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I have been wondering how long did Nicola normally walk the dog/ be out for before returning home? It seems like it got close to 11am before her partner was contacted but wouldn't he be wondering why she wasn't back home as she appears to working that day or maybe not as was just checking in to that call.
Not accusing him but if they had a regular routine why was he not worried himself, my OH gets worried if I am 10/15 late home from work (its walking distance). Don't know what I am getting at but it is one think that my mind keeps going to so feel free to ignore.
People do tend to just crack on with work and assume someone’s running late, it’s not like she was six hours late he probably just assumed she was chatting to someone or popped in the shop
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I dunno if its just me , but i felt really uncomfortable watching that programme. I cant explain why, nor do i have any negative feelings to nicolas partner etc. I just felt it was quite intrusive.
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Anyone else now terrified to go out alone? I've had alot of anxiety about it since the Sarah Everard case. I'm meant to be meeting a friend tomorrow in town and I'm so anxious about walking their alone.

My Mum said she'll speak to me on the phone the whole way there but I'm still anxious because Nicola surely would have looked like she was on the phone with her meeting right? 🙈
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If this was Midsomer Murders my money would be on Eyeliner Emma and Paul having an affair. Eyeliner Emma did it and he’s covering for her. Police are giving them enough rope.

I hope not.
Emma suggested that she’s very supportive through the whole process which I found a bit weird. Why isn’t Nicola’s family being the supportive ones specifically?

I do think she’s getting involved for attention but the impression being given is not a good one
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Chatty Member
The partner shouldn't be doing this tonight. I actually completely understand why he's doing it, but there's nothing he can do or say that won't lead to him being torn apart online.
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Hang on......the dog was tied up with string???? Who the fuck carries string with them on a dog walk? Or am I missing something?
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He may have been trying to ring her when she didn't return, we don't know. If she wasn't answering and the phone and dog turn up I think that would be enough to send anyone into a panic and immediately call the police.
I'd say the family are unhappy with the police hypothesis and are worried that the search is coming to an end, I think they're probably in denial about the possible outcome of all this too. Therefore they're doing as much as they can to raise public interest. It's a mighty risk as they know they'll be scrutinised.
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You honestly can't tell someone's an odd character from the way they behave in a couple of short clips during interviews given at the worst moment in their lives. From comments from friends he's well known and liked.
"I do think" a.k.a. my opinion, not fact. I think he's odd, you don't, that's ok and that's life. I don't think it's normal behaviour to be doing interviews like this when your partner could be dead in a river or worse. I don't need to have known someone for years to find them odd.

As I've said multiple times, I'm not accusing him of guilt, I don't think he did it, so allow me to find him weird. I'm hardly harassing the bloke. I don't get this narrative that you have to go to the extremes of either he's a total weirdo and absolutely guilty, or no he's a totally stellar bloke who needs defending at every opportunity. There's a very big grey area in between where 99.9% of us would fit and that's normal.
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I don’t think Willow could have got out of her harness if that‘s the one she‘s wearing on the interview, it’s more likely Nicola hadn’t put it back on. I think Willow is there to possibly trigger peoples memories. Poor guy 💔
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I've been dipping in and out here and haven't had time to read all the comments where the thread is moving too quickly, so sorry if this has been mentioned or if I'm way off.

Does anyone else think that the live programme tonight is a bit odd? We've never had anything like this with missing people, or any crime to be fair, even weird cases.

I'm wondering if the police have suggested/helped organise/agreed to something like this (like they do vigils) to look and listen and else's there and what is said.
Maybe I'm over thinking and have watching one too many crime dramas, but its far too strange for a missing person

Also I saw Emma interviewed this morning and she said due to the nature of the river that its highly unlikely that a body would move far when "put" in the water.
I realise she's not a suspect, but it's not how you'd normally pick your words, and brings me back to the little things the police listen out for

I agree, in past cases when a family are taking part in press conferences experts in body language are watching like a hawk.
Anyone remember Tracey Andrews? Absolutely could tell straight away she was guilty they just needed her to trip up!

But why Nicola? Why a live interview ? There are so many people waiting for their loved one to come home .According to the Missing Person charity a person is reported missing every 90 seconds in the uk .
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I get the impression there isn’t a good relationship between him and her parents.

ETA haven’t heard much from them have we?
It could also be his parents

I’m sure there’s support from the family but the fact that he makes an effort to name Emma and Emma then talks about supporting him closely did just seem very weird to me

Is anything known about how close they were as friends? Having your kids go to the same school hardly means anything for me personally
I do still think that she’s just involved for attention but she’s weird.
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So he realises at 10-10.15 that she isn’t back from her dog walk, decides to go and look for her BUT then changes into his gym gear and when he received the phone call at 10.50 he still hasn’t left the house,
IMO he could be stalling did he know what was happening and didn’t want to get to the river to soon?
He could be and I'm not saying he wasn't. I just don't think that his behaviour is totally abnormal. He probably wasn't worried. He said himself he assumed he'd find her and then go to the gym. Maybe it's just my brain but my first thought isn't 'something sinister has happened' and when I have thought that, it's turned out to be nothing. For example, a few weeks ago my friend messaged me after a night out saying she felt like shit, she tried to ring but I was out and my phone was in my bag so I missed the message and the phone call. An hour later, I rang, no answer. I knew she'd been in a bad way the last few months but she had been doing better. I panicked. Rang and rang still no answer. Phoned her sister, phoned her mother, phoned her boyfriend. Turned out her phone had died after she'd fallen back to sleep.

I'm happy to be proven wrong if it turns out he did it and like I said, I really don't know what I think but geniunely, when I think of most of his behaviour, so far nothing has screamed out majorly abnormal to me.
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I listened to police statement again this morning, as I'm confused about the phone ground/bench situation. I was so certain they'd said it was found on the ground. The police officer says its believed to have been on the bench at 9.20 and found on the bench at 9.33. I didn't listen to all the statement.
Also confused about dog tied, dog running loose.
This is part of the problem, there’s been so much disconnect from the facts and hearsay and then that Faulding bloke contradicting himself, her friends running around like headless chickens posting different things, the “abandoned” house. I understand it’s ongoing and things change but the bare bones of it should have been reported clearly so that the public could genuinely help and not stick their oars in and go accusing some random old man of being a serial killer.
As it stands, I’m confused about a few things. I’m sure other people are too. It’s a bit of a clusterfuck tbh
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