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That’s not very constructive is it. If you made a point that wasn’t so hyperbolic (comparing him to a murderer) we might be able to see why you don’t like him
No it's not is it!? Ya see this is the exact sort of language I was on about, what's the point in needlessly slinging insults and demeaning others intelligence!? All it serves is the posters ego. It's so reductive.
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We have way too much immigration for a small island. Cut it in half and watch things improve- it would free up housing for a start. Baby steps :) Of course immigration's not the only issue and austerity HAS had an impact, but it does contribute
It's not about being callous towards migrants in need, but we get it ALL and we can't cope. There needs to be more of a balance
The percentage of non-UK nationals living in council housing is really, really small (less than 5%). We've already seen the impact of fewer doctors, nurses and care workers from overseas and it's only going to get worse. It really isn't these people taking up housing or doctor's appointments, it's the absolute desecration of public services and funding and it's been happening for such a long time. Sending people to Rwanda is not going to get British people a house or a GP appointment any quicker. Germany have a lower population and higher immigration rates and they manage just fine.
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I'm supporting him because of the way the production team did their dirty best to try to humiliate him re the shower/bathing scenes ... because of the way Ant & Dec continually have nasty and personal digs at his expense, and because he has shown himself to be a normal down-to-earth person in there, willing to be civil, friendly and helpful to everyone, happily answering questions re his political beliefs - despite some people intent on goading him to get a certain reaction - not being interested in hearing his answers.

I also respected how he bowed out of tasks he knew he couldn't do. Matt Hancock, on the other hand, was so desperate for publicity I believe he'd have risked certain death (both on IAC & CelebSAS) trying to gain admiration from the public in an attempt to be 'liked'.

And no, I don't think he's a racist. He's certainly right-wing. But I don't think being right-wing is actually a crime ... yet?
Agree with all of this. I actually voted for him this morning as I think he is a decent person.
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We have way too much immigration for a small island. Cut it in half and watch things improve- it would free up housing for a start. Baby steps :) Of course immigration's not the only issue and austerity HAS had an impact, but it does contribute
It's not about being callous towards migrants in need, but we get it ALL and we can't cope. There needs to be more of a balance
Oh dear. We don't get it all. The UK ranked 16th when compared with the 27 EU countries for the number of asylum claims granted in 2021. Stop believing the shit that Farage comes out with.
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People who vote for Nigel to win I'm a Celeb remind me of those women who write letters to murderers in prison. They always say "he's a nice guy really, he's just misunderstood."
That’s not very constructive is it. If you made a point that wasn’t so hyperbolic (comparing him to a murderer) we might be able to see why you don’t like him


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A friend of mine used to work around Tufton Street. He used to see Nigel a fair bit, often having "Wanker" shouted at him and smiling in response. He gets off on being hated - he is a psychopath after all.
He’s probably just taking it on the chin, if he shows he’s upset it will just encourage them

A lot of his immigration views seem to be muddied with racism, which I actually think is quite racist in itself. People are always shocked when black Brits for example say they like him, like they think the black Brits.. aren’t British and don’t like Britain and want the best for the country? Because of their skin colour? 😆
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We're all entitled to change our minds and opinions over the years.

A few years ago, a friend gave off stink about 'so many foreigners coming to live in the UK'. I was outraged by this declaration and told him that we were so fortunate to be living a decent life and taking it for granted, and why shouldn't other poor souls who lived in horrible, poverty-stricken countries have the right to come here and have a slice of living an equally decent life.

Then, after a few years of seeing what the UK has become, with people arriving here in droves, intent on turning our nation into the ones they'd left behind, demanding this & that. So many cities now almost no-go areas for white people, and horrible, archaic rituals/cultures carried out in the name of religion ie children, girls and even animals - I'm afraid I now see his point, and I regret arguing with him because I see now that he was right to be concerned.

No-one with any decency about them wants to deny anyone else a chance of a better life, but I know if I was to escape any horrible regime/war-torn country, etc, wanting a better life for myself and my children, I think I'd be happy to live by their laws. I'd certainly not be showing my gratitude by turning on the very country that was good enough to take me in and start demanding the host country accommodated every horrible ritual that British people find offensive and abhorrent. FGM, Honour killings, Sharia Law, animal sacrifices (and even children sacrifices!) to name but a few.
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I'm supporting him because of the way the production team did their dirty best to try to humiliate him re the shower/bathing scenes ... because of the way Ant & Dec continually have nasty and personal digs at his expense, and because he has shown himself to be a normal down-to-earth person in there, willing to be civil, friendly and helpful to everyone, happily answering questions re his political beliefs - despite some people intent on goading him to get a certain reaction - not being interested in hearing his answers.

I also respected how he bowed out of tasks he knew he couldn't do. Matt Hancock, on the other hand, was so desperate for publicity I believe he'd have risked certain death (both on IAC & CelebSAS) trying to gain admiration from the public in an attempt to be 'liked'.

And no, I don't think he's a racist. He's certainly right-wing. But I don't think being right-wing is actually a crime ... yet?
Agree with all of this 👏
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OK so that’s equivalent to a city bigger than Hull arriving every year, needing all the infrastructure that Hull needs: doctors/schools/social workers/housing

Where does the money come from for all that?
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Jesus Christ, have I wondered into a GB News forum?

His beliefs are appalling and he's a vile person. Without him, Brexit wouldn't have gotten over the line. Another reason why he's an immense twat.
And you're an immense twat for using the crude americanism "gotten". Learn to speak English, you illiterate moron!
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He's one of the main reasons why Britain is broken, peddling his xenophobia, lies and general bullshit, which millions of gullible people fell for.
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The idea of someone of Farage's age and form not knowing the n word racial slur is frankly unbelievably ridiculous.

Stop making excuses for him.
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Chatty Member
Please. This really is reactionary bollocks. Come to London, mate. People of every culture mix and get on. I don't recognise any of what you're going on about. It wouldn't surprise me that you come from an immigrant background yourself like me (my Irish parents moved here in the 60s). Drawbridge xenophobes are the worst kind of xenophobes, after all.
I'm from London and that's not always true
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To be honest the reason why he appeals to a lot of people is because he actually proposes solutions for issues real people care about. Immigration is AN issue, but it’s not the only issue by far. Get a left winger to do a hard hitting poster about the appalling way some of the disabled and poor are treated in this country and that would also resonate with a lot of people. But all the left seem to do is go “oh, racist” whenever immigration is mentioned and “it’s the Tories” if the subject is money for services or poverty. So discussions are never had 😆

Nigel also upholds British culture and values, and patriotism is so important. A lot of people feel left behind as we seem to be being everything to everybody at the moment for fear of offending. That’s nothing to do with skin colour.
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Yeah it’s interesting, apparently his team are furious about the showing his bum scenes as it’s really not appropriate. I think ITV wanted people to laugh at him, but it’s kind of backfired as everyone’s forgotten it now 😂
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What gesture did Lygo actually make? Middle finger? :)
Do you reckon Nigey’s just sat at home all day smoking and watching 21 hours of footage haha
Some mean people :(
The'Liberal', self-righteous usually are the most mean and intolerant people.
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Indeed. People fell for Nigel and the Tories' complete and utter bollocks of the EU being responsible for the UK's societal issues. It's pretty clear who's responsible for those issues - the party in power since 2010.
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Well that was my point really Mark. Farage and crew just don’t say or think ‘plebs’ - I think that’s a really dated term and also just not true.

Nowadays it’s the Left who look down on the poorer end of society, dismissing their fears of not being able to access decent schools, healthcare or social housing as they see waves of immigrants arriving and being put up in hotels, given flats etc. I have friends living with not much money in London council estates who aren’t racist, just scared they cannot access basic things and angry as they see new arrivals being catered for.

I think, as you suggest, that it’s the Left who view eg Brexit voters as thick plebs, albeit not using that word. And it’s my richest friends (some with Coutts and Hoare’s accounts!) who vote Labour now, while the poorer ones absolutely don’t. The rich ones aren’t touched by mass immigration - they have private healthcare, private schools and private housing.

The council estate ones are now wondering who to vote for as the Tories are appalling now. But I think Labour not being keen to describe what a woman is will probably swing them back to vote Tory when push comes to shove.

I don’t know who I’d vote for now. Not a clue.

[Love your Tabitha line! I literally know a Tabitha (different name but just as unusual) who helps out at her food bank, pictures herself helping out at her food bank, and endlessly disses Brexit voters as thick. Come election time she’ll be preaching to the converted about voting Labour but it won’t sway anyone know in the estates round here]
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