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You’re right! I’d be devastated if that was my daughter, but would be disgusted if he was 20🤮🤮

When he was 15/16, she was only 10. That does not sit well with me.
She always claims they decided to have the first one - but did they really!? She’s just put a big post up about how he’s not a predator….. if you have to put a post up to tell the world that your partner isn’t a predator then it’s still not the best is it! Wonder if she will have the same feelings of her daughter decides to actively have a baby at 16 with a 20 something year old…
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Louisa Morley cracks me up when she was hard out promoting Temu. Aren’t we blessed that Tom did all the research and confirms it’s legit as 🤣🤣 Is he our god now?
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I know Danni isn’t popular on here but I agree with her on this
Yes, good on her for standing by her values but she's clearly been on here trawling for content ideas again. Come on Danni, why don't you tell everyone that you actually agree with us sometimes 😉
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Well-known member
To be fair 3k does seem quite pricey for a school observation. Looks like she sold a few on opening night. Not sure what her profit margin is
If she accepted help back when it was offered she wouldn’t be in this position. She was too good for mainstream schooling remember
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Lots of people getting defensive of other apps using your data 👀 ya’ll been out there sharing the Temu link huh?? 😂

YES other apps check your data! That’s literally why you google something or talk about it and next minute you’ve got ads popping up for that product. It’s called the ad algorithm and as someone else said: if you’re not paying for the product (e.g. Facebook) you ARE the product in the form of your data being sold.

Can all these Temu defenders show me where Facebook has as much access as Temu? I’d be interested to know and don’t care enough to search for myself.
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The irony of Skete referencing ‘our fave gossip forum’ when she has been deep in here (particularly on Simone’s thread) and still spends a lot of time chasing the comments.

Not sure when we ran a poll in here to confirm our race either. Because according to her we are all white 🤷🏼‍♀️

I see she has dropped down to 8k…not long ago she was close to 10k so seems like something’s not working.
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Going back to Skete/Christie’s sister in law ranting down the phone. Jesus Christ, imagine having someone insufferable like that in your life. No wonder she’s great mates with Christie Cum Stain 😳

I couldn’t listen to it all because she wasn’t making a whole lot of sense and it was boring, but is she insinuating that caring about Chinese workers means we don’t care about our own living in poverty?
You can care about both. You can support local charities and also not support exploitive websites 🤷🏼‍♀️
I looked on Temu and there’s nothing there that you wouldn’t be better off buying locally. There’s cheap clothes yup but you can get better quality items locally from a company that openly shares its policies on slave labour, or you can op-shop and still not support Temu and still buy affordable clothing.

I love him 😂 he’s such a fun follow!
I think skeet had to shut the f up because she couldnt keep attacking Emily for not caring about others while Emily is sewing bags or something from pillows for a food bank 😜😜😜😜😜😜 and skeet is just sitting on her ass
AGREE 🙄 sometimes comments in here can be reaching

Many websites do use personal data and track though! TEMU is not the only one 🙄 stop looking for that to be only problem site when many many things we all do daily allow us to be tracked or data leaked in some way.

I have a Visa card and they sent a email other day to say they got hacked and lots of our data got leaked then I keep getting spam calls. It happens all time
So whats your point then…Your gonna give away your pictures and everything to temu because it happens all the time weird flex
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Hi! Quick q: why does Em from the Emcult always shows herself in undies? Public page? Shortage of clothes? Or allergic to clothes? Guess I’m definitely done by my friends or so called! sending me screenshots of these and that! My eyes hurt 🔥
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Oh cool, we’ve got a second Simone Anderson do we? We didn’t even need the first one!
She’s lecturing everyone to do that bullshit “donate a bag” at new world, yet she’s not donating what she says she is? Absolute hypocrisy.
I mean yeah. The lack of transparency isn’t great. There’s a few scenarios. She’s donating the money and not showing receipts. She’s intending to donate the money and hasn’t gotten round to it (because she’s a lazy girl) but will at some point and then share receipts. She has decided she’s made enough donations and is now keeping the proceeds - which again is fine, but she needs to tell her subscribers, because the premise of her signing people up was that she was donating all proceeds. Have I missed anything?
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BUT to be fair most of the things in your life are probably made in China. Made in China doesn’t mean it’s bad, but who you are buying from and their working conditions etc. can change greatly.
This has been bothering me too actually. There was a screenshot shared earlier showing some influencer saying Temu was all good because dw guiz it's based in the US! On its own, that fact doesn't mean anything. It doesn't prove the products aren't made by child labour or in poor adult working conditions. Maybe only a head office is based in the US. If "it's based in the US!" is the best you've got, implying that's better than China, with nothing else to say about the matter, you're going to come off racist, soz 🤷‍♀️
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I use to like her and now she's just shown how greedy hungry she is for money she would do anything just have a good bank account.
Using her followers for her own gain.
She's on maternity leave she shouldn't be receiving any $$?

I'm not jelious I just don't like her attitude around this. It's yuck and I don't care if she's donated safe nights. Her attitude sucks.
The sad thing is she's trying to convince herself that it's all legit and not a scam just because google said they're ok. Companies like this know all the loopholes! I don't know if she just believes google or has a suspicion but despite that still wants the money anyway....just admit it if that's the case 🤷‍♀️ They aren't giving away that much money without it coming out of somebody's pocket and it certainly isn't coming from the pockets of the people sitting at the top.
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I Need a Name

Active member
Love this!!!
I get your logic but it doesn’t really apply here. Quite frankly, it’s none of our business how often Jess works or how Marnie parents or what Ellie eats or how often MFM keeps her kids home from school or how many prams Elle has or where Lulu sleeps and I don’t think discussing any of this on Tattle is going to encourage them to make any changes.

… Yet here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️

You can argue we’re here to call out problematic behaviour, and these people choose to publicise these things therefore open themselves up to discussion. Well, same deal. That shit is problematic. If that’s off limits, everything else should be off limits.
But weight isn’t a behaviour and it’s not actually something that is easily changed. And she’s not on social media telling people to gain weight or trying to sell her fat.

Lulu’s parents can change where she sleeps, Elle can get rid of her prams, Jess could work more, Maria could send her kids to school because those are all modifiable behaviours but Finau existing in her body isn’t a behaviour.

There’s enough problematic sh*t to snark on without gatekeeping at what size a women is allowed to feel sexy or being unkind about a woman purely based on the size of their body.
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