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Well-known member
If she wants to do all her travelling that’s fine it’s the constant brag brag brag tap here tap here that pisses me off. If I could afford it I would be on one long holiday but that’s not real life is it? When she’s close to the end these holidays will mean nothing, she’s not making a mark on the world she’s litterally just bragging about what she’s doing. If she didn’t have cancer everyone would have much more to say about her basic bitch ways, if she didn’t have cancer she would be working like everyone else barely able to take a holiday each year. It’s all about the cancer card for this one. Her ugliness from the insider certainly shines out and I just can’t unsee her vile personality
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Spraying diluted fabric conditioner on an already probable flammable.wig is looking for trouble. Look at those stupid Hinch Huns who sprayed it on their sofas.
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I’m confused. When she’s in the uk or at home she’s in bed unable to function or make chemo appointments on time. Yet she can endure long haul travel no bother without chemo and just painkillers. Strange😜😜😜
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Agree. Doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. Feeding a deer…. Boring.
Rather be eating a deer than feeding it.

I hope there's going to be some happy food wiggles too?
Well of course, as I sat in the fish restaurant I firstly pretended to be a fish by doing some cool underwater moves and filming them, then when they brought me my lunch I clapped my hands in glee, briefly framed my own face with them and then picked up my whiting fillet and pretended it was alive by doing a swimmy-swim thing with it and christening it 'Willie Whiting'. HILARIOUS. HOWLING! MAYBE A BIT WIERD!
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A & E has minors for minor ailment or majors or sicker people, so like I was in majors for pancreatitis & gallstones and was admitted. Looks like the visit was for Alex ?! Am I wrong ?
based on the original photo she shared, i also thought that they were there for Alex, but she was actually pointing at the A&E sign, not him, and obviously just demanded he feature in her selfie. the original photo was followed by multiple photos - and then a reel - of Nicky with a drip, being given IV antibiotics, parading around with a drip stand - which she obvs told Alex to film - and wiggling her toes while on a hospital bed etc. she wasn't even on her usual teen cancer ward where the nurses are used to her antics, just skipping about wandering the corridors of A&E to ensure she had footage of herself attached to a drip stand to create a reel the moment she left. it must be such a surreal experience for nurses and NHS staff just trying to do their job and keep people alive, whilst influencers take any opportunity to use the hospital as a stage to perform for reels, or take photos as a cannula is being inserted etc, their sole focus on content and engagement, not their health as though it isn't an emergency department and they aren't supposedly very unwell!

she then shared that she has a crazy low white blood cell count and zero immunity, went to A&E as advised due or a slightly high temperature and was diagnosed with a chest infection, which they caught early, so she has been sent home with antibiotics, her predominant concern being that an infection could delay chemo, and that could cause their Thailand holiday to be cancelled, but absolutely no concern about going to Thailand when she is so at risk of infection! 🙄🙄
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Chemo causes far more side effects than just hair loss. She looks unwell because shes being pumped full of toxic poison every few weeks - it wrecks your entire body and makes you look horrific. Im not sure how people are expecting her to look?!
Yeah I don't think people truly appreciate what chemo is/does. If she wasn't on it she wouldn't look anything like this. I have to say I do think it's distasteful constantly pointing out how bad she looks, 'poorly', 'ill' fair enough but when people use words like awful etc, I'm sure she already knows and is feeling bad enough about it without hearing that. It's not like she can help it.

Not directed at you btw, it's previous comments I've seen.
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Was coming on to say allllllll of the above. Send your parents and book something else, go yourself and book your parents another trip, check your fecking booking forms - so many options! I still wonder if it was a gifted trip and they put them all in one room (one influencer / one room type deal) and she’s just not twigged cos it was a freebie!
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@Jvuddie hasnt been on in a while unless I’ve missed it. Hope she is ok ❤
Think she’s gone. rich (bowel bro) apparently worked out who she was in real life, posted her name on his instagram and he then claimed she had contacted him to apologise for her posts on tattle and that she had “seen the light” and decided never to post ever again…..
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View attachment 1914166

Is this stupid bitch for real? Posting this after only YESTERDAY publicly saying that she hadn’t bothered her arse to get up and go to hospital for her chemotherapy appointment because she blatantly just couldnt be arsed, and that she would just rock up at whatever time it suited her and expect that the nurses would just accommodate her…. And she has the audacity to post this today trying to act all holier than thou about missed appointments?! Seriously?! Fuck all the way off you stupid self absorbed knobhead.
I came to post the same thing! The cheek of her.
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Love that she is 'celebrating' the fact she got out of bed today. Ummm, you were literally out for lunch in a pub with a bunch of people YESTERDAY.

Assume she, like the rest of us, is aware that her followers are all braindead gimps who have probably already forgotten and are ready to spend more money they don't have on a grown adult stranger to do fun stuff, while she gaslights them into believing that she never leaves the house and is going to drop dead in two hours.

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Sorry, so you're telling me the 'transitions' (so basically changing into different clothes for another shite womens best advert) took ALL HER ENERGY but she's fine with swanning off to lapland. No energy needed there apparently 😂
Absolute clown.
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Surley Thailand is off the cards now?? I got the impression it was happening this week? They cant seriously consider going with her this unstable?
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funny how yesterday she very specifically stated that she had an appointment at 10am and has missed it, thus needed to hurry up and get ready, but was planning to rock up few hours late - without even letting the hospital know - fully expecting that she would be fit in, because she didn't think the ward was that busy! 🙄🙄

i absolutely do not believe that a ward doesn't give specific appointment times for chemo treatment, and patients can simply turn up when it suits them and receive the treatment they need - for a start, that would cause chaos as multiple patients may all turn up at once, but also the chemo meds wouldn't be readily available on demand! she's now attempting to lie to cover her awful behaviour yesterday, as she casually wandered around filming herself, smirking at the fact that she had missed her appointment and was going to turn up late! if it were true that she didn't have a specific appointment time, she wouldn't have stated that she was supposed to be at the hospital for a 10am appointment, glanced at the clock and giggled that she had overslept. either way, she's proved she is a liar, because if it were the case the ward doesn't have set appointment times, she was lying about missing a 10am appointment if it was totally fine for her to turn up at whatever time she wanted. surely that is a huge inconsistency that even her followers will pick up on! 🤷🏻‍♂️

she is absolutely shameless, taking her treatment for granted, expecting a ward to cater to her as though she's someone special and wasting time when the NHS is under so much strain - especially when, as she's highlighted, missing appointments costs the NHS hundreds of pounds. 😡
My partner is a cancer services lead and is involved with making and releasing chemo. She said it’s bullshit that she can just turn up and get chemo when she wants you have to have an appointment. I just called her out on it again! Lying bitch she’s so full of it 😂
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Chatty Member
The fake laugh story was EXCRUCIATING. “Ohhhhh Gaaaawwwd! You’ve got to laugh at yourself sometimes, haven’t ya?”

She’s so wild and quirky, isn’t she????? 🤪🤣
Can’t take her anywhere! 😜🫣🤩😋🥹😅

God have mercy on our souls
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I knew she'd be back in 🤣🙄🤬 what an idiot!! When does she go to Thailand?
She should have been kept in when she first presented to hospital....the hospital weren't following their own, or the NICE guidelines for neutropenic sepsis , which was extremely foolhardy of them....theres a strict protocol for dealing with neutropenia ....people unfortunately still die of sepsis every day in spite of this protocol
And it looks like she probably now has pneumonia as a consequence....I hope to god they tell her she can't go to Thailand now
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I'd be embarrassed turning up two hours late for a potentially life saving appointment with ONE scabby bar of chocolate from a holiday that cost her brain dead sheep thousands. I mean come on.
i would be more understanding if it was a case of her genuinely having overslept, but of that were the case, surely your priority would be to focus on getting dressed, and contact the ward, apologise and check if it was possible to still fit you in. her priority seems to be taking her time to get dressed, drink a glass of water, and ensure her entire morning routine is captured on SM, absolutely no concern about wasting the hospital's time, she's in absolutely no hurry as she breezily chats and smirks in her stories! it's all "oopsy, silly me!" - and fine, people make mistakes, people oversleep - but her refusal to take responsibility and immediately blaming it on the pain in her bones, as though she is somehow a unique case in comparison to all the kids and teens who also have cancer and will be experiencing pain and nausea and exhaustion etc, yet still turn up to their appointments on time because they appreciate the fact that they are receiving treatment and don't expect the world to revolve around them! she doesn't even appear to have phoned the ward and let them know she will be late - and not just by a few minutes - she simply intends to rock up to the ward with the expectation that the alter their schedule of appointments to fit her in, fully deserving of special treatment as though she is somehow above all the patients on a ward full of teens and young people where she shouldn't even be being treated, casually to dismiss the inconvenience she is going to cause both staff and other patients - who will be feeling just as unwell as she does, yet will be expected to simply accept that their appointment will be delayed, because nicky has arrived and fully expects to be treated like the princess she believes she is! 🙄🙄

i am disgusted by her sheer audacity, and the casual "i don't think many people have appointments today" as though the overwhelmed NHS should be catering to her every need, and absolutely no thought or apology to the staff or the patients whose treatment will be delayed as a result, despite them having had the respect and decent to turn up on time! plus the fact that she will undoubtedly expect to be able to film herself having chemo to create a reel for content, with the expectation that the nurses waste even more time smiling and waving at the camera or dancing the background of yet another contrived dance routine - all totally okay, because she's given them one measly chocolate bar to share between them! she should absolutely be feeling embarrassed and more so, incredibly ashamed of the way she used missing her appointment for content, bragging about her privilege in being able to simply turn up at the hospital and receive treatment as it suits her, despite the NHS being in crisis and he NG fully aware that many of her followers are likely on long lists waiting months/years for treatment they desperately need, while she is happy to place further burden on services by proudly wasting their time. 😡😡
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So now she's posting a reel that she clearly filmed before she announced the 'shock cancellation' of her trip about said 'shock cancellation' of her trip and she's also found an opportunity for an undeclared ad as part of it. As well as reminding us that she's probably going to end up with something better anyway.

Stay classy, Nick ✌
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@Jvuddie hasnt been on in a while unless I’ve missed it. Hope she is ok ❤
She left after the drama on the bowelbro thread. He basically bullied 3 users off of here.

He tried it again this week with Daisychain. Picked a follower that had the name daisy in it and decided it was her and posted it all over his Instagram. Vile creature he is.
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