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So it took me 3 attempts to correctly guess which dancing fruit video Tommy wanted for his last feed, turns out me thinking he was sick of the birthday Hey Bear was my mistake and he screamed the place down until I realised my error and put it back on for the 1000000000th fucking timeeeeeeeeeee :censored: :ROFLMAO:
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Had a dream we all went on a Tattle coach trip. How weird that your brain can make up you think people look like 🤪 Can’t remember much but the weird head thing from the knight bus in Harry Potter was the driver (see picture) and there was also an aquarium on the bus in which we could put the babies.

In case you can’t tell I had cheese with my dinner.

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You’ve just broken my dream!!! I had a dream all our babies were auditioning for Annie,… I haven’t seen that film since I was about 6.
clearly we were getting the bus to the auditions 🥴😂
I didn’t have cheese but I read page 1 on this new thread and passed out 😂
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Narcissists?! 😂

I am stupidly really pissed off about it. I wanted to elope, and when I was engaged she told me she’d never speak to me again if we did. So we had a proper wedding. So for her now to elope and then to find out via Facebook takes the real biscuit! It must have been quite planned as she’s got professional hair, makeup and flowers in the photo. I think I’m just cross she lied? I dunno. I have a lot of feelings about it and I’m not quite sure how to express those yet
I got married at Gretna Christmas 2020 - you can get packages that include the hair and makeup etc.
My wedding was quite farcical in that we raced up from England for it as the borders closed like a day later. Rules were different in Scotland and England and it was the 4 tier Christmas.
I had lashes and stuff done at home, but the lass doing my makeup up there rang the week before and told me I’d have to buy my own foundation and lipstick as up there I still had to wear a mask so she’d only be able to do my eyes/brows/face around my mask and I’d have to fill the rest in myself 🤣
But yeah, it deffo will have been planned. To get the marriage licence for Gretna, Dumfries & Galloway council need at least 28 days notice or something like that.
Sorry she’s cheated you out of doing your wedding the way you wanted, and then strung you along with bridezilla nonsense 🙃
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My milk supply seems off (haven’t started with the Haakaa) and Baby Bluebird seems to be having none of it, literally & figuratively— nearly bit my nipple off
earlier, at 3 weeks old.

I have so much milk from like 2 am to 12pm, like A LOT. And she gets super hungry starting around 4or 5pm until 9pm, and drinks every hour, both boobs. Last night I gave up and gave formula because she wouldn’t settle and seemed so hungry. Drank a lot and went straight to sleep. Same thing again tonight— eating constantly, eating the boob that is, and super restless. We gave her 100+ml of breast milk and she seems settled and asleep now. My boobs feel so deflated during these afternoon/evening feedings that I’m starting to get worried she’s not actually getting anything when she drinks and that coupled with settling last night and tonight (and being super restless) I’m worried about my supply at the end of the day. It’s almost as id I dry up in the afternoon and early evening.

I should still be producing, right?

I’m going to give the lactation consultant a call tomorrow, and we’re also going to the walk in hours at the pediatrician so I’ll talk to them as well.
You are absolutely producing, it may feel like there's nothing there but there will be exactly what she needs!
The whole feeding every hour and the restlessness is her telling your body what she needs tomorrow and shes putting her order in so to speak. It sounds like she is cluster feeding, this is totally natural (and exhausting) for her age but it's how she helps your supply establish! ❤
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Chatty Member
At what point do people stop telling me because I can’t put the baby down that she’s spoilt? Every single time I see my mum, she makes a point repeatedly telling me she’s spoilt. I don’t know how I’ve kept my cool so long. But it’s really starting to bother me. If she isn’t saying how spoilt she is, she’s constantly commenting on how she looks, she never says anything bad but it almost comes across negative to me? It all could be hormones but it bothers me so much
God, I hate this so much! I will literally hug my baby all day long if she needs me, she is a little baby and we are all they know! 🥺
I’m also not keen on it when people say ‘has she been a good girl’ like yeh? She’s four months old, she can’t be naughty can she? She’s always good!!!!
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Belle Amie

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Everleigh woke up last night and at 3am was singing 'row row row your boat' to herself.
Although she can only say row. So she just repeat sings the word row 😂
Is it bad I find this really creepy, like horror movie creepy.
Not that Everleigh is creepy 😂
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On the bright side, it’s only taken 6.5 months but I’ve just had a shower without losing what feels like half a head of hair! Hopefully the postpartum hair loss is at an end!
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Does anyone else not know what to do with themselves when OH has the bub? I genuinely have no identity anymore, there is literally nothing I am interested in or want to do. After I do necessities like eat and stuff I'm just sat there staring at him like, but what do I do? :ROFLMAO:
My partner walked to the shops with all 3 yesterday and I spent over half the time just sitting on the edge of the bed scrolling tattle and tiktok before I decided to shower. And that was it 😂 went back to sitting on the edge of the bed scrolling tiktok 😂
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Hello I'm new here I have a 9 week old (10 weeks tomorrow 😩) we are in the midst of leap 2 and he js a clingy sweaty gammon and I am living off coffee. Happy to be here 🥰
Welcome, I can already tell from your post you are going to fit in like a dream, gammons unite :ROFLMAO:
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My KW is being a complete KW… the wifi isn’t working in the house for anything except his work computer and has been all week. Which is great for him, but I’m therefore parenting without any tv, iPads, yoto, anything all bloody week. Because he won’t do anything about it til the weekend, he won’t even let me restart the router, because he doesn’t want to potentially jeopardise the fact that his laptop still works. Which I sort of get but also it’s so annoying
Turn the leccy off and pretend it was a powercut 😈
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Uh not sure on the cat part to be honest 🤣
But that does sound totally plausible. She’s used to sleeping with her buddy, so the fact she isn’t any more may be a stressor for her. The only way to find out would be to put them back together again though, surely? Which may then disrupt T1?
That's my thinking they've both slept much better the past two nights despite twin 2 being her usual strange self. I'm hoping a few more nights and she'll be used to it 🤞🏻
Shes ate great again today but she's not taken much milk again, which I can live with at the moment but in an ideal world she needs to get back on it so I can give her meds properly rather than 70% ending up in her neck folds from syringing her🤣
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I knew you could do funny, but this got me right in the feels!
But you’ve said it perfectly, @I’mThankyou_ you’re an absolute trooper and there’s no shame in admitting that you don’t find it easy, in fact it’s hugely courageous. No advice at all just know that we’re all here to support you ❤
I don’t generally dabble with meaningful, I usually have nothing helpful to add advice wise as I have no fucking clue what I’m doing most of the time 🤣 I’m that friend who backs away slowly and awkwardly pats you on the head saying “there there” 💀😂

Every now and then though I have a rare moment of utility 😅 can’t bare thinking mama thank you is beating herself up over anything. Or any of you honestly, we are all rockstars in our own ways. Different problems but all loving unconditionally. What more can you ask for honestly?
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Haven't managed to catch up as I'm just drowning at the moment. I haven't got 2 seconds to sit and read anything at all So sorry to everyone for not engaging and just banging on about myself 🤣 I don't mean too I've just got nowhere to vent and I'm struggling.

Summer hols has really got me. My 5yo had a bad day yesterday and had some major meltdowns, then she had night terrors that were the worst I've ever seen. Like a crazy demon who is asleep actually running about the house attempting to smash things up and screaming non stop for 45 minutes. It was very distressing. We have however finally realised that when she has lots of meltdowns in a day to basically be up and waiting for night terrors because it will happen. I think the neighbours probably think something terrible is going on in this house the shouting and screaming they must hear 😕 trying to get her assessed for autism but her teachers said they hadn't seen any signs at all and didnt think it was nessesary and our GP is reluctant to do anything without teacher support so I feel very stuck with her.

Baby elf is moving ALOT and I'm finding i cant do anything at all ☹ i can't turn my back for two seconds without him making a beeline for things that could hurt him. Most of the time he's whinging if he's down on the floor and I'm just at a loss of what to do with him, the sound goes right through me. I'd love to sit and play with him all day long but I have another child too who needs feeding and attention and a house that is a shit tip so I cant and I'm just literally drowning 😓

KW said to me today "this is your job now try to cope better". No I have a job that pays me a wage, these are OUR children and I'm struggling so get off your ass and HELP ME.
God that sounds so tough, and your KW really does need a chat with baby Tommy and his axe!

I don't think they understand how hard it is meeting the needs of more than one child at the same time, my husband is generally great and only occasionally ventures into KW territory but I still think he'd lose his damn mind if he had to look after both children alone for even a few hours, never mind take them for a day out or attempt to cook tea etc etc. I've had a few different jobs and although they might be taxing in other ways I have never had a job so relentless, so exhausting and for such little pay!! So he can just fuck right off with that comment.

Sending empathy and gin 💕
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Just what you need the day before you go back to work, being sick through the night and feeling like shit today. My stomach hurts so much. 😭 just hope little one doesn’t get anything and they send her home on her first day 😂
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wakametango 2.0

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I spend all day at work looking at photos of her. This is what we are now 😂💕 the first drop off is the hardest but it’s getting easier x
They said oh you can go for a coffee, I don’t think me crying in Costa is a good look so I said no I’ll be in my car outside crying so just ignore me! 🫠🫠🫠
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