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VIP Member
Jesus Christ, have I wondered into a GB News forum?

His beliefs are appalling and he's a vile person. Without him, Brexit wouldn't have gotten over the line. Another reason why he's an immense twat.
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Chatty Member
It's pretty reductive just blaming the long term structural issues on the current government and one person.

Brexit imo started with Blair. When the EU was enlarged to the east in 2004 countries like Germany and France limited the freedom of movement for 5 years. Blair could have done but didn't. Even Spain and Portugal limited free movement for 2 years and their living standards were well below the UK. Then always used the EU as a punching bag to blame issues on, successive leaders also carried on blaming the EU like Blair started.

Was always going to cause problems with free movement with countries where living standards are so different. Seems common sense to limit it for a few years so once these countries join the EU they get access to the money for development and then in a few years when living standards have caught up then freedom of movement starts.

High immigration suited those at the top, the people at the bottom were left fighting for scraps while the profit was creamed off with little investment in the infrastructure. People were told to accept it otherwise you're a bigot.

I can see why people voted for Brexit after being told to shut up for many years and there was little recognition of the issues people were facing.

It's also happening at the same time as the decline of the west. We can no longer pay someone 30c to work all day to provide us with cheap goods and food. That along with printing money like a drunken sailor and war between two large producers in Europe is to blame for most of the inflation. I cringe everytime I hear it's solely due to brexit - broccoli is $4 in the states and Hungary has food inflation 300%+ higher than the UK!

I guess it's easier to blame it all on Tories, Brexit and Nigel rather than the many responsible for where we are today.
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I'm supporting him because of the way the production team did their dirty best to try to humiliate him re the shower/bathing scenes ... because of the way Ant & Dec continually have nasty and personal digs at his expense, and because he has shown himself to be a normal down-to-earth person in there, willing to be civil, friendly and helpful to everyone, happily answering questions re his political beliefs - despite some people intent on goading him to get a certain reaction - not being interested in hearing his answers.

I also respected how he bowed out of tasks he knew he couldn't do. Matt Hancock, on the other hand, was so desperate for publicity I believe he'd have risked certain death (both on IAC & CelebSAS) trying to gain admiration from the public in an attempt to be 'liked'.

And no, I don't think he's a racist. He's certainly right-wing. But I don't think being right-wing is actually a crime ... yet?
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There is a very good reason that he is on GB News and we all know why that is (home to Laurence Fox etc).
It never fails to amaze me that, in this country, the number of scumbags who get away with holding appalling views and make a living by fooling the gullible public, do so by using a posh accent and wearing expensive cloths.
Over the years his racist and misogynist views have been well documented, yet here he is again, being supported by apologists who choose to ignore what he clearly is.
The man is in the same category as Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Laurence Fox, Suella Braverman, Priti Patel, Enoch Powell, Nick Griffin, Donald Trump, Vlad Putin and Adolf Hitler. If you are happy to be in that company, fine, but let’s not pretend that he is a normal, decent human being.
Yes. Nigel Farage is EXACTLY like Hitler. Jesus christ, who fills your head with this arrant nonsense?!
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Makes me laugh how a thread with a clearly named title, is so interesting to a few who come in to express shock and horror.

If I see a thread title of someone I don't like, I simply avoid.
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I've always liked him even though he's marmite to some. I watch him on gb news and he says what many of us are thinking but what the msm won't cover.
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As much as many people disagree. I've always liked Nigel. whether people agree with the views fully or not, he's passionate and has dedicated his whole life to trying to make Britain be in charge of Britain. It's pretty difficult to see how brexit has worked considering the pandemic happened around the time the deal ended up going through, lockdowns etc caused huge economical problems around the world, so until things settle back again, we're not able to follow the deal fully. Plus the current government is shite, Nigel gets no say in how they handle brexit or any of the decisions they make as he's not an MP , never has been.

i think he's been genuine in IAC, and people need to remember he's a human too not just a politician. Makes me like him more knowing it's pretty clear ITV have tried to make a fool out of him, try and trip him up to do something wrong, or even just avoid any airtime for him. But whatever happens after the show he's still won ... massive paycheck and I'd say a decent chunk of support 😂
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Chatty Member
I am a Brexiter and hated the fact that my cause was forever associated with the awful Farage.
Then one day I listened to him, not what the papers or TV were telling me he said, but his actual words, without things being twisted or cut short and I agreed with him and liked him. Same with Katie, and even Trump! They are not like they are portrayed I don't agree with everything, of course, but don't agree with everything my best friends say either.
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We clearly mix in different circles. Every black person I know thinks he's a bellend. He's certainly xenophobic. That Breaking Point poster was abhorrent - and it's pretty much that which got Brexit over the line. He's the most powerful person in UK politics as far as I'm concerned - the Tories felt emboldened to go more right wing because of him. He is the turd that can't be flushed.
Afaik he hasn’t said anything about not liking foreigners, which is the definition of xenophobia. He just doesn’t want millions of foreigners coming a year to our small island
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Chatty Member
I've always liked him even though he's marmite to some. I watch him on gb news and he says what many of us are thinking but what the msm won't cover.
There is a very good reason that he is on GB News and we all know why that is (home to Laurence Fox etc).
It never fails to amaze me that, in this country, the number of scumbags who get away with holding appalling views and make a living by fooling the gullible public, do so by using a posh accent and wearing expensive cloths.
Over the years his racist and misogynist views have been well documented, yet here he is again, being supported by apologists who choose to ignore what he clearly is.
The man is in the same category as Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Laurence Fox, Suella Braverman, Priti Patel, Enoch Powell, Nick Griffin, Donald Trump, Vlad Putin and Adolf Hitler. If you are happy to be in that company, fine, but let’s not pretend that he is a normal, decent human being.
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No way do I agree with his politics I veer to the left but I like him as a bloke on IAC far nicer and more decent than Hancock, seems like a team player and willing to have a laugh at his own expense, is also able to accept his limitations.I have actually voted for him to stay as well, so that the two witches would leave.Well, one has but I bet ITV's darling Josie will win it.
We need more of this attitude in general society... as in i don't agree with you but you're entitled to your opinion, and actually being able to park certain beliefs to accept a person for who they are without their political hat on.
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People who vote for Nigel to win I'm a Celeb remind me of those women who write letters to murderers in prison. They always say "he's a nice guy really, he's just misunderstood."
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VIP Member
*Also posted in the IACGMOOH thread but it's re Nigel, so ...*

See, to me, he's not the monster some would like to make him out to be. Yes, he objects to 100s of 1000s of people arriving on our shores in dinghies, from God-knows-where, their intentions being God-knows-what, and they're being better looked after than people already living here who've fallen on hard times, people who've worked and paid into the system maybe all their lives, and yet get no help at all.

There've been reports just this week of a few British people who've been living in their cars due to having fallen on hard times and not having anywhere to live - who've been found dead, frozen to death, in their cars - while people arriving on dinghies are promptly put up in warm hotels. For some reason the MSM won't report news like this, or aren't allowed to. So anyone who's willing to speak out about the likes of this gets my vote - and not only in the jungle. Fair's fair after all, if the UK can afford to accommodate all & sundry, why not their own citizens? Sorry for the essay, but this really makes me angry.
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VIP Member
If ITV are trying to make Nigel look bad then they are doing a piss poor job. If these are his ‘bad bits’ then he must be even better than we all think!
ITV are making themselves look terrible, then again they employed dic*s like Philip Scholfied and Holly "im so nice" Willoughby the witch so no surprise really.
Hitler?? Hitler murdered thousands and thousands of innocent people I don't think Farage has done that and neither have the rest of the folk you mention even Katie Hopkins isn't quite that bad I can't stand her though.
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VIP Member
Jesus Christ, have I wondered into a GB News forum?

His beliefs are appalling and he's a vile person. Without him, Brexit wouldn't have gotten over the line. Another reason why he's an immense twat.
1. What are his appalling beliefs?
2. Brexit has its flaws, but it’s not all negative
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Pete have you not got a just stop oil protest to attend? I wish guys like yourself could look in from the outside for a second, to see just how insufferable you are.
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*Also posted in the IACGMOOH thread but it's re Nigel, so ...*

See, to me, he's not the monster some would like to make him out to be. Yes, he objects to 100s of 1000s of people arriving on our shores in dinghies, from God-knows-where, their intentions being God-knows-what, and they're being better looked after than people already living here who've fallen on hard times, people who've worked and paid into the system maybe all their lives, and yet get no help at all.

There've been reports just this week of a few British people who've been living in their cars due to having fallen on hard times and not having anywhere to live - who've been found dead, frozen to death, in their cars - while people arriving on dinghies are promptly put up in warm hotels. For some reason the MSM won't report news like this, or aren't allowed to. So anyone who's willing to speak out about the likes of this gets my vote - and not only in the jungle. Fair's fair after all, if the UK can afford to accommodate all & sundry, why not their own citizens? Sorry for the essay, but this really makes me angry.
Those people who come across are left to live on an absolute pittance every week (less than people from the UK on benefits) and are housed in the absolute worst of the worst housing and hotels (and I've worked in housing and seen temporary accommodation; it is not desirable) and the process for homelessness is the exact same as it is for people who are from here if they are homeless. What is convenient to both the left and right wing press is to not mention that local authorities have a statutory obligation to house everyone who is homeless. Absolutely everyone who is technically homeless, regardless. Whether that individual chooses to accept the (often dreadful and temporary) housing is an individual choice. It's shit, as in some local authorities if you turn down the options it lowers your priority, but that is where it stands.

I don't understand why folk don't contemplate how bad their lives must be to literally get in a small boat, sometimes with their kids, and risk their entire lives to just get to somewhere safe. It is not like jumping onto a lilo and just pegging it over a swimming pool, it's literally risking life. Safe doesn't have to mean escaping a war zone and half a million people migrated from the UK last year, so it cuts both ways.

We were so lucky here as if (pre Brexit) we wanted to have a different (or, in some cases better) life, we could just bugger off to Spain to retire and that would be that. We could freely move between the two and there were so many folk of retirement age who enjoyed just spending as much of their time as they wanted abroad, but now we can't do that, we're limited. Those who can, are genuinely lucky.

The people from the UK who are destitute aren't fucked because of immigrants, they're fucked because of our dreadful government. That has been the case for years and will remain the same until things change.

Our NHS is absolutely fucked and is furthermore fucked as many of our doctors and consultants and nurses and care workers are immigrants. We're fucked. If we restrict those people living and working here, we are absolutely, catastrophically fucked. There's no two ways about it.

The 'MSM' do report on UK destitution and did only three days ago
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VIP Member
We have way too much immigration for a small island. Cut it in half and watch things improve- it would free up housing for a start. Baby steps :) Of course immigration's not the only issue and austerity HAS had an impact, but it does contribute
It's not about being callous towards migrants in need, but we get it ALL and we can't cope. There needs to be more of a balance
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Please. This really is reactionary bollocks. Come to London, mate. People of every culture mix and get on. I don't recognise any of what you're going on about. It wouldn't surprise me that you come from an immigrant background yourself like me (my Irish parents moved here in the 60s). Drawbridge xenophobes are the worst kind of xenophobes, after all.
When my husband and i come to London, which is about 6 times a year, we always comment that the diverse culture seems to work there. Not everywhere but generally it's working.
Elsewhere in the country... not so much.
I voted Brexit. The ridiculous narrative around why the majority of people voted to leave is ridiculous and patronising.
I've been called a racist and small minded - xenophobic etc etc.
But no-one asks why i voted to leave the EU. They just assume.
I'm not stupid and i used my own experiences and judgement to make my choice.
I work in a government body and about 2013/14 we had to work on a huge project that ended up costing this country millions and millions of pounds due to eu law. What we had to do was costly, damaging to other sectors, time consuming, meant other things didn't get done and if we'd had our own laws, our response would have been far more proportionate and rational.
I hated every second because i could see what a farce it was - but we had no way out.

I also hated with every bone in my body, how our criminal courts could find someone guilty, sentence them, then they could take it to the European courts of justice who had the power to overturn our decisions.

So a huge fuck off to everyone who assumes I'm a racist because i voted for Brexit. If you assume, you're think as pigshit.

Oh and the cherry on the top, I 100% support controlled immigration.... but I'm still not a racist. Mind.. Blown...😱
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