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Day 7 of whatever viral bug baby pain has and there is literally no sign of improvement. Still vomiting almost every feed and in between as well! Been to the drs twice and just been told to ride it out but not sure how much longer I can cope, nearly had a breakdown last night. My OH puked last night but seems a bit better today, I’ve got a sore throat but no puking but my 3yo this morning said she felt a bit unwell but wasn’t sure in what way, was happy in herself though so I’m hoping she doesn’t get sick as it’s her birthday party on Sunday and if she is sick I’ll have to cancel and I’ve spent so much time and money organising it! I never expected a vomiting bug to last this long 😢 I am wondering if it’s because she is on omeprazole as I read that can affect the immune system especially for tummy bugs.
Oh, poor baby :( Hope it'll get better soon!
Does she have a fever?

Did the sugar test and also secretly tested in between myself 😁 My values seemed perfectly normal, so hoping it'll be fine! Will get the results next Friday 🤞

Also, Kitten is 40 weeks old today! I was induced on 40 weeks and Kitten was born on 40+1!
So grateful to have this little human in my life! My heart is so full when I look at her ❤🥺

I think I might want another, but I didn't really like pregnancy, nor the first few newborn weeks 😅
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Solidarity 4-monthers! It's such a lovely age too though, the giggles kill me, we were having a Disney dance party after dinner last night and he was just in bits watching his sister 💕 and grinning like mad at me, it's adorable!

But yes, naps longer than 30 minutes and sleep at night would be lovely!
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I'd happily have another pregnancy and another baby over and over again but then I think I'd have to send them to boarding school age 2.5 🤣🤣 I really think two toddlers is going to be my limit as one is currently stressing me to high heaven!
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Well KW is still out, messaged me to say hes ill and had to get a water 😫 apparently he is getting the bus home now so can't wait for him to arrive home in all his stinking drunk glory 🤣

Of course I have both kids in bed with me so he'll be on the sofa tonight, unlucky KW
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Sure you can do with one kidney anyway right?

Not quite the same situation, but when my nephew was born (full term) he was very unwell, had to be helicoptered to a specialist hospital at 1 day old and had 3 operations over a few weeks. My SIL didn’t celebrate his first birthday as she said she couldn’t bring herself to as it was just reminding her of how horrendous the NICU stay and the whole situation had been. They had a day together as a family, and then they celebrated 6 weeks later - on the anniversary of when he came home from hospital and their “proper” family life began. I know that it’s different for everyone, but just to let you know others have felt similar about a first birthday approaching.
I love this idea.
We have decided something similar we're going to celebrate them being 1 on the 25th but on 26th September when they should of been born & they're medically classed as a one year old were going to have a wonder around sea life and its another excuse for cake 😏
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Philosophical, sleep deprived, caffeine and dancing fruit induced 5am thought of the day - parenting is this weird mix of my life has never had so much glorious purpose/I am in baby purgatory and everyday of my life is the same or worse, can anyone relate? 😅 🤣
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Baby Bluebird is 1 month today. I can’t believe it.

She slept* in a stretch of 5 hours and 6 hours between feedings. She was noisy and wiggly at 12:30 but wasn’t signaling for food. I tested her a few times and her mouth was clamped shut so I just left her to it. She then started really letting me know she was hungry around 2:30. Can’t believe she then went on to a 6 hour chunk after the 2:00 feed.

Fed her at 9pm last night and picked her up wrong and she screamed and cried briefly. I felt terrible, but OH jumped out of bed as if there were a fire. I said all was okay and he got back in and was fast asleep. He’s a much happier person now that he’s not waking up with me for every feed and sleeping 7/8pm to 2/4 pm, when he naturally wakes up.

And somehow I’m tired and could sleep more, which I might do after I start laundry.

*in loose 4 week old terms. Still wiggly & noise making.
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Yes my kw is always like this! If we’re tidying up the house for visitors etc he will decide to clean something totally random like the inside of the wardrobe (true story) rather than being useful and hoovering the living room 🙃.
I got my KW to help cleaning the house for some friends of his to stay a few weeks ago and despite there being a bunch of different jobs to do, he spent an HOUR cleaning the bathroom which I said just needed a quick wipe down. He was scrubbing it to death and as he said "doing it properly" insinuating that I don't clean it well enough usually! Cheeky fucker - could have murdered him 🙃 and I did point out he's free to clean it whenever he likes!!
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My next door neighbours have their baby grandson staying with them who is around the same age. Obvs with it being hot and windows/doors open etc I keep hearing that baby and thinking it’s one of mine 😅. The monitor in their room is even picking up his cries occasionally. So buzzing for guess which baby is crying during the night 😂. (I’m sure they’re having the same issue with us).
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Talking of sleep since starting nursery this week she wakes around 5-5.30am I am knackered!!!!! It’s only me in the mornings, then work and it’s only me in the evening. I’ve not even been having dinner this week because I can’t be arsed. I hope she settles soon.
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One of the hardest parts of solo bedtime is making sure the children fall asleep in the right order. Because tonight it all went wrong and the baby fell asleep first and then the toddler woke her up after 10 mins of sleep. So baby now thinks it was just a lovely nap and I’m now destined to be awake for hours
I have the same issue with my husband and baby. Husband first, then baby.
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Well I checked to make sure she was fed lunch & a bottle but the woman who took her in wasn’t in yesterday but she’ll check! 😡
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Right ladies, at your recommendation I have brown noise on. I’m expecting miracles. See you all at 7am, yeah?

Fully expect to be awake at 11, 1, 2, 3, 5 as normal
We have an 8hr rain storm sounds podcast on here, as we have done everynight since he was born. Does it make him sleep longer? No
Can I now sleep without it? Also no
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Just cutting baby Rita’s nails and she moved her hand when I wasn’t expecting it and I cut a tiny bit of skin off 😭😭😭😭 she really screamed and cried and it was bleeding although it has stopped now. Currently feeling like the worst mum and I’m so traumatised I feel like I never want to cut them again
I feel like it’s a right of passage for babies to have their fingers snipped when we cut their nails, don’t feel guilty we’ve all done it. I saw someone recommend doing them when they’re sleeping because they don’t thrash around but I don’t have the balls - I imagine potentially waking them up would feel as stressful as bomb disposal
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KW swanned off on an impromptu afternoon at the pub so I'm left here with both kids. Baby elf has refused to nap since 11 so he is MISERABLE. Trying to sort out some food for the 5yo one handed as he won't let me put him down. 5yo demanding all sorts, everytime I come out the kitchen shes asking for a drink, some sauce or whatever and I'm straight back in. Baby elf has definitely eaten cat food today 🤷🏼‍♀️ everytime I blink hes at the bloody bowl! Now attempting to run a bath for the kids with a screaming overtired baby hanging off me.

KW just messaged to say hes "having a blinder" so staying out 🤬 I'm mean ffs I haven't seen anybody accept my kids for months but okay mate carry on drink up get another round in dont worry about me
As if he messaged to say he's having a blinder?! Utter get-in-the-bin territory!
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I've given up and have learnt to embrace it! It's just hard isn't it when everyone on your baby due fb group is saying how their baby has slept 12 hours a night since day 1 😂😂😂
I think they are lying to you! Babies at that age aren’t supposed to go that long without a feed. I call bs on those people lol
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Chatty Member
Didn’t they say in about 2015 there were more CEOs called John than women?
Like you say, yay on P&G for being slightly ahead of the curve at 50% (although we shouldn’t need to applaud this); my experience of equity funds is that they tend to be male dominant (frequently get asked if I’m taking minutes to pass to the male lawyer 🙃)
Yes, I remember that report 🤦🏻‍♀️

Applauding things that should just be status quo is super depressing, and sadly I fear it will be another generation until proper equality starts to creep through (keeping fingers crossed for all the baby girls on this thread!). I’m a fellow lawyer so recognise the ‘mistaken identity’ comments as they wait for someone male to join the meeting or to ‘supervise’ me (my fave was when my male trainee was assumed to be leading a meeting- sure let’s trust the baby faced 25year old male newbie over the 30 something female with over a decade of experience…) 😡

Rant over- it’s a topic close to my heart which riles me up all the time!

Also, so far none of baby authors boy baby clotheshave any impractical buttons, or anything that would be uncomfortable on the back (only experienced newborn and 0-3month so far). Dread to think what you are referring to on girls clothes!
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We took our first trip to the city center today! All of these little outings help me to feel more confident for when OH leaves and I’m on my own with a 7 week old and my aging dad when he visits.

I think I’m nervous because she eats on demand and doesn’t “demand” until she’s over hungry and then starts crying a lot. Then I need to find somewhere to feed her that’s not smack dab in the middle of a city street or on a bus etc. We did feed in car park today so that was a new adventure. Only a few people saw my breasts 🤣.

I also feel like such a fraud when I say “gave birth”. I always put it in air quotes because I feel like to give birth one must labor and push. What kind of ducked up internalized misogynistic thinking is that? Am I being silly for thinking this? OH says yes. (I don’t want to cause any offense to others who’ve had sections, this is my own messed up thinking🤦‍♀️)
I had a section and I also feel like a fraud saying “when I gave birth””. I end up saying “when I had the babies” or “when they were born” Which is silly because We did give birth just in a different way
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Yes my kw is always like this! If we’re tidying up the house for visitors etc he will decide to clean something totally random like the inside of the wardrobe (true story) rather than being useful and hoovering the living room 🙃.

Happy birthday baby @Babyyoda88 hope you’re having a lovely weekend celebrating together ❤🎂
Wait…your guests don’t check out the insides of your wardrobes???
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