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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
UKIP doesn't even exist any more afaik as its only aim was Brexit. It's now Reform UK. So it's just calling Brexit far right 😂

Nigel's flaw really is that he's power and money hungry and does stupid, greedy things. He's not perfect by any means. But he's not a monster.
He is a disgusting, grasping racist cunt though.
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His grift is being an antagonist - that's all there is.

I still find it hilarious that so many of his supporters were up in arms over the whole Coutts thing - when you can afford to bank there, you ain't no man of the people.
Well he’s made his money in politics. Bet Jeremy Corbyn and Starmer have secret Coutts accounts :)
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Nigel could always put his mouth where his considerable money is and house some British people who've fallen on hard times. Of course, he doesn't. Funny, that.
So could the rest, Corbyn, Starmer et al
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Met him a fair few times, not seen him for years, not surprised he was a favourite. He’s nice to have a glass of wine with 😂
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If ITV are trying to make Nigel look bad then they are doing a piss poor job. If these are his ‘bad bits’ then he must be even better than we all think!
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Of course there's no sole reason. But to deny that the main issue is what the Tories have done to the country since 2010 is denial. We've had nothing but austerity which hits those at the bottom hard, but those at the top are fine.

Guess which category Farage belongs to, moaning about his Coutts account.
Immigration also doesn’t hit those at the top as hard. It’s really a privilege issue- of course politicians are privileged, that’s why they can’t sort everything out properly. So frustrating :)

And the coutts issue is freedom of speech. You really don’t want to have your rights taken away by the establishment…
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So that’s two digs at posters on here and not one actual argument about why we shouldn’t worry about the boats 😆
I think this is the Left’s problem right now. When people don’t agree with them, they just get personal and offensive. It really doesn’t help them sway opinion!
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Mark Corrigan does make a good point about his comments on maternity- I’ve had a look and he seems to have said it’s just a fact of life that women earn less than men when they go off to have babies and they’re not as valuable to employers for this reason. Clunky phrasing, and he should have offered a solution, but it’s sadly true in some aspects :( Not sure I’d call that misogynistic

Again happy to have my eyes opened
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I wasn't directly comparing him to murderers and paedophiles though, merely pointing out how some people react to dodgy characters by finding every excuse under the sun for the stuff they actually do & say.

Maybe you could try responding to some of the more substantive points I made instead of posting fangurl/boi memes?

Do you agree with his stated aim to replace the NHS with a US-style healthcare system?

What are your thoughts on the sketchy parties he's affiliated with who help to fund him?

Alternatively you could just carry on kissing his saggy arse because he's FUN and surely that's the most important quality in any politician? 🤪

He's an abhorrent grifting racist.
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Makes me laugh how a thread with a clearly named title, is so interesting to a few who come in to express shock and horror.

If I see a thread title of someone I don't like, I simply avoid.
Babe you’re on Tattle 😂 do you only tattle about people you like
But yeah nobody anti Nige has actually given a proper argument against him yet
And you're an immense twat for using the crude americanism "gotten". Learn to speak English, you illiterate moron!
I just read that in Nige’s voice 😂
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I think ITV assumed he'd make a right dick of himself on IAC and that Nella/Fred maybe even Tony would rip him to shreds. When that didn't happen they've all but erased him from the show.
So obvious - same as they're grooming the public to love Josie.
100%, me and my boyfriend were saying how obvious it was the other day with them just erasing him.
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I don't think country houses or high tea have ever been first and foremost in any British city, particularly with pretty much all cities having a gap between the rich and the poor. What, relating to migration has replaced tudor houses, high teas (wtf even is a high tea?) and country houses? I can't see any changes to those things (except high tea, which I don't think has ever been a thing in Leeds, Bradford or Milton Keynes, as far as I'm aware).

Country houses still exist. The National Trust is still a thing. As far as I can see, we haven't bulldozed a load of Georgian architecture and built mosques.

Community spirit being affected by not being able to speak to someone in a queue isn't a thing. There have been people in this country for years who don't speak the language. I'm guessing that people who live in Barcelona or Paris don't feel that their community spirit is impacted when loads of Brits go over to visit and don't speak Spanish or French.

It isn't 1945, people are generally more self-involved and more insular than those times. That has nothing to do with migration.
I think you'll find that Bradford, in times gone by, was a key centre for commerce and trade (where the Yorkshire Penny Bank was founded amongst other things). You only have to look at the buildings in Bradford and visit Undercliffe Cemetery to understand the cultural heritage of Northern towns and cities that you are quite quick to undermine because you don't think it important. In the last 15 years, Bradford has exhibited Dante Rosettis art - the Pre-Raphaelite movement, leading to Arts & Crafts is a significant piece of British culture. Civic pride is a part of our culture, why are you so keen to downplay these things - why don't they matter?

btw, i live in Bradford and can tell you that I am often the only white English speaking person on the bus, and the worst areas for crime, deprivation, drugs, etc, are where there are high levels of immigration. Where there is no integration, culture dies. Assimilation is not integration. And the food - which a lot of people can't see beyond - aint that great...
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Pretty much everything if you bother to listen to him.
Anyway, poor old Nigey lost again. He Lao got the easiest of the last trials. Bye bye Nigey 👋
He hardly lost, he was a finalist against some Liverpool boxer that had the whole of Liverpool voting for him and who also had a 'bromance' storyline and the clear fave from the beginning, Sam Thompson :) If he'd been against any of the others he would have been crowneeed
Great chance to post his Crown Jewels in emerald though


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Bull***t Buster

VIP Member
It's pretty reductive just blaming the long term structural issues on the current government and one person.

Brexit imo started with Blair. When the EU was enlarged to the east in 2004 countries like Germany and France limited the freedom of movement for 5 years. Blair could have done but didn't. Even Spain and Portugal limited free movement for 2 years and their living standards were well below the UK then. Then always used the EU as a punching bag to blame issues on, successive leaders also carried on blaming the EU like Blair started.

Was always going to cause problems with free movement with countries where living standards are so different. Seems common sense to limit it for a few years so once these countries join the EU they get access to the money for development and then in a few years when living standards have caught up then freedom of movement starts.

High immigration suited those at the top, the people at the bottom were left fighting for scraps while the profit was creamed off with little investment in the infrastructure. People were told to accept it otherwise you're a bigot.

I can see why people voted for Brexit after being told to shut up for many years and there was little recognition of the issues people were facing.

It's also happening at the same time as the decline of the west. We can no longer pay someone 30c to work all day to provide us with cheap goods and food. That along with printing money like a drunken sailor and war between two large producers in Europe is to blame for most of the inflation. I cringe everytime I hear it's solely due to brexit - broccoli is $4 in the states and Hungary has food inflation 300%+ higher than the UK!

I guess it's easier to blame it all on Tories, Brexit and Nigel rather than the many responsible for where we are today.
Hear hear 👏🏻
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