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Can we start a wiki for this thread? I don’t know how they’re done. But there are so many important pieces of info, facts, relevant info (cold water shock, companies house etc), photos that are having to be shared every 10-15 pages. I know most people don’t have the time to read every page to catch up but it’s a bit like Groundhog Day. If it was all in one place it would be easy for those who dip in and out to keep up to date but also easy to refer to when the same question is asked for the 25th time that day.
Gloria (miss her 😞) genuinely did ask mods for one and they didn’t make one for whatever reason.
In my experience on a thread like this, even if there is a helpful wiki, people just still cba to read it. They’d rather come onto the thread, ask their specific question and have it answered by someone. I mean, the recap at the start of the thread provides all the info needed and every 5 pages there’s still a ‘has the caravan site been searched yet????’ 🥹🥹
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I went on a date with a guy who was of romani gypsy decent. He was a geologist with a degree from a prestigious uni and his own business. He lived in a flat. His parents still live in a static on a site and they travelled during his childhood.

What you're doing is branding an entire group of people based on your own bad experience. It's racism pure and simple.
Not really. Folks round my way have had to deal with it for years. Including my Nan who was nearly 80 and they charged her 8 grand for some cementing work that should have cost about £300, which she didn't agree to, and then they marched her to the bank to get the money.
I'm not branding an entire group at all, just stating some are dodgy as fuck, which they are. 👍👍
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I mentioned previously that I was put on diazepam and propananol (probably incorrect spelling I apologise) temporarily whilst I was going through trauma. I'd imagine he's on something similiar. It does make you drowsy as it attempts to numb the pain and worry I guess.
The benzos definitely do their job. I went from being in an awful ongoing state of panic to wondering why on earth I thought I had any problems at all. I have to be really careful as I would probably live on the stuff given half a chance and it can be hideously addictive.
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Paul doesn't believe she went into the water.
Paul may be angry because he thinks the police didn't consider other possibilities, Paul may be angry because he may think Nicola has walked away from her life.
I didn't detect much panic or worry about an abduction situation from him. He did appear angry when he talked about searches in the area. Searching would usually carry a worry response in anticipation of what may or not be found. Anger would come after the find, no?
If I was so certain my loved one wasn’t in the water, I would be pleading to whoever had taken her to let her go.

Unless I knew she’d willingly walked away.
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Paul's insistence Nicola didn't enter the water could be denial grief it could also be partly to do with his awareness that there is speculation and suspicion around his involvement. That would absolutely fuck with your head. If he had anything to do with this surely he'd have agreed with the police water hypothesis and they'd be like any other family waiting on the return of a body. But stranger things have happened, if he was involved the situation may not have gone how he expected it to and he was catapulted into national news. I do believe the reason this has gone mainstream is based on statistics that partners generally are involved, media wanted a front row seat if that were the case. So everyone could with hindsight point out the dupers delight and other subtle non verbals based on their interviews with him.
I'm back to the water theory and also thinking about how horribly exploitative the media has been.
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Not really. It’s just part of the standard playbook these days,
Can you think of a high profile case that didn’t have a GFM recently.
I’m aware of cases that have asked for maybe £5k or £10k, I just think £100k straight off the bat was steep
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Tbf I think it's unkind to speculate she's walked away from her kids, breakdown or not. Especially when the most likely situation is it was no choice at all and she has sadly died either by tragic accident or malicious circumstances.
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i apparently need to talk to my parents about calling my sister and i “the girls” who knew 🤣

also, i mean there’s a middle ground between chaotic and controlling? she may have cleaned right before taking those photos. they might have a cleaner. he might be the one who does all the cleaning. the dog might be incredibly calm and not messy. i wouldn’t say it’s any kind of hint of controlling behaviour. equally, him saying “our” family etc could be read as controlling. he can never win either way.

the guy is probably seriously regretting doing that interview now. it seems like some people want it to be him.
Exactly. You post on FB/Instagram what you want the world to see, not a pile of dirty washing on the floor, etc.

I also think if you have children of the same gender you’re more like to say “the girls” or “the boys.”
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Just adding my 2 pence in re the whole who put Willow in the car that morning. In the interview last night Paul says that the routine when Nicola is doing the school run that he normally puts the girls and Willow into the car but he never actually said that was the case for THAT particular morning. He also said that morning that when he came down that everything was practically done and good to go so maybe she didn't need him putting the kids and Willow into the car as she wasn't rushing to get out the door 🤔 IMO I think he's innocent
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When he said he took the dog down to the river he said he asked the dog Willow "wheres mummy, wheres mummy". Is that what they refer to her as in relation to the dog??
i don’t think there’s anything odd about that either 🤣 i call my parents’ dog their favourite child and always refer to my parents as “his” mum and dad.
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The marriage thing was odd and particularly cruel on channel 5s part.
Im still churning over that interview out of sheer frustration and that marriage question frankly the stupidity of it and the wasted time.

You have the partner of a high profile missing person in front of you and every question should be of relevance (purely for example)

Q.We know Nicola had an ordinary morning the day she disappeared but how was she the week leading up to her disappearance ?
(Did she have any headaches, dizzy spells, talk about anything worrying her health wise that could indicate an incident health related was brewing)

Q. In the weeks or even months before Nicola disappeared how would you describe your relationship and things generally at home ? (So relivant imo, anyone can have a good morning but what if he said yeah there were some rows over christmas or well we dreaded the new year financially etc)

I watched a missing person documentary over christmas on channel 4 and the relevance of the 6 months leading up to her vanishing became key, her loved ones said she was in a good place that week, she even had an amazing night hours before she disappeared but what the police eventually found through very old txts was that the husband had become cruel and she was secretly leaving him when the timing was right,
the husband v. upset said he had no knowledge of it and wanted her found (long story short) the husband was all over the situation he found out she was planning to go and had killed her .

Dan Walker asking about future wedding plans - all very lovely to hear when she's home safe of course but that's not where they're at right now with her being missing person.
Such a waste .
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We know the police often get families to do press conferences so they can see their body language and reactions. Can't help but think it's the same with this interview.
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The thing that made me doubt anything was when he said he didn't log on to work until 10am so he could have had time to go to the field.:unsure:
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