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I think I need a lobotomy. Have caught myself this morning thinking about what it would be like with 4 kids???? Am I insane???? T is only 7 months??? I have 3 under 5????

Doesn’t help that the baby is sent from heaven, most chilled out dude I’ve ever met. I’ve seen the other side of babies in my middle and it’s like the firey pits of hell (no offence to middle sailor intended) but surely it can’t be that bad? It definitely was that bad. Mr Sailor has said an absolute no.

Someone send me some life aid and please put a stop to this train of thought immediately 😂

Is anyone else just permanently broody in life? When does it end? Can you tell I’ve had 3 shots of espresso in my coffee this morning?
4 kids is nothing when you have 3 already 👀 I’ve just spent the week with 5 kids and I’m fine 🤥😂
There was a little baby last night in the club house at the caravan park, and I DIDNT get broody. I think my time is up (even though we can’t have anymore ✂) I honestly am so over having babies, especially now baby b is at the delightful age of army crawling 🫠
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One of the hardest parts of solo bedtime is making sure the children fall asleep in the right order. Because tonight it all went wrong and the baby fell asleep first and then the toddler woke her up after 10 mins of sleep. So baby now thinks it was just a lovely nap and I’m now destined to be awake for hours
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I'm getting close to turning into one of those neighbours that refuses to give the ball back and pops it though 😂
17 things I handed back yesterday that they'd thrown over the fence!
Plant pots and all sorts!

(and yes, I counted so I could go back inside and rant to my partner 😂)

There's currently a book and all sorts they've thrown again. I refuse to throw them back 😂
Only did last time because she asked
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Do you have a link to that? Were looking for something for baby cucumber's birthday
@Definitelyme has posted the link, the reviews looked great and apparently it was dispatched already 👍 will feed back when it arrives!

first full day of nursery and first day back at work for me 😭😭😭 poor baby cried her eyes out when she realised she wasn’t coming home with me! Haven’t had a call from them so assume (pray) she’s now fine….

@Crazycatlady18 SO many nursery germs here too, baby b now has the worse sounding cough ever. Hopefully it doesn’t take them long to catch everything going and then they’ll be immune for a little bit…
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It’s head f*ck 😂😅. I mean I hear phantom cries when I’m in the shower but tonight I think I was actually hearing a real baby for once!

ps- think you’ve mentioned before but oh dear lord 2 sets of twins 💀
She's a single Mum as well. Rarely hear her raise her voice either 😂
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wakametango 2.0

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She wakes up and throws herself around but she won't take a feed she'll just whinge until she tires herself out again
Sorry, I didn’t read your post properly first of all, I just picked up on the milk intake… I’m glad you have this safe space to say how you feel without judgement because that’s a heavy load to carry. Having a child that isn’t medically ‘well’ is tough, the extra worry, appointments etc, added to another two whole other humans to care for. Just know we’re always here for when it gets too tough to handle, not physically but lots of love & support. I know the girls are similar age to baby Waka, In terms of milk does she require anymore for her age as baby Waka only had about 8oz today x
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I have to wake Tommy up for his bottle every morning and the one day I need to give him it late of bloody course he wakes early and starts screaming bloody murder 😤

This child is going to be a satanist one day I’m sure 💀😭🤣
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Baby Runner is having what is her longest ever chunk of sleep (Shes been asleep since 8pm…) so am I asleep too enjoying it?! Nope, Toddler Runner is awake. It’s like kids know?!?
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I’m dreading nursery as they don’t do logs or have an online portal of photos/evidence. Parents have complained that everyone gets the same feedback at the door, I’d you ask what they ate they ask you to look at the menu online 😩
yeah ours don’t seem to do a log either! They do send photos but I haven’t had any unless I’ve specifically asked for them. Baby b has just had her third settling in session and if anything she’s even less settled than ever 🫣 they also fed her meat when we don’t eat it at home (very apologetic but still!)
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Part of motherhood that I hate is not being able to poo in peace. We’re staying somewhere with no lock on the bathroom door. So I had the baby in with me already as my husband doesn’t cope with two children well. Then the toddler wandered in because she can open the door. Then my husband comes in to ask if I want him to take at least one child out…. Who needs privacy anyway 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
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wakametango 2.0

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I hate nursery. It’s just caused the most amount of crying ever this week. She won’t settle I feel so guilty. I wish I could afford to quit 😭
I know it takes time to
Settle in and she is always ok there she just takes it out on me and I hate it.
It’s so hard isn’t it, she’s still in transition so hopefully in time she’ll settle in and her naps et. will align and she’ll be more content with what to expect.. I hate it too and we haven’t even started yet (Thursdays her first day, I have to hand her over at the door I’m not even allowed to her peg)
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Happy to report the birthday party went ahead! We did not get sick although I do have a sore throat and tickly chest. Baby is still vomiting though (which makes it 9 days of puking most feeds) but on Friday it was 7 times and today only 3 so some improvement. On our third dr visit on Friday they said if she didn’t stop vomming completely over the weekend they would see her Monday as she might need some ‘help’…not sure what that entails. But still not well enough for nursery I’m wondering if she will ever go back🙈 we have also been told to wean off the omeprazole as they suspect that is the cause of her not being able to fight off the bug, and why her stomach is so inflamed. God help us.
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I've just been doing exactly the same @Dipdab 🙈

I'm feeling really resentful of my parents tonight. They insisted on visiting when baby was 3 days old even though I was recovering from a C-section. I asked them to consider waiting til the following weekend but they got upset. So they only saw us for maybe 4 hours as it was all just too much. They live 400 miles away so it was a long way for them to come for so little time.

That was 8 weeks ago. Not seen them since. Mum has gone on and on about missing him, crying on the phone etc. She had 2 weeks of annual leave left to take but they've decided to have their 3rd holiday abroad this year, rather than coming to see their grandson. I won't hear from her for days and then I'll get a message demanding a "live" photo. 🙄 Tonight she randomly asked if she could have a photo of him to post on her Facebook (I suppose at least she asks first...). When they came it was like a bloody press conference, she was uploading to her social media all day. Now I've got my dad messaging me asking if he's sleeping through the night yet?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ And saying how they didn't have bath seats in their day and they "only" dropped me under the water once.

They are such a weird mix of over-bearing and not giving a shit and it's really getting to me. I had the most wonderful relationship with my grandparents growing up and I just know it's not going to be the same for him. Sorry, just needed to write all of that down!
So basically she wants a grandchild when it suits her, but has no interest in actually being any help or support? Unbelievable behaviour - or would be if I didn’t see it cropping up so often with so many of our lovely mums. You deserve better, and baby C deserves better too. I’m sorry that it’s not what you’d want for your family ❤ Are your in laws any better?

This chat of not ideal grandparents makes me think we haven’t heard from @moimoi in ages. Hope all is well 👋🏻
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Belle Amie

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Thanks lovely, you have mine too. Isn't it so disappointing. I'm certain my mum has narcissistic traits. It's all about how she's a grandma now, the fun showy things, not the actual realities of having a grandchild.
This is my mum to a T. She loves the fact she’s got a grandson she can brag about on Facebook and she’s physically pushed me out of the way to push my pram - even though it’s like a weapon when she does. But when it comes down to actual changing nappies or soothing him when he cries or playing with him she can’t or won’t do it.

That’s the reason I don’t trust leaving her alone with him still, yet my MIL is so good with him I’d happily leave him with her for hours
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Part of motherhood that I hate is not being able to poo in peace. We’re staying somewhere with no lock on the bathroom door. So I had the baby in with me already as my husband doesn’t cope with two children well. Then the toddler wandered in because she can open the door. Then my husband comes in to ask if I want him to take at least one child out…. Who needs privacy anyway 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
This annoys me so much 😂
My 4yo will be playing, hasn't spoken to me for the past half an hour but as soon as I step in that bathroom, she's in the doorway talking to me as if she hasn't seen me in years.
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