pelvic floor area.
Shame on Niomi for bringing this dangerous charlatan to a wider audience.
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Niomi is such an easy target. This group, aided by Lordon could easily persuade her to invest in them financially. She’s selling her house with no plans that we know of to buy again. This seems like a v dangerous time for Niomi.
She's tight with money AND has a savvy financial advisor. Not gonna be scammed any time soon.
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Can someone explain to me why Jeremy Piven took the stage at the HG event to make jokes about Joe Biden and Anne Frank? I thought he was there because of a personal interest in the shenanigans, but apparently he was the opener. I don't get why you would choose a random comedy act for that kind of gathering. If I came for the workshop, I would be offended to have to sit through that. What's the point?
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Wow... low class as expected. I didn't watch any of the reels just saw pictures, but then again conservatives usually have the lamest "celebs" for followers.
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The lesson in all of this: Teach your kids from an early age to use their critical thinking, have a healthy dose of skepticism, and learn actual evidence-based science so they never end up in a fucking cult led by some ex-convict who gropes and probes people Niomi is the most gullible influencer with the least critical thinking skills ever 🫠 it’s actually mind-boggling how she doesn’t question any of this?!
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Yes, all too easy to picture her fondling a delicate gold crucifix as she relates how she's now found Jesus and her one true path and every moment in her life has been leading to this moment blah blah blah
I fully expect her to go into Delilah Loeppky territory somedY
I have a friend who lived in an apartment block in London and was friendly with her neighbour - let’s call her Ann.

not unlike Nims, Ann lost her husband in traumatic circumstances. He got ill and died (I don’t know the details though). Ann really struggled to come to terms with it for a long time. She got into new age hippy stuff for a while, did yoga retreats… then on one Yoga retreat she meets a young guy from Morocco.

this guy sweeps Ann off her feet. She ends up sending him money every month so he can visit the U.K. gradually it turns in to helping him buy a house in Morocco. Ann sells her flat and sends all the money to her “boyfriend”.

My friend couldn’t understand why on earth this seemingly sensible woman would fall so easily for this scam. Our conclusion was that, on some level, Ann _knew_ he was dodgy but was paying for the delusion to continue. Reality was awful for her and rather than processing all those difficult emotions and feelings, it was easier to throw herself into a fantasy. Her friends all warned him repeatedly and everyone got a telling off from her, or cut off completely. She just didn’t want to have her fantasy taken from her.

on another level, we suspected that Ann enjoyed a relationship she had a modicum of control over. She knew that as long as the money kept flowing, her morroccon boyfriend would be there. He would be nice and amenable to her while the cash flow was good, whereas she had no control whatsoever over the death of her husband.

I think Niomi on a level knows Jamie is awful, but it’s nicer for her to pretend. It’s easier for her to buy in to all his enlightened crap and pretend he has the answer to everything. I think she just doesn’t want to drop the fantasy that _someone_ loves her and that he’s a stand up guy.

she comes across as the ultimate control freak to me as well. Deep down I think she knows that as long as she’s got a good income and nest egg, Lordon will always be there, and it offers her some power and control. With Joey, he had his own job and flat and didn’t need Niomi’s money - and that meant he could walk away from the relationship.

Those are the only reasons I can think of, why any woman would be remotely interested in Jobless Jamie.
Reactions: 42
So much misinformation , sitting in a chair causing autoimmune diseases? Squatting for 30 mins a day?

View attachment 3011665
Do you think she still has an agency? Surely they wouldn't support this.
Oh my god how are these people getting away with this.....does he even know anatomically what constitutes the pelvic floor and where bowel is in relation to it???? Throwing out 'leading to issues like autoimmune disease' like it's a fact, I want to see the paper he's getting this info from. It's laughable. I'm not surprised she's part of this, she hasn't got a brain
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oh this is really insightful into Niomi’s psychology. Niomi craves control and certainty, which manifests in her relationship with food and exercise and in her control of her partners’ food intake, and this need for control got even worse after the trauma of being dumped by DJ close to the wedding.

Jamie allows her to feel more in control bc he is below her league and drawn to her money like a moth to a flame, hence he proposed so soon and in such pressured circumstances with all the family present. He wanted to lock down his cash cow and it gives her a sense of security knowing he will stay as long as she provides financially and deludes herself that his schemes are spiritually enlightening.

She pays for the fantasy/delusion that she’s in a true love soulmate match who will never leave like Joey did. Maybe at the start of this year she felt so lost without a partner, she realised she’d prefer to live in the delusion indefinitely.
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Yep, I agree with this 100%. It’s pathetic though, women are so lame sometimes lol
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Trolling us with that last pic on her stories isn't that similar to the blurry screen shot from Jamie's IG?
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Aaand the bikini is back
Can't help yourself eh Niomi ?!

Another great discovery from master Niomi, after empathy, guess what, laughing makes you feel good (says a lot about her relationship with her "fiancé" right)

Me everytime I watch her stories when she shares how she's been feeling :
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And she posted a picture with some young kid wrapped around her feet, gezus why do ppl post other ppls kids especially at this dodgy event.
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At this point she needs to rebrand as an actor bc all she knows how to to is fake some smiles and pose when she knows the camera is pointed at her
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I can't keep up. So are they back together and engaged again...again? Is she with him in Ireland?

I am so confused. She is a total train wreck.
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Garry, making shit up as he goes along.

And people calling him out in the comments .

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