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Chatty Member
I know it's easy to have a slip on the stairs but I'm tending ti agree it happened in Lapland. Did you see the speed the sled was going at when Alex was driving with her on the back? On ice for god sake
That was my immediate thought as well - slipped over in Iceland, or hurt it while making a snow angel 🙄
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Well-known member
God she looks really awful. Even with the wig and all on, she doesn’t look wellll at all
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VIP Member
Can’t take you anywhere! 🤭🤪😝😜🥰

Imagine this, though, in all seriousness: a NickNackLou satire account. Would easily become my favourite follow. 😂
I would do it, but I don't fancy being sued. Plus I look nothing like the woman.
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Cos she is special.

Yeah they are the NHS suppied boxes of 100 packets, bourbons, custard creams, shortcake and digestives and the like. Crawfords biscuits supply the NHS.
I too don't believe they are left out on a pillow for her.
Tea trolley will probably come around with em on and offer her them perhaps.
Would be wasteful leaving packets of biscuits on patient pillows.
If I had a teen (I don't) I'd be asking what she is doing parading round with teens and young adults. Anyone know if she's been asked that question?
I'm still stumped regarding the travel insurance she gets with insurewith (she says). She says that they offer it because her disease is stable and thats why its given to a 'terminally ill' patient. However, I am under the impression that she hasn't had stable disease until the last treatment?
I think she's a 🤥
Nah InsureWith is legit. They specifically cater to people with cancer and other terminal illness.
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Chatty Member
Wow. That was quite the spectacle today. There aren’t really words to describe it other than self absorbed & ridiculous. Gotta say, if I never hear that twinkling lights tune again I’ll die happy. Every twatfluencer & their dog has it on stories. Don’t get me started on the Elf tune 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Waiting for announcement she's begged and got a free upgrade with Emirates. Watch this space..
that will be the only reason she tagged Emirates in her story - definitely hoping for an upgrade the way she mentioned them in alongside a caption about how she's having to take it easy and rest etc, definitely playing the sympathy card. realistically, if you were genuinely feeling as tired and in as much pain as Nicky is claiming, the last thing you would do is book a holiday to Thailand, as the flights alone will be exhausting, not to mention the ridiculous and ununnecessary risk she is placing herself at when she has been warned about blood clots!

just wait though, predictable as ever - guaranteed that despite all this tiredness and pain and having to spend all her time resting and in bed, she will be totally fine while in Thailand, full of energy and her pain/tiredness not impacting her plans in any way, only to return home and be overwhelmed by exhaustion - and so the cycle continues! almost like she can flick a switch and turn her symptoms and and off as it suits her plans! 🙄🙄

also, this story about the stress of unpacking clothes, washing clothes and repacking clothes! hardly relatable, as the majority of people aren't going on holiday every other week, thus they are ever in this situation - but of course Nicky can't resist bragging about it, with the usual smug grin

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Thanks. Was a bit bemused but 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m not ‘stressed’ about her going, I just think it’s really really stupid.
It's OK I was baffled as to why your message was picked out like no ones stressed its just observatoon and venting, like every other message 🤷🏻‍♀️
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And flights with Emirates too.....wonder if she'd read here🤣
still thinks she's crazy for doing such a long haul flight (2x 71/2 hr flights ) she'd better have bloody good insurance sorted and make sure she wears flight socks! ( + Bangkok and Dubai airports are huge with a lot of walking between gates- you can get assistance in Dubai but less so in Bangkok)
Don’t worry about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Nicky’s not and she’ll have assistance for evvverything. Can’t be arsed with her lying bullshit anymore. Yes she had insurance obvs 🙄

Aside from the innate selfishness of the woman and her being too thick to read the room - why the hell is she going to Thailand when she can’t drag herself up to go to London. And can’t get up for medical appointments on time. It’s insane, and such a risk. Why is no one around her telling her it’s stupid?!
Why do you care ? Just let her get on with it, no point in getting stressed about a lying, smug attention seeking twat.
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VIP Member
There’s a photo of her sister on her Instagram from Christmas Day. She is the complete opposite in looks from Nikki. Nikki will see that as her being superior because she’s slimmer but Nikki isn’t attractive at all Imo. She’s not pretty and her personality makes her even less so sadly.
There is? I only see parents?